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Last active August 12, 2017 17:36
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import os
import csv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
train_size = np.shape(x_train)[0]
valid_size = np.shape(x_valid)[0]
test_size = np.shape(x_test)[0]
num_features = np.shape(x_train)[1]
num_hidden = 16 # Number of activation units in the hidden layer
# Neural network with one hidden layer
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
# Input
tf_train_dataset = tf.constant(x_train, dtype=tf.float32)
tf_train_labels = tf.constant(y_train, dtype=tf.float32)
tf_valid_dataset = tf.constant(x_valid)
tf_test_dataset = tf.constant(x_test)
# Variables
weights_1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(
[num_features, num_hidden]), dtype=tf.float32, name="layer1_weights")
biases_1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_hidden]), dtype=tf.float32, name="layer1_biases")
weights_2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(
[num_hidden, 1]), dtype = tf.float32, name="layer2_weights")
biases_2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]), dtype=tf.float32, name="layer2_biases")
steps = tf.Variable(0)
# Model
def model(x, train=False):
hidden = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(x, weights_1) + biases_1)
return tf.matmul(hidden, weights_2) + biases_2
# Loss Computation
train_prediction = model(tf_train_dataset)
loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(tf_train_labels, train_prediction))
cost = tf.sqrt(loss)
# Optimizer
# Exponential decay of learning rate
learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(0.06, steps, 5000, 0.70, staircase=True)
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost, global_step=steps)
# Predictions
valid_prediction = model(tf_valid_dataset)
test_prediction = model(tf_test_dataset)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# Running graph
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
for step in range(num_steps):
# Run the computations. We tell .run() that we want to run the optimizer,
# and get the loss value and the training predictions returned as numpy
# arrays.
_, c, predictions =[optimizer, cost, train_prediction])
if (step % 5000 == 0):
print('Cost at step %d: %.2f' % (step, c))
# Calling .eval() on valid_prediction is basically like calling run(), but
# just to get that one numpy array. Note that it recomputes all its graph
# dependencies.
print('Validation loss: %.2f' % accuracy(valid_prediction.eval(), y_valid))
t_pred = test_prediction.eval()
print('Test loss: %.2f' % accuracy(t_pred, y_test))
save_path =, "./model/nn-model.ckpt")
print('Model saved in %s' % (save_path))
# Reconstructing graph and predicting outputs
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./model/nn-model.ckpt")
print("Model restored.\nMaking predictions...")
x = test_dataset.drop('Id', axis=1).as_matrix().astype(dtype=np.float32)
hidden = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(x, weights_1) + biases_1)
y = tf.cast((tf.matmul(hidden, weights_2) + biases_2), dtype=tf.uint16).eval()
test_dataset['SalePrice'] = y
output = test_dataset[['Id', 'SalePrice']]
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