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Last active April 16, 2024 22:25
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! @ # $ % ^ & * ( !)
!! !@ !# !$ !% !^ !& !* !( @)
@! @@ @# @$ @% @^ @& @* @( #)
#! #@ ## #$ #% #^ #& #* #( $)
$! $@ $# $$ $% $^ $& $* $( %)
%! %@ %# %$ %% %^ %& %* %( ^)
^! ^@ ^# ^$ ^% ^^ ^& ^* ^( &)
&! &@ &# &$ &% &^ && &* &( *)
*! *@ *# *$ *% *^ *& ** *( ()
(! (@ (# ($ (% (^ (& (* (( !))
import random
# Define the symbols and combinations
symbols = ['!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')']
combinations = ['!@#$%^&*(', '!!', '!@', '!#', '!$', '!%', '!^', '!&', '!*', '!( @)',
'@!', '@@', '@#', '@$', '@%', '@^', '@&', '@*', '@( #)', '#!', '#@',
'##', '#$', '#%', '#^', '#&', '#*', '#( $)', '$!', '$@', '$#', '$$',
'$%', '$^', '$&', '$*', '$( %)', '%!', '%@', '%#', '%$','%','%^','%&',
'%*', '%( ^)', '^!', '^@', '^#', '^$', '^%', '^^', '^&', '^*', '^( &)',
'&!', '&@', '&#', '&$', '&%', '&^', '&&', '&*', '&( *)', '*!', '*@',
'*#', '*$', '*%', '*^', '*&', '**', '*( ()']
# Select a random combination for the player to guess
correct_combination = random.choice(combinations)
# Introduction
print("Welcome to the Guess the Combination Game!")
print("Try to guess the correct combination using the given symbols.")
print("Here are the symbols: ", symbols)
# Player input
player_guess = input("Enter your guess: ")
# Check if the guess is correct
if player_guess == correct_combination:
print("Congratulations! You guessed the correct combination:", correct_combination)
print("Sorry, your guess is incorrect. The correct combination was:", correct_combination)
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