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Last active October 27, 2022 23:02
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library(geepack) # Run install.packages("geepack") if necessary
library(tidyr) # Run install.packages("tidyr") if necessary
### Generate synthetic data
### For demonstration purposes only.
### You do not need to understand how this section works.
### Please see line 43 for format of data frame and line 58 for fitting model.
participants_per_group <- 50
num_participants <- 2 * participants_per_group
id <- seq(1:num_participants)
GP <- runif(num_participants, 1, 7)
Treatment <- c(rep(0, participants_per_group), rep(1, participants_per_group))
# Perceived credibility for control group
PC_Defendant0 <- runif(participants_per_group, 4, 7)
PC_Plaintiff0 <- 8 - PC_Defendant0 + rnorm(participants_per_group, sd=0.5)
PC_Plaintiff0[PC_Plaintiff0 < 1] <- 1
PC_Plaintiff0[PC_Plaintiff0 > 7] <- 7
# Perceived credibility for treatment group
PC_Defendant1 <- runif(participants_per_group, 1, 4)
PC_Plaintiff1 <- 8 - PC_Defendant1 + rnorm(participants_per_group, sd=0.5)
PC_Plaintiff1[PC_Plaintiff1 < 1] <- 1
PC_Plaintiff1[PC_Plaintiff1 > 7] <- 7
PC_Defendant <- c(PC_Defendant0, PC_Defendant1)
PC_Plaintiff <- c(PC_Plaintiff0, PC_Plaintiff1)
# Create dataframe in desired format
df_wide <- data.frame(id, GP, Treatment, PC_Plaintiff, PC_Defendant)
df <- df_wide %>% pivot_longer(c(PC_Defendant, PC_Plaintiff),
df[which(df$IsPlaintiff == "PC_Defendant"), ]$IsPlaintiff <- "0"
df[which(df$IsPlaintiff == "PC_Plaintiff"), ]$IsPlaintiff <- "1"
df$IsPlaintiff <- as.numeric(df$IsPlaintiff)
# > head(df)
# # A tibble: 6 × 5
# id GP Treatment IsPlaintiff PC
# <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 2.01 0 0 6.30
# 2 1 2.01 0 1 2.07
# 3 2 5.85 0 0 6.05
# 4 2 5.85 0 1 2.56
# 5 3 3.31 0 0 4.63
# 6 3 3.31 0 1 3.56
### Run GEE
model <- geeglm(PC ~ GP * (Treatment + IsPlaintiff), id=as.factor(id), corstr="exchangeable", data=df)
# > coef(summary(model))
# Estimate Std.err Wald Pr(>|W|)
# (Intercept) 4.56603474 0.43199386 111.7180310 0.00000000
# GP -0.15730560 0.09715288 2.6216638 0.10541386
# Treatment 0.06748147 0.12014930 0.3154472 0.57435665
# IsPlaintiff -1.35533447 0.85983554 2.4846326 0.11496319
# GP:Treatment -0.02169462 0.02627627 0.6816743 0.40901077
# GP:IsPlaintiff 0.38709105 0.19454803 3.9588821 0.04662466
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