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Last active March 11, 2022 03:43
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Save AntumDeluge/27ba7076fab30ae98180b4e00e701996 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Python script for replacing the opaque pixels of an image with an "overlay"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script replaces pixel data of a source image with that of another image by
# tiling its data over the source image.
# Appreciation goes out to GeeMack & Fred Weinhaus (fmw42) for helping me with
# using the ImageMagick `convert` command:
# Licensing: Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
# The author waives all rights to this work.
# - require minimum Python version 3.6
# - use ImageMagick module for Python if available
# - add parameters for setting include/exclude search paths for executables
import errno, os, sys
from subprocess import Popen
script = os.path.basename(__file__)
version = 1.1
argv = tuple(sys.argv[1:])
argc = len(argv)
os_win32 = == 'nt'
## Simply prints a description about the script.
def showDescr():
print('\nA script for replacing the opaque pixels of an image with an "overlay".')
## Prints out instructions for using this script.
def showUsage():
desc_overlay = 'Image to be used for replacing pixels.'
desc_infile = 'Image to be read.'
desc_outfile = 'Image to be written matching <infile> with opaque pixels replaced.'
print('\nUsage:\n\t{} <overlay> <infile> <outfile>'.format(script))
print('\nArguments:\n\toverlay: {}\n\tinfile: {}\n\toutfile: {}\n'.format(desc_overlay, desc_infile, desc_outfile))
if '--help' in argv or '-h' in argv:
if '--version' in argv or '-v' in argv:
## Converts node delimeters for the current system.
# On Windows systems, converts forward slashes ("/") to double backslashes ("\\") &
# vice-versa for *nix systems.
# @tparam str path
# Path to be normalized.
# @treturn str
# Normalized path string.
def normalizePath(path):
nodes = ('\\', '/')
if os_win32:
nodes = ('/', '\\')
path = path.replace(nodes[0], nodes[1]).rstrip(nodes[1])
if os_win32:
# replace single backslashes with double
path = path.replace('\\', '\\\\')
# remove extra backslashes
while '\\\\\\' in path:
path = path.replace('\\\\\\', '\\\\')
# remove extra forward slashes
while '//' in path:
path = path.replace('//', '/')
return path
## Function to retrieve path of an executable.
# @tparam str exename
# Base filename of executable to search for.
# @param include
# String or list of directories to include in search (this takes priority over PATH).
# Case-sensitive.
# - Optional
# - Default: `None`
# @param exclude
# String or list of directory paths to exclude from search. Case-sensitive.
# - Optional
# - Default: `None`
# @tparam boolean checkExtensions
# If `True`, will additionaly check file paths with system PATH extensions appended.
# Win32 only.
# - Optional
# - Default: `False`
# @treturn
# Absolute file path to executable (`str`) or `None`.
def getExecutable(exename, include=None, exclude=None, checkExtensions=True):
delim = ':'
if os_win32:
delim = ';'
path = os.environ['PATH'].split(delim)
path_ext = ()
if os_win32:
path_ext = tuple(os.environ['PATHEXT'].split(delim));
# normalize paths so comparisons for "include/exclude" are accurate
for idx in range(len(path)):
path[idx] = normalizePath(path[idx])
if include:
if type(include) == str:
include = normalizePath(include)
if include not in path:
elif type(include) in (list, tuple):
for toadd in include:
toadd = normalizePath(toadd)
if toadd not in path:
if exclude:
if type(exclude) == str:
exclude = normalizePath(exclude)
while exclude in path:
elif type(include) in (list, tuple):
for torm in exclude:
torm = normalizePath(torm)
while torm in path:
for dir in path:
to_check = os.path.join(dir, exename)
if not os_win32:
if os.access(to_check, os.X_OK):
return to_check
if os.path.isfile(to_check):
return to_check
# check extensions
for ext in path_ext:
# lowercase first
with_ext = '{}{}'.format(to_check, ext.lower())
if os.path.isfile(with_ext):
return with_ext
# uppercase
with_ext = '{}{}'.format(to_check, ext.upper())
if os.path.isfile(with_ext):
return with_ext
convert_name = 'convert'
if os_win32:
# Windows has a built-in "convert" command in System32 directory
cmd_convert = getExecutable(convert_name, exclude='C:\\Windows\\System32')
cmd_convert = getExecutable(convert_name)
if not cmd_convert:
print('\nERROR: "{}" command not found'.format(convert_name))
if argc < 3:
print('\nERROR: not enough arguments')
elif argc > 3:
print('\nERROR: too many arguments')
overlay = normalizePath(argv[0])
infile = normalizePath(argv[1])
outfile = normalizePath(argv[2])
for input in (overlay, infile,):
if not os.path.isfile(input):
print('\nERROR: file does not exist: {}'.format(input))
dir_target = os.path.dirname(outfile)
if not dir_target:
dir_target = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.exists(dir_target):
print('\nERROR: directory does not exist: {}'.format(dir_target))
elif not os.path.isdir(dir_target):
print('\nERROR: file exists: {}'.format(dir_target))
# TODO: ask for user to confirm overwriting existing file &
# implement parameter argument to override for
# scripting
command = (
cmd_convert, infile, overlay, '-background', 'none', '-virtual-pixel', 'tile',
'-set', 'option:distort:viewport', '%[fx:u.w]x%[fx:u.h]', '-distort', 'SRT',
'0', '+swap', '-compose', 'copyopacity', '-composite', outfile,
proc = Popen(command)
pout, perr = proc.communicate()
if perr:
print('Some errors occurred:\n\t{}\n\t{}'.format(pout, perr))
if not os.path.isfile(outfile):
print('An unknown error occured: Output file was not created: {}'.format(outfile))
print('\nOutput to: {}'.format(outfile))
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