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Save Anydog/6900636 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Proof of concept for how to add new fields to nav_menu_item posts in the WordPress menu editor.
* @author Weston Ruter (@westonruter), X-Team
* forked: Anydog, Aligator Studio
add_action( 'init', array( 'XTeam_Nav_Menu_Item_Custom_Fields', 'setup' ) );
class XTeam_Nav_Menu_Item_Custom_Fields {
static $options = array();
static function setup() {
// @todo we can do some merging of provided options from WP options for from config
self::$options['fields'] = array(
'color' => array(
'name' => 'color',
'label' => __('Color', 'xteam'),
'container_class' => 'link-color',
'input_type' => 'color'
'mega' =>array(
'name' => 'megamenu',
'label' => __('Mega menu holder', 'xteam'),
'container_class' => 'mega-menu',
'input_type' => 'checkbox'
add_filter( 'wp_edit_nav_menu_walker', function () {
return 'XTeam_Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit';
add_filter( 'xteam_nav_menu_item_additional_fields', array( __CLASS__, '_add_fields' ), 10, 5 );
add_action( 'save_post', array( __CLASS__, '_save_post' ) );
static function get_fields_schema() {
$schema = array();
foreach(self::$options['fields'] as $name => $field) {
if (empty($field['name'])) {
$field['name'] = $name;
$schema[] = $field;
return $schema;
static function get_menu_item_postmeta_key($name) {
return '_menu_item_' . $name;
* Inject the
* @hook {action} save_post
static function _add_fields($new_fields, $item_output, $item, $depth, $args) {
$schema = self::get_fields_schema($item->ID);
$new_fields = '';
foreach($schema as $field) {
$field['value'] = get_post_meta($item->ID, self::get_menu_item_postmeta_key($field['name']), true);
$field['id'] = $item->ID;
$new_fields .= '<p class="additional-menu-field-'.$field['name'].' description description-thin custom-menu-field"><label for="edit-menu-item-'.$field['name'].'-'.$field['id'].'">'.$field['label'].'<br />';
$new_fields .= '<input type="'.$field['input_type'].'" ';
$new_fields .= 'id="edit-menu-item-'.$field['name'].'-'.$field['id'].'"';
$new_fields .= 'class="widefat code edit-menu-item-'.$field['name'].'"';
$new_fields .= 'name="menu-item-'.$field['name'].'['.$field['id'].']"';
if( $field['input_type'] == 'checkbox'){
$new_fields .= 'value="1" '. checked( $field['value'], 1, false) .'';
$new_fields .= 'value="'.$field['value'].'" ';
$new_fields .= ' /></label></p>';
return $new_fields;
* Save the newly submitted fields
* @hook {action} save_post
static function _save_post($post_id) {
if (get_post_type($post_id) !== 'nav_menu_item') {
$fields_schema = self::get_fields_schema($post_id);
foreach($fields_schema as $field_schema) {
$form_field_name = 'menu-item-' . $field_schema['name'];
$key = self::get_menu_item_postmeta_key($field_schema['name']);
$value = isset( $_POST[$form_field_name][$post_id] ) ? stripslashes($_POST[$form_field_name][$post_id]) : '';
update_post_meta($post_id, $key, $value);
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php';
class XTeam_Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit extends Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit {
function start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) {
$item_output = '';
parent::start_el($item_output, $item, $depth, $args);
$new_fields = apply_filters( 'xteam_nav_menu_item_additional_fields', '', $item_output, $item, $depth, $args );
// Inject $new_fields before: <div class="menu-item-actions description-wide submitbox">
if ($new_fields) {
$item_output = preg_replace('/(?=<div[^>]+class="[^"]*submitbox)/', $new_fields, $item_output);
$output .= $item_output;
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