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Created February 27, 2021 17:45
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php script to update table row format
#!/usr/bin/env php
/* *
* Database Row format update script
* Description: This script only serves the purpose to update all tables inside a specified database to the ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC
* @author Aperture Development <>
* @version 0.0.1
* @license by-sa 4.0
$arguments = getopt('d:u:h::', array('database:', 'username:', 'host::', 'help::'));
if(isset($arguments['help'])) {
echo <<<HELP
DB Row format updater
Usage: update_row_format.php [options]
-d, --database One or more databases to be updated
-u, --username Username to use to connect to the database ( needs access to information_shema )
-h, --host Database connection string ( e.g. )
Defaults to is not specified
--help Displays this help message
// Define update process function
function updateDatabase(PDO $infoShema, string $host, string $port, string $username, string $password, $database = null) {
// for recursive functionality
if(!isset($database)){return true;}
// determine is a array or string has been provided
if(gettype($database) === 'array') {
if(count($database) === 0){return true;}
$updateDb = array_pop($database);
} else {
$updateDb = $database;
$database = null;
// Connect to database and load tables in
$tempPdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=' . $updateDb . ';host=' . $host . ';port=' . $port, $username, $password);
$tables_q = $infoShema->prepare('SELECT table_name FROM tables WHERE table_schema=:database AND ROW_FORMAT=\'compact\'');
$tables_q->bindParam(':database', $updateDb);
if($tables_q->execute()) {
$tables = $tables_q->fetchAll();
// Try to safely update the databases tables
try {
foreach($tables as $table) {
echo 'Updating ' . $updateDb . '.' . $table['table_name'] . PHP_EOL;
// Sadly due to MySQL not allowing it, I am unable to escape the table name, because it would place quotes around it which break the sql query
$updateTable_q = $tempPdo->query('ALTER TABLE ' . $table['table_name'] . ' ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC');
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'Error occured, Rolling back changes' . PHP_EOL;
echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
throw $e;
} finally {
$tempPdo = null;
return updateDatabase($infoShema, $host, $port, $username, $password, $database);
// Define function to get password
function getPassword() {
echo 'Password: ';
system('stty -echo');
$password = trim(fgets(STDIN));
system('stty echo');
echo PHP_EOL;
return $password;
try {
// Check for required parameters
if(!(isset($arguments['d']) || isset($arguments['database'])) || !(isset($arguments['u']) || isset($arguments['username']))) {
throw new Exception('Required Parameters \'d\' and \'u\' have not been specified');
// Load parameters into variables
$databases = isset($arguments['d']) ? $arguments['d'] : $arguments['database'];
$username = isset($arguments['u']) ? $arguments['u'] : $arguments['username'];
$dbHost = isset($arguments['h']) ? $arguments['h'] : (isset($arguments['host']) ? $arguments['host'] : '');
// Check validity of data
if(gettype($username) === 'array') {
throw new Exception('You can not provide more then one username');
if(gettype($dbHost) === 'array') {
throw new Exception('You can not provide more then one database host');
} else {
if(strlen($dbHost) === 0){
throw new Exception('Host option appears to be empty, make sure there is no whitespace between -h/--host and your database host ( e.g. -h\'\' )');
$tempConn = explode(':', $dbHost);
$host = $tempConn[0];
$port = $tempConn[1];
$password = getPassword();
$infoShema = new PDO('mysql:dbname=information_schema;host=' . $host . ';port=' . $port, $username, $password);
exit(updateDatabase($infoShema, $host, $port, $username, $password, $databases) ? 0 : 1);
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
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