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Created July 12, 2024 12:32
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How to trunk-based development:

Trunk-Based Development

Trunk-based development is a source-control branching model where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called the "trunk" or "mainline." This model emphasizes continuous integration and frequent merging of code changes into the trunk to ensure that the codebase remains in a deployable state.

Image Source: Trunk-Based Development

Key Concepts

  • Single Trunk Branch: All developers work on a single main branch (often called main or trunk).
  • Frequent Commits: Developers commit their code changes frequently, ideally multiple times a day.
  • Short-lived Feature Branches: If feature branches are used, they should be short-lived, typically lasting a few hours to a few days.
  • Continuous Integration (CI) [skipped]: Use CI tools to automatically build and test the code in the trunk to catch issues early.


  • Simplifies Merging: Reduces the complexity of merging long-lived branches and resolving conflicts.
  • Improves Code Quality: Continuous integration helps detect and fix bugs early.
  • Faster Releases: Ensures that the codebase is always in a deployable state, enabling frequent and reliable releases.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Encourages team collaboration as everyone works on the same branch.

Implementation Steps

Image Source: Stanislav Dudkov/LinkedIn

  1. Set Up the Trunk Branch: Designate a branch (e.g., main) as the trunk.
  2. Frequent Integration: Encourage developers to integrate their changes into the trunk frequently.
  3. Automate Testing [skipped]: Use CI/CD pipelines to automate the building, testing, and integration processes.
  4. Code Reviews [skipped]: Implement a code review process to ensure code quality before changes are merged into the trunk.
  5. Feature Toggles: Use feature toggles to manage the deployment of new features without long-lived branches.
  6. Regular Syncs: Developers should regularly sync their local branches with the trunk to stay up-to-date and minimize integration issues.

Best Practices

  • Keep Changes Small: Make small, incremental changes to reduce the risk of integration problems.
  • Test Thoroughly: Ensure comprehensive automated tests cover your codebase.
  • Resolve Conflicts Quickly: Address merge conflicts as soon as they arise to keep the trunk stable.
  • Monitor Build Health: Continuously monitor the build status and address any issues immediately.
  • Communicate: Maintain clear communication among team members to coordinate work and resolve issues promptly.


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