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Last active August 5, 2022 17:18
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ScrollChildIntoView Unity helper function for ScrollRect
namespace Zayats.Unity.View
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public static class ScrollHelper
public static void ScrollChildIntoView(this ScrollRect scrollRect, int childIndex)
ScrollChildIntoView(scrollRect, (RectTransform) scrollRect.content.GetChild(childIndex));
public static Vector3 GetContentLocalPositionToScrollChildIntoView(this ScrollRect scrollRect, int childIndex)
return GetContentLocalPositionToScrollChildIntoView(scrollRect, (RectTransform) scrollRect.content.GetChild(childIndex));
public static void ScrollChildIntoView(this ScrollRect scrollRect, RectTransform child)
scrollRect.content.localPosition = GetContentLocalPositionToScrollChildIntoView(scrollRect, child);
public static Vector3 GetContentLocalPositionToScrollChildIntoView(this ScrollRect scrollRect, RectTransform child)
var content = scrollRect.content;
var viewport = scrollRect.viewport;
var vsize = viewport.rect.size;
var (cpos, csize) = TransformRectFromTo(content, viewport);
var (ipos, isize) = TransformRectFromTo(child, viewport);
var d1 = ipos;
Vector2 desiredPosition;
bool isOffLeft = d1.x < 0;
bool isOffRight = d1.x > vsize.x - isize.x;
if (isOffLeft)
desiredPosition.x = 0;
else if (isOffRight)
desiredPosition.x = vsize.x - isize.x;
desiredPosition.x = ipos.x;
bool isOffTop = d1.y > 0;
bool isOffBottom = d1.y < vsize.y - isize.y;
if (isOffTop)
desiredPosition.y = 0;
else if (isOffBottom)
desiredPosition.y = vsize.y - isize.y;
desiredPosition.y = ipos.y;
var currentItemPosition = ipos;
var positionOffset = desiredPosition - currentItemPosition;
var result = content.localPosition;
var scale = content.localScale;
result.x += positionOffset.x / scale.x;
result.y += positionOffset.y / scale.y;
return result;
private static readonly Vector3[] _FromWorldCornersCache = new Vector3[4];
private static (Vector2 BottomLeft, Vector2 Size) TransformRectFromTo(RectTransform from, RectTransform to)
Vector3[] fromWorldCorners = _FromWorldCornersCache;
Matrix4x4 toLocal = to.worldToLocalMatrix;
Vector3 a = toLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(fromWorldCorners[0]);
Vector3 b = toLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(fromWorldCorners[2]);
Vector2 a0, b0;
if (a.x < b.x)
a0.x = a.x;
b0.x = b.x;
a0.x = b.x;
b0.x = a.x;
if (a.y < b.y)
a0.y = a.y;
b0.y = b.y;
a0.y = b.y;
b0.y = a.y;
return (new Vector2(a0.x, b0.y), b0 - a0);
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