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Created July 28, 2021 00:27
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pragma solidity 0.4.19;
import { SafeMath } from "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { ERC20 } from "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import { Exchange } from "../shared/Exchange.sol";
import { Proxy } from "../shared/Proxy.sol";
import { MathHelpers } from "../lib/MathHelpers.sol";
* @title CoveredOption
* @author dYdX
* CoveredOption represents a specific type of covered option corresponding to
* a unique combination of:
* - underlyingToken
* - baseToken
* - expirationTimestamp
* - underlyingTokenStrikeRate
* - baseTokenStrikeRate
* This contract facilitates issuance and exercise of its type of options
* Each option adheres to the ERC20 token standard to allow transfer and trading
* of options after issuance
contract CoveredOption {
using SafeMath for uint;
// ----------------------------
// ---- Constant Variables ----
// ----------------------------
// Address of the underlying token. This is the token underlying the option.
// Must implement the ERC20 token standard
address public underlyingToken;
// Address of the base token. This token will be used to pay premiums as well as to pay the
// strike price upon option exercise. Must implement the ERC20 token standard
address public baseToken;
// Timestamp indicating the expiration date of this option
// TODO make sure in millis
uint256 public expirationTimestamp;
// The strike price is made up of an exchange rate between underlying and base token
uint public underlyingTokenStrikeRate;
uint public baseTokenStrikeRate;
// ---------------------------
// ----- State Variables -----
// ---------------------------
// Address of the 0x Exchange Contract
// TODO how to change
address public exchange;
// Address of the dYdX Proxy Contract
address public proxy;
// Mapping containing the numbers of options owned by each address
mapping(address => uint256) public balances;
// Mapping containing the numbers of options written by each address
mapping(address => uint256) public writers;
// Total number of options outstanding
uint256 public totalOptions;
// Total amount of baseToken collected on option exercise and held by this contract
uint256 public totalBaseToken;
// Total number of options written
uint256 public totalWritten;
// Total number of options withdrawn after expiration
uint256 public totalWithdrawn;
// Total number of options exercised
uint256 public totalExercised;
// ------------------------
// -------- Events --------
// ------------------------
* Buy event indicating new options were issued
event Buy(
address indexed writer,
address indexed buyer,
uint options,
uint premium,
uint256 timestamp
* Exercise event indicating an options holder exercised some or all of their options
event Exercise(
address indexed exerciser,
uint amount,
uint256 timestamp
* Withdrawal event indicating a writer withdrew their share of base and underlying token
* after the option expired
event Withdrawal(
address indexed withdrawer,
uint balance,
uint underlyingTokenAmount,
uint baseTokenAmount
* Recovery event indicating an address which both wrote and held options traded in
* options in exchange for the underlying token
event Recovery(
address indexed recoverer,
uint amount,
uint256 timestamp
// -------------------------
// ------ Constructor ------
// -------------------------
function CoveredOption(
address _underlyingToken,
address _baseToken,
uint256 _expirationTimestamp,
uint256 _underlyingTokenStrikeRate,
uint256 _baseTokenStrikeRate,
address _exchange,
address _proxy
) public {
underlyingToken = _underlyingToken;
baseToken = _baseToken;
expirationTimestamp = _expirationTimestamp;
underlyingTokenStrikeRate = _underlyingTokenStrikeRate;
baseTokenStrikeRate = _baseTokenStrikeRate;
exchange = _exchange;
proxy = _proxy;
// -----------------------------------------
// ---- Public State Changing Functions ----
// -----------------------------------------
* Issue new options from a given writer offer. Options can be issued anytime before the
* expiration time of the option
* 1 - baseToken premium is transfered from buyer to this CoveredOption
* 2 - 0x Exchange Contract is called to exchange baseToken premium for underlyingToken.
* underlyingToken is kept by CoveredOption as colateral
* 3 - balances balance of buyer is increased by number of options purchased
* 4 - writers balance for the writer is increased by number of options written
* 5 - If there is excess baseToken not used by the 0x trade, transfer it back to the buyer
* 6 - totalOptions is incremented by the number of options written
* totalWritten is incremented by the number of options written
* 7 - Buy event is recorded
* @param orderAddresses Array of addresses corresponding to:
* [0] = writer
* [1] = feeRecipient
* [2] = makerFeeToken
* [3] = takerFeeToken
* @param orderValues array containing:
* [0] = underlyingTokenAmount
* [1] = baseTokenAmount
* [2] = writerFee
* [3] = buyerFee
* [4] = expirationTimestampInSec
* [5] = salt
* @param maximumPremium Maximum amount of premium in baseToken the the buyer wishes to pay
* new options will be issued on a 1:1 basis with number of
* underlyingToken transfered in by the writer as per the
* exchange rate offered in the trade
* @param v ECDSA signature parameter v
* @param r CDSA signature parameters r
* @param s CDSA signature parameters s
* @return _optionsIssued number of options issued to the buyer
function buy(
address[4] orderAddresses,
uint[6] orderValues,
uint maximumPremium,
uint8 v,
bytes32 r,
bytes32 s
) external returns (
uint _optionsIssued
) {
require(maximumPremium > 0);
require(block.timestamp < expirationTimestamp);
// Transfer the maximum baseToken premium from the sender to CoveredOption
Proxy(proxy).transfer(baseToken, msg.sender, maximumPremium);
address writer = orderAddresses[0];
// Transfer taker fee
uint takerFee = MathHelpers.getPartialAmount(
Proxy(proxy).transfer(orderAddresses[3], msg.sender, takerFee);
// Call the the Exchange Contract to exchange the baseToken premium for the underlyingToken
uint premium = Exchange(exchange).fillOrder(
uint optionsIssued = MathHelpers.getPartialAmount(
require(premium > 0);
require(optionsIssued > 0);
// Increment balances
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(optionsIssued);
writers[writer] = writers[writer].add(optionsIssued);
// Send back any excess baseToken premium taken from sender
// TODO make sure state of token has updated from first call
if (premium < maximumPremium) {
// Send back extra taker fee
uint extraTakerTokenAmount = takerFee.sub(
// Increment totals
totalOptions = totalOptions.add(optionsIssued);
totalWritten = totalWritten.add(optionsIssued);
Buy(writer, msg.sender, optionsIssued, premium, block.timestamp);
return optionsIssued;
* Exercise an amount of options. Exercising costs amount * (strike price) of baseToken. Holders
* can exercise any amount of options less than or equal to the number they own at any time
* before the option expiration date
* 1 - price in baseToken is calculated based on the number of options being exercised
* and strike price
* 2 - amount of options being exercised are deducted from holder's balance
* 3 - total price in baseToken is transfered to CoveredOption from the sender
* 4 - amount of underlyingToken is transfered to the sender
* 5 - totalExercised is incremented by amount exercised
* totalOptions is decremented by amount exercised
* totalBaseToken is incremented by the amount of baseToken paid to CoveredOption
* 6 - Exercise event is recorded
* @param amount number of options to exercise
* @return _totalBaseTokenPrice total price in baseToken paid for exercise
function exercise(
uint amount
) external returns (
uint _totalBaseTokenPrice
) {
require(amount > 0);
uint256 balance = balances[msg.sender];
require(balance >= amount);
require(block.timestamp < expirationTimestamp);
// Calculate total exercise price in baseToken
// TODO make sure there is no rounding error weirdness
uint totalBaseTokenPrice = MathHelpers.getPartialAmount(
require(totalBaseTokenPrice > 0);
// TODO make sure no reentrancy attack here
// Deduct balance
balances[msg.sender] = balance.sub(amount);
// Transfer total base token price from sender
Proxy(proxy).transfer(baseToken, msg.sender, totalBaseTokenPrice);
// Transfer underlyingToken to sender
require(ERC20(underlyingToken).transfer(msg.sender, amount));
// Update totals
// TODO is it ok to set these at the end?
totalExercised = totalExercised.add(amount);
totalOptions = totalOptions.sub(amount);
totalBaseToken = totalBaseToken.add(totalBaseTokenPrice);
Exercise(msg.sender, amount, block.timestamp);
* Withdraw a writer's portion of baseToken and underlyingToken.
* Can only be done after expiration of the option
* Note: this function can be called by any address. There is no reason for a writer not to
* withdraw, so anyone can trigger this
* 1 - Set the writer's balance to 0
* 2 - Calculate the writer's amount of baseToken and underlyingToken that can be withdrawn
* based on the total amount of each token held by CoveredOption and the proportion of
* options written by the writer
* 3 - Transfer the writer their amount of both baseToken and underlyingToken
* 4 - Increment totalWithdrawn by the writer's original balance
* 5 - Record a Withdrawal event
* @return _underlyingTokenAmount amount of underlyingToken withdrawn
* @return _baseTokenAmount amount of baseToken withdrawn
function withdraw(
address writer
) external returns (
uint _underlyingTokenAmount,
uint _baseTokenAmount
) {
// Validations
uint256 balance = writers[writer];
require(block.timestamp > expirationTimestamp);
require(balance > 0);
// Zero the writer's written balance
writers[writer] = 0;
// Calculate amount of each token the writer can withdraw
// TODO understand rounding errors
// TODO make sure this is right
uint underlyingTokenAmount = MathHelpers.getPartialAmount(
uint baseTokenAmount = MathHelpers.getPartialAmount(
// Transfer each token to the writer
// TODO make sure no reentrancy attack
if (underlyingTokenAmount > 0) {
require(ERC20(underlyingToken).transfer(writer, underlyingTokenAmount));
if (baseTokenAmount > 0) {
require(ERC20(baseToken).transfer(writer, baseTokenAmount));
// Update totals
totalWithdrawn = totalWithdrawn.add(balance);
Withdrawal(writer, balance, underlyingTokenAmount, baseTokenAmount);
return (underlyingTokenAmount, baseTokenAmount);
* Recover the underlyingToken deposited by a writer. The writer must own options greater than
* or equal to the recovery amount, and must have also written at least as many options.
* Recovery can only be performed before the expiration of the option
* 1 - Sender's written balance is decremented by the amount
* 2 - Sender's holder balance is decremented by the amount
* 3 - amount of underlyingToken is transfered to the sender
* 4 - Recovery event is recorded
* @param amount amount of underlyingToken to recover
function recover(
uint amount
) external {
// Validations
require(amount > 0);
require(block.timestamp < expirationTimestamp);
uint256 written = writers[msg.sender];
uint256 balance = balances[msg.sender];
require(written >= amount);
require(balance >= amount);
// Deduct from writer balance and balances
writers[msg.sender] = written.sub(amount);
balances[msg.sender] = balance.sub(amount);
// Transfer underlyingToken to sender
require(ERC20(underlyingToken).transfer(msg.sender, amount));
// Update totals
totalOptions = totalOptions.sub(amount);
totalWritten = totalWritten.sub(amount);
Recovery(msg.sender, amount, block.timestamp);
// ---------------------
// ------- ERC20 -------
// ---------------------
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
function transfer(
address to,
uint value
) public returns (
bool ok
) {
if (balances[msg.sender] >= value) {
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(value);
balances[to] = balances[to].add(value);
Transfer(msg.sender, to, value);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function transferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint value
) public returns (
bool ok
) {
if (balances[from] >= value && allowed[from][msg.sender] >= value) {
balances[to] = balances[to].add(value);
balances[from] = balances[from].sub(value);
allowed[from][msg.sender] = allowed[from][msg.sender].sub(value);
Transfer(from, to, value);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function approve(
address spender,
uint value
) public returns (
bool ok
) {
allowed[msg.sender][spender] = value;
Approval(msg.sender, spender, value);
return true;
function totalSupply() view public returns (
uint supply
) {
return totalOptions;
function balanceOf(
address who
) view public returns (
uint value
) {
return balances[who];
function allowance(
address owner,
address spender
) view public returns (
uint _allowance
) {
return allowed[owner][spender];
// TODO make this deterministic based on option parameters
function name() pure public returns (
string _name
) {
return "dYdX Covered Option";
// TODO make this deterministic based on option parameters
function symbol() pure public returns (
string _symbol
) {
return "dYdX";
// Decimals for the option will always match decimals for the underlying token
// since options are issued on a 1:1 basis with underlyingToken
function decimals() pure public returns (
uint8 _decimals
) {
return 18; // TODO ERC20(underlyingToken).decimals();
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
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