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Created May 21, 2015 08:21
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defmodule P5 do
def work(num, list, target, result \\ "")
def work(num, [], target, result) do
if num == target, do: IO.puts "#{result}#{num |> abs |> to_string}"
def work(num, [head | tail], target, result) do
work(head, tail, target - num, "#{result}#{abs(num)} + ")
work(-head, tail, target - num, "#{result}#{abs(num)} - ")
work(concat(num, head), tail, target, result)
def concat(a, b) do
zeroes = trunc(:math.log10(b)) + 1
result = abs(a) * trunc(:math.pow(10, zeroes)) + b
if abs(a) == a, do: result, else: -result
target = 100
[head | tail] = Enum.to_list(1..9), tail, target)
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