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Last active March 16, 2021 03:29
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Extract board data by BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4 import CData
from bs4.element import CData
from tinydb import TinyDB, where
from datetime import datetime as dt
# params = {'130_1': ''}
# r = requests.get('', params)
# soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser')
# soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
def use_db():
print("use db")
db = TinyDB("data.json")
overview_table = db.table('Overview')
no_item_in = overview_table.count(where('extracted') == True) == 0
stages = []
if no_item_in:
print('has no data')
stages = extract_stage()
"dateTime":"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"),
"extracted": True,
"stages": stages
print('has data, can just proceed')
# processed_table = db.table('Processed')
can_process_amount = 20
current_process_amount = 0
extracted_items = overview_table.all()
document = extracted_items[0]
stages = document['stages']
for stage in stages:
stage_title = stage['title']
stage_id = stage['index']
stage_amount = int(stage['amount'])
stage_table = db.table(stage_title)
current_stage_to_be_processed = {}
for i in range(0, stage_amount):
current_stage_to_be_processed[i + 1] = {
'index': i + 1
all_stage_documents = stage_table.all()
processed_stages = map(lambda x: x['index'], all_stage_documents)
to_be_popped_later = []
for p_stage in processed_stages:
print("processed stage")
# current_stage_to_be_processed.pop(str(p_stage['index']), None)
for popping in to_be_popped_later:
current_stage_to_be_processed.pop(popping, None)
# print(stage_title)
for to_process in current_stage_to_be_processed:
if current_process_amount < can_process_amount:
combined = stage_id + '_' + str(to_process)
# print(combined)
params = {combined: ''}
r = requests.get('', params)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
board_result = extract_board(soup)
'index': to_process,
'board': board_result
current_process_amount += 1
def extract_stage():
print("extract stage")
stages = []
options = soup.find_all("option")
for o in options:
index = o['value']
content = o.string
pattern = "\([0-9]*\)"
amount_with_parentheses =, content).group(0)
amount = re.sub(r"\(|\)", '', amount_with_parentheses)
title = re.sub(r"   \([0-9]*\)", '', content)
'index': index,
'title': title,
'amount': int(amount)
return stages
def extract_board(soup):
scripts = soup.find_all("script", string=re.compile("var Board"))
board_result = {}
rows = []
for s in scripts:
content = s.string
split_lines = content.split('\n')
for sl in split_lines:
result = re.match(r"\s*var Board\s*=", sl)
if result:
stripped = re.sub(r"\s*var Board\s*=", '', sl)
remove_space_and_semicolon = re.sub(r"\"\s*;", '', stripped)
remove_first_quote = re.sub(r"\"", '', remove_space_and_semicolon)
with_end_char_rows = remove_first_quote.split('!')
for row in with_end_char_rows:
clean_row = re.sub(r"!", '', row)
# print(clean_row)
board_result = {
'rows': rows
return board_result
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# stages = extract_stage()
# for s in stages:
# print(s)
# extract_board()
# See PyCharm help at
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