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Last active March 16, 2024 18:14
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routes plan

API Routes Plan


Note: /my/* routes requires cognito user token

GET /users # Return list of users, for admin purpose only

GET /users/:userId/profile # For viewing other's profile

GET /my/profile

PATCH /my/profile

GET /users/:userId/pets

GET /my/pets

POST /my/pets # Add new pet

GET /users/:userId/pets/:petId

GET /my/pets/:petId

PATCH /my/pets/:petId

DELETE /my/pets/:petId

GET /users/:userId/services # Return list of services of a user provided

POST /my/services

GET /users/:userId/services/:serviceId

PATCH /my/services/:serviceId

DELETE /my/services/:serviceId

GET /my/settings

PATCH /my/settings

GET /me # Aggregation of user infos for 我的 page, may have some overlap between the above endpoints


GET /service-types # Return all available service types, for Landing Page 找服務

GET /services # Return list of services, support queries filter, for searching services in Top 10, 台中市服務, 離你最近的服務

GET /services/:serviceId # Return service details

implement 喜歡的行程 in local storage, no endpoint


GET /channels # Return list of chat sessions of a user

POST /channels # Create a new chat session with another user

GET /channels/:channelId # Return details of a specific chat session, including last few messages?

DELETE /channels/:channelId # Just remove the current user from the participants table

GET /channels/:channelId/messages # Return all messages in a specific chat session, use cursor based pagination, only participants are allowed to get the messages

POST /channels/:channelId/messages # Send a new message in a specific chat session, only participants are allowed to create new message

DELETE /messages/:messageId # Delete a specific message, only the sender can remove the message

Sample queries

  • the erd is generated for ref, not accurate

Retrieve all appointments of a user

Can join appointment_services for calculating the cost of the appointment, or use application join with redis cache

SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE user_id = ?;

Retrieve all appointments of a service provider

SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE provider_id = ?;

Given a start_time, end_time and a service_provider_id, determine whether there is a time conflict with the existing appointments

FROM appointment_services AS aps
JOIN appointments AS a ON aps.appointment_id =
WHERE a.provider_id = ? 
AND aps.start_time <= ? AND aps.end_time > ?;
// Cognito JWT example, which is the source of the data for the users table
// {
// "sub": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-example",
// "aud": "xxxxxxxxxxxxexample",
// "email_verified": true,
// "token_use": "id",
// "auth_time": 1500009400,
// "iss": "",
// "cognito:username": "anaya",
// "exp": 1500013000,
// "given_name": "Anaya",
// "iat": 1500009400,
// "email": ""
// }
Table users {
id varchar [pk]
username varchar // cognito:username
name varchar // given_name
email varchar
email_verified boolean
status int [default: 1] // 0: inactive, 1: active
created_at timestamp [default: `now()`]
updated_at timestamp
Indexes {
username [unique]
email [unique]
Table service_providers {
id varchar [pk]
user_id varchar [ref: -]
status int [default: 0] // 0: pending, 1: approved, 2: banned
created_at timestamp [default: `now()`]
updated_at timestamp
Indexes {
user_id [unique]
Table service_types {
id int [pk, increment]
name varchar [unique] // e.g. walking, beauty care, etc.
// a user can provide multiple services,
// each service has a duration and price for estimating the appointment free
Table services {
id int [pk, increment]
service_type_id int [ref: >]
service_provider_id varchar [ref: >]
name varchar
duration int // in minutes
price decimal // decimal(10,2)
Indexes {
Table appointments {
id int [pk, increment]
user_id varchar [ref: >]
provider_id varchar [ref: >]
// payment status
status int [default: 0] // 0: pending, 1: confirmed, 2: completed, 3: cancelled
created_at timestamp [default: `now()`]
updated_at timestamp
Indexes {
// an appointment can have multiple services, and a service can be in multiple appointments
// each service in an appointment has a start and end time
Table appointment_services {
appointment_id int [ref: >]
service_id int [ref: >]
start_time timestamp
end_time timestamp
Indexes {
(appointment_id, service_id) [unique] // pk
Table profiles {
id int [pk]
user_id varchar [ref: -]
first_name varchar(100)
last_name varchar(100)
phone_number varchar(15)
address varchar(255)
Indexes {
user_id [unique]
Table pets {
id int [pk]
user_id varchar [ref: >]
// temp fields
name varchar(100)
type varchar(50)
breed varchar(50)
age int
Indexes {
Table settings {
id int [pk]
user_id varchar [ref: -]
// notification boolean
// language varchar(50)
Indexes {
user_id [unique]
Table channels {
id int [pk]
Table participants {
id int [pk]
channel_id int [ref: >]
user_id varchar [ref: >]
Indexes {
(channel_id, user_id) [unique]
Table messages {
id int [pk]
channel_id int [ref: >]
sender_id varchar [ref: >]
message text
timestamp datetime
Indexes {
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