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Frank Matranga Apexal

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Wrathskeller 2 Proposal


You open a webpage and are prompted to login with Google. You're then asked to upload or take a full-body picture. It shows you the proper pose to make sure everything is visible. You take/upload the image and after just seconds, in front of your eyes, the background of the image disappears, and the image of you BLINKS and raises its hand in a wave at you. Controls appear on the screen and you find you are able to control your character walking, running, jumping, and attacking in different ways (punches, kicks, etc.). The background turns into a parallax background of some street scene, and enemy characters appear on the right and start charging you! You hit a button on your keyboard (or controller!) and your character taunts on screen before running into the fray. Everytime you take a hit, your character reacts and your controller (if using one) vibrates. You eventually clear the stage and your character jumps for joy before.


Since this is very technically

Apexal /
Last active April 29, 2021 18:55
Nuvalence Best Builder Award Portfolio

First of all, I am honored by the nomination! It is always a good feeling to be recognized for your work.


You can check my GitHub profile @Apexal for an overview of my open source work, all of which is for the benefit of either the immediate RPI community, local communities in my native Bronx, or for friends and family. To date, I have made over 6,900 contributions on GitHub within my time at RPI. I have also worked as a freelance developer with non-profits in the need of custom software in the Bronx and greater NYC area.

Notable Projects

I've volunteered hundreds of hours through my RPI career developing applications for the student body. Some work has been in RCOS for credit, and other work has been purely volunteer work for multiple departments on campus. These have exponentially grown both my hard and soft skills. I was able to get a wonderful internship opportunity in NYC last summer thanks in large part to my body of open source work. While I do not develop f

Apexal /
Last active April 28, 2021 16:12
RCOS SQL Workshop

Intro to SQL

A super duper brief intro to Structured Query Language for those new to it... and those who need a workshop attendance!


SQL is pronounced both as "sequel" and as "s-q-l". To the best of my abilities I cannot tell if there is a true official pronunciation but the the original creator of SQL suggests that "s-q-l" is probably the standard! Source


SQL is the query language used on most relational database management systems. You might've heard of some of those systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server. There is an official SQL standard but each RDBMS uses their own very slightly different flavors of SQL.

SQL is used to write queries that return data from the database, insert data into the database, update data, delete data, and more.

RCOS Day 1

Slide 1

Down 1

Down 2

Apexal /
Last active March 27, 2021 14:09
Python Discord Bot Quickstart

Creating a Discord Bot in Python

What is a Discord bot?

A program that when running can respond to different events like:

  • someone sending a message
  • somebody going online/offline
  • someone reacting to a message
  • someone joining a server
  • someone joining/leaving a voice channel
Apexal / bot.js
Created April 2, 2020 01:33
Discord bot speech synthesis
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const textToSpeech = require('@google-cloud/text-to-speech');
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const tts = new textToSpeech.TextToSpeechClient();
const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);
client.on('message', async message => {
if (!message.guild) return;
Apexal / Setting Up Eclipse for PSoft when Git
Last active February 21, 2020 04:21
Some versions of Eclipse seem to not allow creating a new project by cloning a Git repo. These are the manual steps to get around this.

Based on Settng Up Eclipse and Git


The homework project is a Git repo hosted on Submitty's servers. You must clone it to your computer locally so you have the files to work on and push back to Submitty. The steps in the above PDF throw an error about Git and fail to clone the repo. This prevents creating the Eclipse project in the first place.


Clone the Git repo from the command line to a specified place on your computer. Then simply create a new Eclipse project and choose the folder you cloned the Git repo to.


  • On Windows, open Git bash or the WSL bash from the Start menu.
Apexal /
Last active September 26, 2019 06:00
Run this to get started developing LATE!
unameOut="$(uname -s)"
case "${unameOut}" in
Linux*) PLATFORM=Linux;;
Darwin*) PLATFORM=Mac;;
*) PLATFORM="UNKNOWN:${unameOut}"
Apexal / Todo.svelte
Created July 3, 2019 03:37
My Svelte Todo App
This is my first attempt at learning Svelte so I decided to try to make a simple todo list that saves to localStorage.
I was surprised by how few lines it took and how concise everything was, coming from a VueJS background.
I'm not sure of proper Svelte practices or conventions so things might not be ideal here but it seems to work well!
import { onMount } from "svelte";

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