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Last active December 22, 2022 16:49
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norg export
# {{{ reused colors/formatting
b="$(tput bold)"
sgr0="$(tput sgr0)"
f1="$(tput setaf 1)"
f6b="${b}$(tput setaf 6)"
# }}}
# {{{ input handling
# {{{ usage
usage() {
cat <<EOF
${f6b}usage:${sgr0} ${0##*/} [FILE] [SWITCHES/OPTIONS]
-h, --help show this message
-d, --debug debug mode
(show more output,
skip cleanup)
-f, --formal ${b}[pdf target only]${sgr0} formal mode
(set default font to Times New Roman 12pt)
[needs ${b}fontspec${sgr0} LaTeX package and a
call to \`\\setmainfont\` in your preamble]
-c [XCOLOR], --linkcolor [XCOLOR] ${b}[pdf target only]${sgr0} provide a link color
(must be a color name compatible
with ${b}xcolor${sgr0} LaTeX package)
-p [PATH], --preamble [PATH] provide a path to a LaTeX preamble or the word 'NONE'
-l [PATH], --filter [PATH] provide a path to a pandoc Lua filter or the word 'NONE'
-t [FORMAT], --target [FORMAT] provide a file output format
(must be a valid pandoc format)
[default: pdf]
if you wish to change the default switches/options, edit lines 67 to 74 in this script's source code
-c, -p and -l have hardcoded defaults that won't work for all users, you should probably change the defaults
by ${f6b}apeiros${sgr0}
exit $1
[ $1 ] && [ $1 = '-h' -o $1 = '--help' ] && usage 0
# }}}
# {{{ get input file
[ ! $1 ] && echo -e "${f1}no file provided\n" && usage 1 # no file
[ ! -f $1 ] && echo -e "${f1}provided file does not exist\n" && usage 1 # nonexistent file
origfile=$1 # original file
file="$(realpath "$origfile" | sed 's/\.norg$//')" # path without ext
# }}}
# {{{ other option handling
# switches
debug=false # debug mode?
formal=false # formal mode?
# opts
linkcolor="linkblue" # link color
preamble="$HOME/notes/.util/preamble.tex" # path to a LaTeX preamble
filter="$HOME/notes/.util/pagebreak.lua" # path to a pandoc Lua filter
to="pdf" # output format
# loop through remaining args
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
# switches
-h|--help ) usage 0 ;;
-d|--debug ) debug=true ;;
-f|--formal ) formal=true ;;
# opts
-c|--linkcolor) linkcolor="$2"; shift ;;
-p|--preamble ) preamble="$2" ; shift ;;
-l|--filter ) filter="$2" ; shift ;;
-t|--target ) to="$2" ; shift ;;
# other
--* ) echo "bad option $1" ;;
* ) echo "unknown argument $1" ;;
# }}}
# {{{ check if converting to pdf
[ "$to" = "pdf" ] && {
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ norg -> markdown
# hopefully one day there will be a better way to do this
# or there will be a way to use norg with pandoc directly
echo "converting ${f6b}norg${sgr0} to ${f6b}markdown$(tput sgr0)..."
# run exporter in nvim
nvim --headless +"Neorg export to-file $" "$file.norg" > /tmp/neorg_export_out 2>&1 &
# get the pid
$debug && echo "pid: $pid"
$debug && {
tail -F /tmp/neorg_export_out &
# kill nvim if exited
trap "kill -KILL $pid" EXIT && $debug && echo "trap set"
# continuously attempt to kill nvim while it's still running
while ps cax | grep -Fq "$pid"; do
# if file exists and successful export message was caught, kill nvim process
[ -f "$" ] && grep -Fqm1 "Successfully exported" "/tmp/neorg_export_out" && kill -KILL $pid && \
$debug && kill -KILL $tail && echo -e "\nexporter killed"
# disable trap
trap - EXIT && $debug && echo "trap removed"
# if desired type is markdown, exit now
[ "$to" = "md" -o "$to" = "markdown" ] && exit 0
# }}}
# {{{ markdown -> new type
# {{{ markdown tweaks
# fix page breaks and line breaks (broken by neorg exporter)
sed -i 's/^pagebreak$/\\pagebreak/g' "$"
sed -i 's/^lb$/\\texttt{}/g' "$"
sed -i 's/^\\$/\\texttt{}/g' "$"
# turn pending checkboxes into undone ones
sed -i 's/^\(\s*\-*\) \[\*\]/\1 \[ \]/g' "$"
# }}}
# {{{ conversion step 1
echo "converting ${f6b}markdown${sgr0} to ${f6b}$to$(tput sgr0)..."
if [ "$filter" = 'NONE' ]; then
if [ "$preamble" = 'NONE' ]; then
pandoc --standalone -f markdown "$" -t "$to" -o "$file.$to"
pandoc -H "$preamble" -f markdown "$" -t "$to" -o "$file.$to"
if [ "$preamble" = 'NONE' ]; then
pandoc -L "$filter" --standalone -f markdown "$" -t "$to" -o "$file.$to"
pandoc -L "$filter" -H "$preamble" -f markdown "$" -t "$to" -o "$file.$to"
[ $? -eq 0 ] && $debug && echo "successfully converted"
# }}}
# {{{ latex tweaks + conversion step 2 (pdf only)
$pdf && {
echo "converting ${f6b}latex${sgr0} to ${f6b}pdf$(tput sgr0)..."
# {{{ latex tweaks
# nicer-looking checked off bullets
sed -i 's/\\item\[\$\\boxtimes\$\]/\\item\[\\rlap{\\raisebox{0\.3ex}{\\hspace{0\.4ex}\\tiny \\ding{52} } }\$\\square\$\]/g' "$file.latex"
# hack for colored links
sed -i 's/\\hypersetup{/&colorlinks=true,linkcolor=linkblue,urlcolor=linkblue,/' "$file.latex"
sed -i '0,/^ hidelinks,$/{/^ hidelinks,$/d;}' "$file.latex"
# times new roman 12 pt
$formal && sed -i 's/^\\documentclass\[$/&12pt/' "$file.latex"
$formal && sed -i 's/^\\setmainfont{.*}$/\\setmainfont{Times New Roman}/' "$file.latex"
# }}}
# {{{ lualatex
# don't suppress output if debug -- suppress output if not debug mode
$debug && lualatex "$file.latex" || lualatex "$file.latex" > /dev/null
[ $? -eq 0 ] && $debug && echo "successfully converted"
# }}}
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ cleanup
# remove markdown file if not in debug mode
! $debug && {
echo "removing ${f6b}markdown${sgr0} file..."
rm "$" 2> /dev/null
# remove latex file if not in debug mode
! $debug && $pdf && {
echo "removing ${f6b}latex${sgr0} files and logs..."
rm "$file.latex" "$file.aux" "$file.log" 2> /dev/null
} || true # exit cleanly
# }}}

ne (norg export)

ne is a script which uses Neorg's markdown exporter + pandoc to export .norg files to new formats (default pdf).
For usage information, use ne -h.


The default values for the -c, -p, and -l options should be changed, because by default they are hardcoded to work on my machine and will most likely not work for you. See the usage information for details.

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