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Aphoh / fft_demo.ipynb
Created November 23, 2023 09:03
Pytorch FFT Demo
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//Feast your eyes on the worst pointer chasing logic I have ever seen.
static simulation_context* ctx_from_term(ErlNifEnv *env, ERL_NIF_TERM term) {
/* This may seem crazy, but here's what's going on here.
* I'm trying to get a simulation_context*, which is a resource
* my application is using. The function enif_get_resource accepts a void** ptr such that *ptr
* will point to my resource, so **ptr will be my simulation_context*
// We can't make a simulation_context*** as then it will try to write the pointer-pointer to that location
##### Replace 'example' anywhere with the name of your app and '*ec2ip*' with your ec2 instance ip
##### Set up your instance and make sure it's security group has ssh, http, and https open inbound and outbound
##### Don't forget to chmod 400 cert.pem
##### .deliver/config
// High quality
// Price range 1
gen best_one = .
set trace on
mkmat *_5_1, matrix(food_5_1)
forvalues i=1/56 {