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Last active May 31, 2021 13:00
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NodeJs commands and IQ
node -v
node -p 'process.versions.v8'
node --v8-options | grep "in progress"
node --v8-options | less
node --v8-options | grep gc
// Manually call GC : Handle with care as it will pause all executions so use it wisely.
node --expose-gc -e "gc()"
> v8
> v9.getHeapStatistics()
//To resolve SSL error while installing node or packages behind coporate proxy:
npm config set https-proxy `proxy-url`
even loop
call back
authentication authorization
how to read large files
Diff types of streams
single threaded
utilize all cores of cpu
exception handling
fork vs spawn
private variables in js
design patterns
host node.js api in?
how to leverage multi core when it's single threaded
Unit testing
test runner? assertion lib? Mocha, chai, jasmine
vs Jest
Functional programming
Pure functions
inheritance vs Prototypal inheritance
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