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Created October 17, 2014 10:36
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  • Save Apina/d7e811c18ef6719aaf04 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Apina/d7e811c18ef6719aaf04 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
EE4 remaining spaces shortcode - PROOF OF CONCEPT. If you use this, please not it has not been fully tested nor is it supported by Event Espresso, it's merely a proof of concept and should be built upon with further development. To use, add the code to a custom functions plugin or to your themes functions.php and then add the shortcode [eeavaila…
function eefour_remaining_spaces_shortcode($atts) {
// Shortcode for EE4 that allows an evnt id to be inserted and the remaining number of tickets to be shown.
// This is not supported by Event Espresso and is only to be used as a basis for custom work as it may not
// be fully functional in certain use cases (it hasnt been tested in depth).
// As the data is separated, it requires 3+ DB calls
// can probs reduce this to max 3 by just pulling each table in it's entirety rather than specific rows and
// then playing with the data.
// add the following shortocde to a post or page.
// [eeavailablespaces event_id="1"] where 1 is the event id so change accordingly
global $wpdb;
$evt_id = $atts['event_id']; //post->ID;
//Call 1, get the current datetimes
$table_dt = $wpdb->prefix . 'esp_datetime';
$dts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_dt WHERE EVT_ID = $evt_id");
$the_dtt_id = $dts[0]->DTT_ID;
//Call 2 get the tickets associated with those data times
$table_dt_tckt = $wpdb->prefix . 'esp_datetime_ticket';
$dt_tckt = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_dt_tckt WHERE DTT_ID = $the_dtt_id");
//Call 3 now get the actual tickets
$table_tckt = $wpdb->prefix . 'esp_ticket';
$tickets = array();
foreach ($dt_tckt as $ticket) {
$tckt_id = $ticket->TKT_ID;
$tickets[] = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_tckt WHERE TKT_ID = $tckt_id AND TKT_deleted != 1");
$t_quant = 0;
$t_sold = 0;
foreach ($tickets as $ticket) {
$t_quant = $t_quant + $ticket[0]->TKT_qty;
$t_sold = $t_sold + $ticket[0]->TKT_sold;
$rem_spaces = $t_quant - $t_sold;
$return = '<div class="ee_remaining_spaces"><h2>' . __('Remaining Spaces') . '</h2>';
$return .= '<span>' . $rem_spaces . '</span>';
$return .= '</div>';
return $return;
add_shortcode('eeavailablespaces', 'eefour_remaining_spaces_shortcode');
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