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Destiny Infusion Path Calculator
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import functools
import itertools
# Legendary Mark cost per infusion
COST = 3
# ANSI color enum
class Color:
black = '\033[0;30m' # Black
red = '\033[0;31m' # Red
green = '\033[0;32m' # Green
yellow = '\033[0;33m' # Yellow
blue = '\033[0;34m' # Blue
purple = '\033[0;35m' # Purple
cyan = '\033[0;36m' # Cyan
white = '\033[0;37m' # White
term = '\033[0m' # Terminator
# Item quality enum
class Quality:
rare = 1
legendary = 2
exotic = 3
def printc(string, color=Color.white):
"""Print string with ANSI color escape codes"""
print("{}{}{}".format(color, string, Color.term))
class Item():
"""Item wrapper to store light/quality properties"""
def __init__(self, item, quality=None):
"""Extract light value and quality flag"""
# Shortcut if quality flag is provided to streamline temp objects
if quality is not None:
self.quality = quality
self.light = item
# Quality flag is based on '+' or '-' prefix or none
if item[0] == '+':
self.quality = Quality.exotic
elif item[0] == '-':
self.quality = Quality.rare
self.quality = Quality.legendary
# Make sure light is an integer
# Light is rest of string if quality provided, else whole string
self.light = int(item[1:]
if self.quality is not Quality.legendary
else item)
# Complain and bail
printc('Error parsing "{}". Item format '
'must be: "[+]integer"'.format(item),
# Handle operators for Items or ints
def __sub__(self, other):
return Item(self.light - (other.light if hasattr(other, 'light')
else other), self.quality)
def __add__(self, other):
return Item(self.light + (other.light if hasattr(other, 'light')
else other), self.quality)
def __mul__(self, other):
return Item(self.light * (other.light if hasattr(other, 'light')
else other), self.quality)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.light < (other.light if hasattr(other, 'light')
else other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.light == (other.light if hasattr(other, 'light')
else other)
# Can round the value too!
def __round__(self):
return Item(round(self.light), self.quality)
# Treat Item like light of item by default
def __repr__(self):
return self.light
def __str__(self):
return str(self.light)
def permutate(low, mid, high):
Calculate permutations
<- low:1, mid: 2 3, high:5
1 5
1 2 5
1 3 5
1 2 3 5
# Initialize permutations
perms = [[low, high]]
# For each sublist of middle values
for l in range(1, len(mid) + 1):
# For each permutation of sublist
for perm in itertools.combinations(mid, l):
# Store [low, permutation, high] list
perms.append(list(itertools.chain([low], perm, [high])))
return perms
def infuse(base, target):
Infuse base item with target item
exotic <- !exotic: <= 4 or 70%
290 <- 298 = 296
296 <- 300 = 300
290 <- 295 = 294
exotic <- exotic: <= 5 or 70%
300 <- 310 = 307
290 <- 310 = 304
!exotic <- !exotic: <= 6 or 80%
294 <- 300 = 300
290 <- 295 = 295
!exotic <- exotic: <= 7 or 80%
299 <- 310 = 308
293 <- 300 = 300
298 <- 310 = 308
# Store difference in items
diff = target - base
# Calculate close light range
comp = (6 -
(2 if base.quality is Quality.exotic else 0) +
(1 if target.quality is Quality.exotic else 0))
# Calculate far light percentage
perc = 0.7 if base.quality is Quality.exotic else 0.8
if diff <= comp:
# No penalty, just return target light
return target
# Otherwise assess penalty
# Resulting light is calculated percentage of the difference
return base + round(diff * perc)
def walk(items):
"""Walk an infusion path"""
# Store path reduction by chaining infusions
result = functools.reduce(infuse, items)
# Send it back with the step cost
return (result, (len(items) - 1) * COST, items)
def render(item):
"""Render light with color based on quality"""
if not hasattr(item, 'quality'):
color =
elif item.quality is Quality.rare:
color = Color.cyan
elif item.quality is Quality.exotic:
color = Color.yellow
elif item.quality is Quality.legendary:
color = Color.purple
return "{}{}{}".format(color, item, Color.term)
def calculate(args):
"""Calculate infusion paths"""
# Store base item
low = Item(args.base)
# Get unique sorted list of Items, tossing items < base
items = [item for item in sorted(map(Item, set(args.items)))
if item > low]
# Bail if base is the highest light item provided
if len(items) == 0:
printc('No items with more light than base. Nothing to do!',
# Store highest and inbetween items
high = items[-1]
mid = items[:-1]
printc("Possible infusion paths",
# Get permutations
perms = permutate(low, mid, high)
# Walk each path and store results, sorted by light result
paths = sorted([walk(perm)
for perm in perms], key=lambda index: index[0])
# Initialize best light/least marks and least marks/best light
light_marks = marks_light = (Item('0'), 100, )
# Collect results
for path in paths:
# Extract parts
light, marks, steps = path
# If light is best we've seen, or same light but least marks
if (light > light_marks[0] or
(light == light_marks[0] and marks < light_marks[1])):
# Store it
light_marks = (light, marks, steps)
# If marks is least we've seen, or same marks but best light
if (marks < marks_light[1] or
(marks == marks_light[1] and light > marks_light[0])):
# Store it
marks_light = (light, marks, steps)
# Print each possible path
printc('Light: {}, Marks: {}, Infusion: {}'.format(
render(light), render(marks), ' <- '.join(map(render, steps))),
# Show best light, but least marks
light, marks, steps = light_marks
printc('Best light with least marks',
printc('Light: {}, Marks: {}, Infusion: {}'.format(
render(light), render(marks), ' <- '.join(map(render, steps))),
# Show least marks, but best light
light, marks, steps = marks_light
printc('Least marks with best light',
printc('Light: {}, Marks: {}, Infusion: {}'.format(
render(light), render(marks), ' <- '.join(map(render, steps))),
# Entry point
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialize the argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Calculates infusion paths, '
'showing costs and final light.',
At least two items are required -- the base item and one other
item -- but multiple items can be provided in any order; duplicates
will be pruned. The base item should be the lowest light, any other
items with lower light than the base will be discarded. The highest
light item is considered the target. All infusion paths from base
to target will be calculated.\n
# Add some args
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='1.0')
parser.add_argument('base', metavar='BASE', help='integer light level of '
'base item to infuse (ex: 200, +200 for exotic, -200 '
'for rare)')
parser.add_argument('items', metavar='ITEM', nargs='+', help='integer '
'light level of other item to consider (ex: 220, '
'+220 for exotic, -220 for rare)')
# Do the needful
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