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Created November 25, 2019 16:54
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* Flush stats to Zabbix (
* To enable this backend, include 'statsd-zabbix-backend'
* in the backends configuration array:
* backends: ['statsd-zabbix-backend']
* This backend supports the following config options:
* zabbixHost: Zabbix sever hostname or IP. [default: localhost]
* zabbixPort: Zabbix server port. [default: 10051].
* zabbixSendTimestamps: Send StatsD provided timestamp each time data is flushed to Zabbix.
* By default, when false, Zabbix will use the time it received the data.
* [default: false]
* zabbixTargetHostname: Static hostname associated with the stats to send to Zabbix.
* If not provided, a hostname will be decoded from the StatsD keys.
* [default: undefined]
const ZabbixSender = require('node-zabbix-sender');
const hostname = require('os').hostname();
const name = 'statsd-zabbix-backend';
const stats = {};
let logger;
* Returns current unix timestamp in ms.
* @returns {number} Timestamp.
function tsNow() {
return Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
* Write a log.
* @param {string} level Logging level.
* @param {string} msg Message to write.
* @returns {undefined}
function log(level, msg) {
logger.log(`${name}: ${msg}`, level);
const debug = log.bind(undefined, 'DEBUG');
const error = log.bind(undefined, 'ERROR');
const info = log.bind(undefined, 'INFO');
* Decode {host, key} from a stat.
* @param {string} stat Metric name to decode.
* @returns {Object} Object with {host, key} properties.
function targetDecode(stat) {
let host;
let key;
let namespace;
const parts = stat.split('.');
if (
(stat.startsWith('logstash.') || stat.startsWith('kamon.'))
&& parts.length === 3
) {
[namespace, host, key] = parts;
// Modify target based on namespace
if (namespace === 'logstash') {
host = host.replace(/_/g, '.');
key = key.replace(/_/g, '.');
} else if (namespace === 'kamon') {
host = host.replace(/_/g, '.');
} else if (stat.startsWith('statsd.')) {
host = hostname;
key = stat;
} else {
// Split parts by default separator
[host, key] = stat.split('_');
if (!host || !key) {
throw new Error(`failed to decode stat: ${stat}`);
return {
* Generate {host, key} using a previously determined hostname.
* @param {string} host Static hostname to return.
* @param {string} stat Metric name to use as the key.
* @returns {Object} Object with {host, key} properties.
function targetStatic(host, stat) {
let key;
if (stat.startsWith('kong.')) {
const serviceName = stat.split('.')[1]
const metricName = stat.split('.').slice(2).join('.')
key = `kong.${metricName}[${serviceName}`
} else {
key = stat
return {
key: key,
* Generate items for a counter.
* @param {number} flushInterval How long stats were collected, for calculating average.
* @param {string} host Hostname in Zabbix.
* @param {string} key Item key in Zabbix.
* @param {number} value Total collected during interval.
* @returns {array} Array of {host, key, value} objects.
function itemsForCounter(flushInterval, host, key, value) {
const avg = value / (flushInterval / 1000); // calculate "per second" rate
return [
key: key.startsWith('kong.') ? `${key},total]`: key,
key: key.startsWith('kong.') ? `${key},avg]`: key,
value: avg,
* Generate items for a timer.
* @param {array} percentiles Array of numbers, percentiles to calculate mean and max for.
* @param {string} host Hostname in Zabbix.
* @param {string} key Item key in Zabbix.
* @param {number} data All timing values collected during interval.
* @returns {array} Array of {host, key, value} objects.
function itemsForTimer(percentiles, host, key, data) {
const values = data.sort((a, b) => (a - b));
const count = values.length;
const min = values[0];
const max = values[count - 1];
let mean = min;
let maxAtThreshold = max;
const items = [
key: key.startsWith('kong.') ? `${key},lower]`: key,
value: min || 0,
key: key.startsWith('kong.') ? `${key},upper]`: key,
value: max || 0,
key: key.startsWith('kong.') ? `${key},count]`: key,
value: count,
percentiles.forEach((percentile) => {
const strPercentile = percentile.toString().replace('.', '_');
if (count > 1) {
const thresholdIndex = Math.round(((100 - percentile) / 100) * count);
const numInThreshold = count - thresholdIndex;
const percentValues = values.slice(0, numInThreshold);
maxAtThreshold = percentValues[numInThreshold - 1];
// Average the remaining timings
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numInThreshold; i += 1) {
sum += percentValues[i];
mean = sum / numInThreshold;
key: key.startsWith('kong.') ? `${key},mean][${strPercentile}]`: key,
value: mean || 0,
key: key.startsWith('kong.') ? `${key},upper][${strPercentile}]`: key,
value: maxAtThreshold || 0,
return items;
* Generate items for a gauge.
* @param {string} host Hostname in Zabbix.
* @param {string} key Item key in Zabbix.
* @param {number} value Current value of the gauge.
* @returns {array} Array of {host, key, value} objects.
function itemsForGauge(host, key, value) {
return [
* Flush metrics data to Zabbix.
* @param {function} targetBuilder Returns a {host,key} object based on the stat provided.
* @param {ZabbixSender} sender Instance of ZabbixSender for sending stats to Zabbix.
* @param {number} flushInterval How long stats were collected, for calculating average.
* @param {number} timestamp Time of flush as unix timestamp.
* @param {Object} metrics Metrics provided by StatsD.
* @returns {undefined}
function flush(targetBuilder, sender, flushInterval, timestamp, metrics) {
debug(`starting flush for timestamp ${timestamp}`);
const flushStart = tsNow();
const handle = (processor, stat, value) => {
try {
const { host, key } = targetBuilder(stat);
processor(host, key, value).forEach((item) => {
sender.addItem(, item.key, item.value);
debug(`${} -> ${item.key} -> ${item.value}`);
} catch (err) {
stats.last_exception = tsNow();
const counterProcessor = itemsForCounter.bind(undefined, flushInterval);
Object.keys(metrics.counters).forEach((stat) => {
handle(counterProcessor, stat, metrics.counters[stat]);
const timerProcessor = itemsForTimer.bind(undefined, metrics.pctThreshold);
Object.keys(metrics.timers).forEach((stat) => {
handle(timerProcessor, stat, metrics.timers[stat]);
Object.keys(metrics.gauges).forEach((stat) => {
handle(itemsForGauge, stat, metrics.gauges[stat]);
stats.flush_length = sender.items.length;
debug(`flushing ${stats.flush_length} items to zabbix`);
// Send the items to Zabbix
sender.send((err, res) => {
if (err) {
stats.last_exception = tsNow();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
sender.items = [];
} else {
stats.last_flush = timestamp;
stats.flush_time = flushStart - stats.last_flush;
debug(`flush completed in ${stats.flush_time} seconds`);
if ( {
* Dump plugin stats.
* @param {function} writeCb Callback to write stats to.
* @returns {undefined}
function status(writeCb) {
Object.keys(stats).forEach((stat) => {
writeCb(null, 'zabbix', stat, stats[stat]);
* Initalize the plugin.
* @param {number} startupTime Timestamp StatsD started.
* @param {Object} config Global configuration provided to StatsD.
* @param {Object} events Event handler to register actions on.
* @param {Object} l Global logger instance.
* @returns {boolean} Status of initialization.
function init(startupTime, config, events, l) {
logger = l;
let targetBuilder;
if (config.zabbixTargetHostname) {
targetBuilder = targetStatic.bind(undefined, config.zabbixTargetHostname);
} else {
targetBuilder = targetDecode;
const sender = new ZabbixSender({
host: config.zabbixHost || 'localhost',
port: config.zabbixPort || '10051',
with_timestamps: config.zabbixSendTimestamps || false,
stats.last_flush = 0;
stats.last_exception = 0;
stats.flush_time = 0;
stats.flush_length = 0;
events.on('flush', flush.bind(undefined, targetBuilder, sender, config.flushInterval));
events.on('status', status);
return true;
module.exports = {
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