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Last active February 27, 2024 17:52
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  • Save Antoniozinchenko/b7e1d3679a88ec4f1b3a3bd6e5b44961 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Antoniozinchenko/b7e1d3679a88ec4f1b3a3bd6e5b44961 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lunarvim configuration with flutter support
lvim is the global options object
Linters should be
filled in as strings with either
a global executable or a path to
an executable
-- general
lvim.log.level = "warn"
lvim.format_on_save.enabled = false
lvim.colorscheme = "tokyonight-storm"
vim.opt.relativenumber = true
-- to disable icons and use a minimalist setup, uncomment the following
-- lvim.use_icons = false
-- keymappings [view all the defaults by pressing <leader>Lk]
lvim.leader = "space"
-- add your own keymapping
-- lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-s>"] = ":w<cr>"
-- lvim.keys.normal_mode["<S-l>"] = ":BufferLineCycleNext<CR>"
-- lvim.keys.normal_mode["<S-h>"] = ":BufferLineCyclePrev<CR>"
-- unmap a default keymapping
-- vim.keymap.del("n", "<C-Up>")
-- override a default keymapping
-- lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-q>"] = ":q<cr>" -- or vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-q>", ":q<cr>" )
lvim.keys.insert_mode["jk"] = "<ESC>"
-- delete single character without copying into register
lvim.keys.normal_mode["x"] = '"_x'
-- spit windows verticall and horizontally
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader>|"] = ":vsplit<CR>"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader>sv"] = ":vsplit<CR>"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader>-"] = ":split<CR>"
-- aligh cursor on screen center during scroll
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-d>"] = "<C-d>zz"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-u>"] = "<C-u>zz"
-- nvim spectre (find and replace)
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader>S"] = "<cmd>lua require('spectre').open()<CR>"
-- search current word
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader>Sw"] = "<cmd>lua require('spectre').open_visual({select_word=true})<CR>"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader>SS"] = "<esc>:lua require('spectre').open_visual()<CR>"
-- search in current file
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader>Sf"] = "viw:lua require('spectre').open_file_search()<cr>"
-- run command :Spectre
-- Change Telescope navigation to use j and k for navigation and n and p for history in both input and normal mode.
-- we use protected-mode (pcall) just in case the plugin wasn't loaded yet.
local _, actions = pcall(require, "telescope.actions")
lvim.builtin.telescope.defaults.mappings = {
-- for input mode
i = {
["<C-j>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<C-k>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["<C-n>"] = actions.cycle_history_next,
["<C-p>"] = actions.cycle_history_prev,
-- for normal mode
n = {
["<C-j>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<C-k>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
lvim.builtin.telescope.on_config_done = function(telescope)
telescope.load_extension "flutter"
-- lvim.builtin.theme.options.dim_inactive = true
-- = "storm"
-- Use which-key to add extra bindings with the leader-key prefix
lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["P"] = { "<cmd>Telescope projects<CR>", "Projects" }
lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["F"] = {
name = "+Flutter",
c = { "<cmd>Telescope flutter commands<cr>", "Open Flutter Commans" },
d = { "<cmd>FlutterDevices<cr>", "Flutter Devices" },
e = { "<cmd>FlutterEmulators<cr>", "Flutter Emulators" },
r = { "<cmd>FlutterReload<cr>", "Hot Reload App" },
R = { "<cmd>FlutterRestart<cr>", "Hot Restart app" },
q = { "<cmd>FlutterQuit<cr>", "Quit running application" },
v = { "<cmd>Telescope flutter fvm<cr>", "Flutter version" },
-- lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["T"] = {
-- name = "+Tests",
-- t = { "<cmd>lua require('neotest')<CR>", "Run nearest test" },
-- T = { "<cmd>lua require('neotest'){strategy = 'dap'})<CR>", "Debug nearest test" },
-- f = { '<cmd>lua require("neotest")"%"))<cr>', "Run test for entire file" },
-- o = { "<cmd>lua require('neotest').summary.toggle()<cr>", "Output summary panel" },
-- }
vim.builtin.which_key.mappings["t"] = {
name = "+Trouble",
r = { "<cmd>Trouble lsp_references<cr>", "References" },
f = { "<cmd>Trouble lsp_definitions<cr>", "Definitions" },
d = { "<cmd>Trouble document_diagnostics<cr>", "Diagnostics" },
q = { "<cmd>Trouble quickfix<cr>", "QuickFix" },
l = { "<cmd>Trouble loclist<cr>", "LocationList" },
w = { "<cmd>Trouble workspace_diagnostics<cr>", "Workspace Diagnostics" },
-- After changing plugin config exit and reopen LunarVim, Run :PackerInstall :PackerCompile = true
lvim.builtin.alpha.mode = "dashboard" = true
lvim.builtin.nvimtree.setup.view.side = "left" = false
-- if you don't want all the parsers change this to a table of the ones you want
lvim.builtin.treesitter.ensure_installed = {
lvim.builtin.treesitter.ignore_install = { "haskell" }
lvim.builtin.treesitter.highlight.enable = true
-- generic LSP settings
-- -- make sure server will always be installed even if the server is in skipped_servers list
lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ensure_installed = {
-- -- change UI setting of `LspInstallInfo`
-- -- see <>
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ui.check_outdated_servers_on_open = false
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ui.border = "rounded"
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.ui.keymaps = {
-- uninstall_server = "d",
-- toggle_server_expand = "o",
-- }
---@usage disable automatic installation of servers
lvim.lsp.installer.setup.automatic_installation = false
-- ---configure a server manually. !!Requires `:LvimCacheReset` to take effect!!
-- ---see the full default list `:lua print(vim.inspect(lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers))`
-- vim.list_extend(lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers, { "pyright" })
-- local opts = {} -- check the lspconfig documentation for a list of all possible options
-- require("lvim.lsp.manager").setup("pyright", opts)
-- ---remove a server from the skipped list, e.g. eslint, or emmet_ls. !!Requires `:LvimCacheReset` to take effect!!
-- ---`:LvimInfo` lists which server(s) are skipped for the current filetype
-- lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers = vim.tbl_filter(function(server)
-- return server ~= "emmet_ls"
-- end, lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers)
-- -- you can set a custom on_attach function that will be used for all the language servers
-- -- See <>
-- lvim.lsp.on_attach_callback = function(client, bufnr)
-- local function buf_set_option(...)
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...)
-- end
-- --Enable completion triggered by <c-x><c-o>
-- buf_set_option("omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
-- end
-- -- set a formatter, this will override the language server formatting capabilities (if it exists)
local formatters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters"
formatters.setup {
{ command = "black", filetypes = { "python" } },
{ command = "isort", filetypes = { "python" } },
-- each formatter accepts a list of options identical to
command = "prettier",
---@usage arguments to pass to the formatter
-- these cannot contain whitespaces, options such as `--line-width 80` become either `{'--line-width', '80'}` or `{'--line-width=80'}`
extra_args = { "--print-with", "100" },
---@usage specify which filetypes to enable. By default a providers will attach to all the filetypes it supports.
filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact", 'javascript', 'javascriptreact' },
-- {
-- command = "eslint_d",
-- filetypes = {
-- "javascript", "javascriptreact",
-- "typescript", "typescriptreact"
-- }
-- }
-- Flutter snippets enable
local luasnip = require("luasnip")
luasnip.filetype_extend("dart", { "flutter" })
-- set additional linters
-- local linters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters"
-- linters.setup {
-- {
-- command = "eslint_d",
-- filetypes = {
-- "javascript", "javascriptreact",
-- "typescript", "typescriptreact"
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- Additional Plugins
lvim.plugins = {
cmd = "TroubleToggle",
-- { "mg979/vim-visual-multi" },
-- Flutter plugin
{ "stevearc/dressing.nvim" },
requires = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "stevearc/dressing.nvim" },
config = function()
require('flutter-tools').setup {
-- flutter_path = "~/development/flutter",
fvm = true, -- takes priority over path, uses <workspace>/.fvm/flutter_sdk if enabled
ui = {
-- the border type to use for all floating windows, the same options/formats
-- used for ":h nvim_open_win" e.g. "single" | "shadow" | {<table-of-eight-chars>}
border = "rounded",
-- This determines whether notifications are show with `vim.notify` or with the plugin's custom UI
-- please note that this option is eventually going to be deprecated and users will need to
-- depend on plugins like `nvim-notify` instead.
notification_style = "plugin",
decorations = {
statusline = {
-- set to true to be able use the 'flutter_tools_decorations.app_version' in your statusline
-- this will show the current version of the flutter app from the pubspec.yaml file
app_version = true,
-- set to true to be able use the 'flutter_tools_decorations.device' in your statusline
-- this will show the currently running device if an application was started with a specific
-- device
device = true,
outline = {
open_cmd = "30vnew", -- command to use to open the outline buffer
auto_open = false, -- if true this will open the outline automatically when it is first populated
debugger = {
enabled = true,
run_via_dap = true,
register_configurations = function(_)
local dap = require("dap")
-- dap.adapters.dart = {
-- type = "executable",
-- command = "node",
-- args = { debugger_path, "flutter" },
-- }
dap.configurations.dart = {}
dev_log = {
enabled = false,
-- open_cmd = "tabedit", -- command to use to open the log buffer
lsp = {
color = { -- show the derived colours for dart variables
enabled = true, -- whether or not to highlight color variables at all, only supported on flutter >= 2.10
background = false, -- highlight the background
foreground = false, -- highlight the foreground
virtual_text = true, -- show the highlight using virtual text
virtual_text_str = "■", -- the virtual text character to highlight
settings = {
showTodos = true,
completeFunctionCalls = true,
renameFilesWithClasses = "prompt", -- "always"
enableSnippets = true,
enableSdkFormatter = true,
-- Syntax highlight for mdx files: used by Storybook
{ "jxnblk/vim-mdx-js" },
-- { "github/copilot.vim" },
-- tmux navigation support
config = function()
require("tmux").setup {
navigation = {
-- cycles to opposite pane while navigating into the border
-- cycle_navigation = true,
-- enables default keybindings (C-hjkl) for normal mode
enable_default_keybindings = true,
-- prevents unzoom tmux when navigating beyond vim border
persist_zoom = true,
resize = {
-- enables default keybindings (A-hjkl) for normal mode
enable_default_keybindings = true,
config = function()
local saga = require("lspsaga")
-- keybinds for navigation in lspsaga window
move_in_saga = { prev = "<C-k>", next = "<C-j>" },
-- use enter to open file with finder
finder = {
open = "<CR>",
-- use enter to open file with definition preview
definition = {
edit = "<CR>",
local keymap = vim.keymap.set
-- Lsp finder find the symbol definition implement reference
-- if there is no implement it will hide
-- when you use action in finder like open vsplit then you can
-- use <C-t> to jump back
keymap("n", "gh", "<cmd>Lspsaga lsp_finder<CR>", { silent = true })
-- Rename
keymap("n", "gr", "<cmd>Lspsaga rename<CR>", { silent = true })
-- Peek Definition
-- you can edit the definition file in this flaotwindow
-- also support open/vsplit/etc operation check definition_action_keys
-- support tagstack C-t jump back
keymap("n", "gd", "<cmd>Lspsaga peek_definition<CR>", { silent = true })
-- Hover Doc
keymap("n", "K", "<cmd>Lspsaga hover_doc<CR>", { silent = true })
-- Float terminal
keymap("n", "<A-d>", "<cmd>Lspsaga open_floaterm<CR>", { silent = true })
keymap("n", "∂", "<cmd>Lspsaga open_floaterm<CR>", { silent = true }) -- macos ALT+d(Option+d) binding
-- close floaterm
keymap("t", "<A-d>", [[<C-\><C-n><cmd>Lspsaga close_floaterm<CR>]], { silent = true })
keymap("t", "∂", [[<C-\><C-n><cmd>Lspsaga close_floaterm<CR>]], { silent = true }) -- macos ALT+d(Option+d) binding
-- event = "BufRead",
config = function()
requires = "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
config = function()
require("todo-comments").setup {
-- your configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
-- {
-- "nvim-neotest/neotest",
-- requires = {
-- "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
-- "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
-- "antoinemadec/FixCursorHold.nvim",
-- "sidlatau/neotest-dart",
-- },
-- config = function()
-- require("neotest").setup {
-- adapters = {
-- require("neotest-dart") {
-- command = 'flutter', -- Command being used to run tests. Defaults to `flutter`
-- -- Change it to `fvm flutter` if using FVM
-- -- change it to `dart` for Dart only tests
-- use_lsp = true -- When set Flutter outline information is used when constructing test name.
-- },
-- }
-- }
-- end
-- }
-- copilot additional configs
-- vim.g.copilot_no_tab_map = true
-- vim.g.copilot_assume_mapped = true
-- vim.g.copilot_tab_fallback = ""
-- lvim.builtin.cmp.mapping["<Tab>"] = function(fallback)
-- local copilot_keys = vim.fn["copilot#Accept"]()
-- if copilot_keys ~= "" then
-- vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(copilot_keys, "i", true)
-- else
-- fallback()
-- end
-- end
-- Autocommands (
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufEnter", {
pattern = { "*.json", "*.jsonc", "*.arb" },
-- enable wrap mode for json files only
command = "setlocal wrap",
-- Flutter .arb files should be concidered as json files
vim.filetype.add {
extension = {
arb = 'json',
-- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
-- pattern = "zsh",
-- callback = function()
-- -- let treesitter use bash highlight for zsh files as well
-- require("nvim-treesitter.highlight").attach(0, "bash")
-- end,
-- })
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