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Public Const DEF_START As Integer = 0 'basファイル出力用起点定数 | |
' ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
' 【定数】定義一覧 | |
' ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
'================================================================== | |
' 【変更禁止】Constで使用する定数 | |
'================================================================== | |
'エラー番号 | |
Public Const DEF_ERROR_DEF As Integer = 0 'デフォルトエラー | |
Public Const DEF_ERROR_NOSEARCH As Integer = 1 'エラー:階層フォルダなし | |
Public Const DEF_ERROR_NOMODES As Integer = 2 'エラー:検索モードが範囲外 | |
Public Const DEF_ERROR_NOFOLDER As Integer = 3 'エラー:指定フォルダなし | |
Public Const DEF_ERROR_NOFILE As Integer = 4 'エラー:指定ファイルなし | |
'範囲検索モード | |
Public Const DEF_MD_R As Integer = 0 '範囲検索モード:行番号 | |
Public Const DEF_MD_C As Integer = 1 '範囲検索モード:列番号 | |
Public Const DEF_MD_R_MATAGI As Integer = 2 '範囲検索モード:行番号※空白をまたぐ | |
Public Const DEF_MD_C_MATAGI As Integer = 3 '範囲検索モード:列番号※空白をまたぐ | |
'ファイル名取得モード | |
Public Const DEF_MD_NOSUB As Integer = 0 'ファイル名取得モード:サブフォルダを除く | |
Public Const DEF_MD_ALL As Integer = 1 'ファイル名取得モード:全フォルダ | |
'現在時刻取得モード | |
Public Const DEF_MD_SYOUSAI As Integer = 0 '時刻取得モード:詳細 | |
Public Const DEF_MD_KANTAN As Integer = 1 '時刻取得モード:簡単 | |
'================================================================== | |
' 【変更OK】機種依存定数 | |
'================================================================== | |
'【機種固有】エラー番号 | |
Public Const DEF_ERROR_AAA As Integer = 5 'エラー:機種固有のエラーがあれば、ここに設定 | |
Public Const DEF_ERROR_BBB As Integer = 6 'エラー:機種固有のエラーがあれば、ここに設定 | |
'■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
' 【変数】定義一覧 | |
'■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
Public str_SetValue() As String | |
'■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
' 関数定義一覧 | |
'■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
'// IsInitArray(ary() As String) As Boolean :配列定義判定 | |
'// IsSheetSonzai(wb_Book As Workbook, str_Name As String) As Boolean :シート存在判定 | |
'// GetThisBookPath() As String :ブックのファイル名までの絶対パス | |
'// GetAnalyzePath(str_GetPath As String) As String() :ファイルパスを、フォルダパスとファイル名に分解 | |
'// GetFileList(str_Path As String, i_Mode As Integer, str_Kaku As String) As String() :指定フォルダ内のファイル一覧取得 | |
'// IsSonzaiWord(str_Search As String, str_Word As String) As Boolean :文字列存在チェック | |
'// GetFolderSonzai(str_Path As String) As Boolean :フォルダ存在チェック | |
'// GetSheetUsedRange(ws_Get As Worksheet) As Range :指定シートの記入範囲を取得 | |
'// GetRangeMax(i_Mode As Integer, rng_Start As Range) As Integer :表の最大行・列を取得 | |
'// GetSearchWordRange(ws_GetSheet As Worksheet, st_word As String) As Range :文字列検索 | |
'// GetFileData_Txt(str_Pass As String) As String() :【txt系】ファイル読み込み | |
'// GetFileData_Csv(st_Pass As String) As String() :【.csv】ファイル読み込み | |
'// OutFileData(st_filename As String, st_DefPath As String, st_Kaku As String, st_outdata As String) :【.txt】ファイル出力 | |
'// GetNowTimeString(i_Mode As Integer) As String :現在時刻を文字列で取得 | |
'// GetExcelFileSheetNames(str_FilePath As String) As String() :【ADO形式】エクセルファイルのシート名一覧を取得 | |
'// OutErrorMessage(ByVal i_error As Integer, st_addword As String) :エラーメッセージ出力 ※処理を中断する | |
'■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
' 標準モジュール置き場 | |
'■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :IsInitArray | |
'概要 :配列定義判定 | |
'引数 :ary() 判定する配列 | |
'戻り値 :As Boolean true:定義済み | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function IsInitArray(ary() As String) As Boolean | |
If Sgn(ary) <> 0 Then | |
IsInitArray = True | |
Else | |
IsInitArray = False | |
End If | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :IsSheetSonzai | |
'概要 :シート存在判定 | |
'引数 :str_Kaku As String 取得する拡張子 | |
'戻り値 :As String() ファイルパス一覧 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function IsSheetSonzai(wb_Book As Workbook, str_Name As String) As Boolean | |
Dim ws As Worksheet, flag As Boolean | |
For Each ws In wb_Book.Worksheets | |
If ws.Name = str_Name Then flag = True | |
Next ws | |
IsSheetSonzai = flag | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetThisBookPath | |
'概要 :ブックのファイル名までの絶対パス | |
'引数 :なし | |
'戻り値 :As String ファイルパス | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetThisBookPath() As String | |
GetThisBookPath = ThisWorkbook.FullName | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetAnalyzePath | |
'概要 :ファイルパスを、フォルダパスとファイル名に分解 | |
'引数 :str_GetPath As String 判定する配列 | |
'戻り値 :As String() (0):ファイル名、(1):フォルダパス | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetAnalyzePath(str_GetPath As String) As String() | |
'================================================================== | |
' 変数定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Dim str_Ret(1) As String | |
Dim str_Split() As String | |
'================================================================== | |
' 「¥」で分解してフォルダパスとファイル名に分解 | |
'================================================================== | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 「¥」で分解 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
str_Split = Split(str_GetPath, "\") | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 各要素を分類 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
str_Ret(0) = str_Split(UBound(str_Split)) | |
str_Ret(1) = str_Split(0) | |
For i_Cnt = 1 To UBound(str_Split) - 1 | |
str_Ret(1) = str_Ret(1) + "\" + str_Split(i_Cnt) | |
Next | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 戻り値設定 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
GetAnalyzePath = str_Ret | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetFileList | |
'概要 :指定フォルダ内のファイル一覧取得 | |
'引数 :str_Path As String 取得するフォルダパス | |
'引数 :i_Mode As Integer 取得モード値 | |
'引数 :str_Kaku As String 取得する拡張子 | |
'戻り値 :As String() ファイルパス一覧 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetFileList(str_Path As String, i_Mode As Integer, str_Kaku As String) As String() | |
'================================================================== | |
' 変数定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Set fso_Default = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") | |
Dim i_Cnt As Integer | |
Dim i_Separate As Integer | |
Dim str_Folder As String | |
Dim str_FileName As String | |
Dim fld_All As Object | |
Dim fld_Get As Object | |
Dim str_Ret() As String | |
Dim fso As Object | |
'================================================================== | |
' 取得拡張子を設定 | |
'================================================================== | |
If str_Kaku = "" Then | |
str_Kaku = "\" & "*." & "*" | |
Else | |
str_Kaku = "\" & "*." & str_Kaku | |
End If | |
'================================================================== | |
' フォルダ構成読み込み | |
'================================================================== | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' ベースフォルダ存在判定 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
If GetFolderSonzai(str_Path) = False Then | |
Call OutErrorMessage(DEF_ERROR_NOFOLDER, str_Path) | |
End If | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' フォルダ内容を取得 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
i_Cnt = 0 | |
ReDim str_SetValue(10000, 1) | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' サブフォルダを除く | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
If i_Mode = DEF_MD_NOSUB Then | |
str_FileName = Dir(str_Path & str_Kaku, vbNormal) | |
Do While str_FileName <> "" | |
str_SetValue(i_Cnt, 0) = str_FileName | |
i_Cnt = i_Cnt + 1 | |
str_FileName = Dir() | |
Loop | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' サブフォルダを含む | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Else | |
i_Cnt = GetFileList_03(str_Path, 0, str_Kaku) | |
End If | |
'================================================================== | |
' 戻り値設定 | |
'================================================================== | |
ReDim str_Ret(i_Cnt - 1, 1) | |
For i_Cnt = 0 To UBound(str_Ret, 1) | |
str_Ret(i_Cnt, 0) = str_SetValue(i_Cnt, 0) | |
str_Ret(i_Cnt, 1) = str_SetValue(i_Cnt, 1) | |
Next | |
GetFileList = str_Ret | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetFileList_03 | |
'概要 :全フォルダ取得 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Function GetFileList_03(str_Path As String, i_Id As Integer, str_Kaku As String) As Integer | |
Dim str_Set As String | |
Dim f As Object | |
str_Set = Dir(str_Path & str_Kaku) | |
Do While str_Set <> "" | |
str_SetValue(i_Id, 0) = str_Set | |
str_SetValue(i_Id, 1) = str_Path & "\" & str_Set | |
i_Id = i_Id + 1 | |
str_Set = Dir() | |
Loop | |
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") | |
For Each f In .GetFolder(str_Path).SubFolders | |
Call GetFileList_03(f.Path, i_Id, str_Kaku) | |
Next f | |
End With | |
GetFileList_03 = i_Id | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :IsSonzaiWord | |
'概要 :文字列存在チェック | |
'引数 :str_Search As String 検索する文字列 | |
'引数 :str_Word As String 検索する文字 | |
'戻り値 :As Boolean チェック結果 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function IsSonzaiWord(str_Search As String, str_Word As String) As Boolean | |
If InStr(str_Search, str_Word) > 0 Then | |
IsSonzaiWord = True | |
Else | |
IsSonzaiWord = False | |
End If | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetFolderSonzai | |
'概要 :フォルダ存在チェック | |
'引数 :str_Path As String 検索するフォルダパス | |
'戻り値 :As Boolean チェック結果 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetFolderSonzai(str_Path As String) As Boolean | |
If Dir(str_Path, vbDirectory) = "" Then | |
GetFolderSonzai = False | |
Else | |
GetFolderSonzai = True | |
End If | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetSheetUsedRange | |
'概要 :指定シートの記入範囲を取得 | |
'引数 :ws_Get 範囲を取得するシート | |
'戻り値 :As range 記入範囲 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetSheetUsedRange(ws_Get As Worksheet) As Range | |
Set GetSheetUsedRange = ws_Get.UsedRange | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetRangeMax | |
'概要 :表の最大行・列を取得 | |
'引数 :str_Path As String 検索するフォルダパス | |
'戻り値 :As Boolean チェック結果 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetRangeMax(i_Mode As Integer, rng_Start As Range) As Integer | |
'================================================================== | |
' 変数定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Dim i_Ret As Integer | |
'================================================================== | |
' モードごとに最大番号検索 | |
'================================================================== | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 最大行 ※跨がない | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
If i_Mode = DEF_MD_R Then | |
If rng_Start.Offset(1, 0) = "" Then | |
i_Ret = rng_Start.Row | |
Else | |
i_Ret = rng_Start.End(xlDown).Row | |
End If | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 最大列 ※跨がない | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
ElseIf i_Mode = DEF_MD_C Then | |
If rng_Start.Offset(0, 1) = "" Then | |
i_Ret = rng_Start.Column | |
Else | |
i_Ret = rng_Start.End(xlToRight).Column | |
End If | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 最大行 ※跨ぐ | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
ElseIf i_Mode = DEF_MD_R_MATAGI Then | |
If rng_Start.Offset(1, 0) = "" Then | |
i_Ret = rng_Start.Row | |
Else | |
i_Ret = Range(Cells(Rows.Count, rng_Start.Column), Cells(Rows.Count, rng_Start.Column)).End(xlUp).Row | |
End If | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 最大列 ※跨ぐ | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
ElseIf i_Mode = DEF_MD_C_MATAGI Then | |
If rng_Start.Offset(0, 1) = "" Then | |
i_Ret = rng_Start.Column | |
Else | |
i_Ret = Range(Cells(rng_Start.Row, Columns.Count), Cells(rng_Start.Row, Columns.Count)).End(xlToLeft).Column | |
End If | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 範囲外 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Else | |
Call OutErrorMessage(DEF_ERROR_NOMODES, Str(i_Mode)) | |
End If | |
'================================================================== | |
' 戻り値設定 | |
'================================================================== | |
GetRangeMax = i_Ret | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetSearchWordRange | |
'概要 :文字列検索 | |
'引数 :i_sheet As Integer 検索シート番号 | |
' :st_word As String 検索文字列 | |
'戻り値 :As Range 検索結果セル範囲(単一セル) | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetSearchWordRange(ws_GetSheet As Worksheet, st_word As String) As Range | |
'================================================================== | |
' データ定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Dim rg_ret As Range | |
'================================================================== | |
' 記入セル検索 | |
'================================================================== | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 記入データ終点位置検索 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Set rg_ret = ws_GetSheet.UsedRange.Find(What:=st_word, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole) | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 範囲検索不可判定 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
If Not rg_ret Is Nothing Then | |
Else | |
Call OutErrorMessage(DEF_ERROR_NOSEARCH, st_word) | |
End If | |
'================================================================== | |
' 戻り値設定 | |
'================================================================== | |
Set GetSearchWordRange = rg_ret | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetFileData_Txt | |
'概要 :【txt系】ファイル読み込み | |
'引数 :st_outdata As String 出力文字列 | |
'戻り値 :なし | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetFileData_Txt(str_Pass As String) As String() | |
'================================================================== | |
' データ定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Dim i_FlFree As Integer | |
Dim i_Row As Integer | |
Dim i_YouCnt As Integer | |
Dim str_Get As String | |
Dim str_Rec As String | |
Dim str_buf As String | |
Dim str_Sepa() As String | |
Dim str_Ret() As String | |
Dim fso_GetFile As Object | |
Dim fso_GetFileTxt As Object | |
'================================================================== | |
' ファイル存在判定 | |
'================================================================== | |
If Dir(str_Pass) = "" Then | |
Call OutErrorMessage(DEF_ERROR_NOFILE, str_Pass) | |
End If | |
'================================================================== | |
' ファイル内容取得 | |
'================================================================== | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' ファイルから変数に格納 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Set fso_GetFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") | |
Set fso_GetFileTxt = fso_GetFile.OpenTextFile(str_Pass) | |
str_buf = fso_GetFileTxt.ReadAll | |
Set TextFile = Nothing | |
Set fso = Nothing | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 戻り用配列に変換 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
str_Ret = Split(str_buf, vbCrLf) | |
'================================================================== | |
' 戻り値設定 | |
'================================================================== | |
GetFileData_Txt = str_Ret | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetFileData_Csv | |
'概要 :【.csv】ファイル読み込み | |
'引数 :st_outdata As String 出力文字列 | |
'戻り値 :なし | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Function GetFileData_Csv(st_Pass As String) As String() | |
'================================================================== | |
' データ定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Dim i_Cnt As Integer | |
Dim i_Cnt2 As Integer | |
Dim i_ColMax As Integer | |
Dim str_Row As String | |
Dim str_Split() As String | |
Dim str_AllData_One() As String | |
Dim str_AllData_One2() As String | |
Dim str_AllData() As String | |
i_ColMax = 0 | |
'================================================================== | |
' ファイル内容取得 | |
'================================================================== | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 1行ずつ取得 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
str_AllData_One = GetFileData_Txt(st_Pass) | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' コンマを分解して、仮変数に格納 ※横の最大値を取得 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
ReDim str_AllData_One2(UBound(str_AllData_One, 1), 10000) | |
For i_Cnt = 0 To UBound(str_AllData_One2, 1) | |
' コンマを分解 | |
str_Split = Split(str_AllData_One(i_Cnt), ",") | |
' 分解数が現在のMAXより多かったら変数更新 | |
If UBound(str_Split, 1) > i_ColMax Then | |
i_ColMax = UBound(str_Split, 1) | |
End If | |
' 分解要素を一時変数に格納 | |
For i_Cnt2 = 0 To UBound(str_Split, 1) | |
str_AllData_One2(i_Cnt, i_Cnt2) = str_Split(i_Cnt2) | |
Next | |
Next | |
'================================================================== | |
' 配列サイズをリサイズ | |
'================================================================== | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' リサイズした配列変数に移行 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
ReDim str_AllData(UBound(str_AllData_One2, 1), i_ColMax) | |
For i_Cnt = 0 To UBound(str_AllData, 1) | |
For i_Cnt2 = 0 To UBound(str_AllData, 2) | |
str_AllData(i_Cnt, i_Cnt2) = str_AllData_One2(i_Cnt, i_Cnt2) | |
Next | |
Next | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 戻り値設定 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
GetFileData_Csv = str_AllData | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :OutFileData | |
'概要 :【.txt】ファイル出力 | |
'引数 :st_filename As String ファイル名 | |
'引数 :st_DefPath As String パス | |
'引数 :st_Kaku As String 拡張子 | |
'引数 :st_outdata As String 出力データ | |
'戻り値 :なし | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Sub OutFileData(st_filename As String, st_DefPath As String, st_Kaku As String, st_outdata As String) | |
'================================================================== | |
' データ定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Dim xlAPP As Application | |
Dim st_PJName As String | |
Dim st_filepass As String | |
Dim st_foldaname As String | |
Dim i_cnt_file As Integer | |
Dim i_cnt_teigi As Integer | |
Dim i_cnt_youso As Integer | |
'================================================================== | |
' 保存先フォルダ設定 | |
'================================================================== | |
If st_DefPath = "" Then | |
st_filepass = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" | |
Else | |
st_filepass = st_DefPath & "\" | |
End If | |
'================================================================== | |
' ファイル存在判定 | |
'================================================================== | |
st_filename = st_filepass & st_filename & "_" & GetNowTimeString(0) & "." & st_Kaku | |
If Dir(st_filename) <> "" Then | |
Kill st_filename | |
Else | |
End If | |
'================================================================== | |
' ファイル出力 | |
'================================================================== | |
Open st_filename For Output As #1 | |
Print #1, st_outdata; | |
Close #1 | |
End Sub | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetExcelFileSheetNames | |
'概要 :【ADO形式】エクセルファイルのシート名一覧を取得 | |
'引数 :なし | |
'戻り値 :なし | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Function GetExcelFileSheetNames(str_FilePath As String) As String() | |
'================================================================== | |
' 変数定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Const adOpenKeyset = 1 | |
Const adLockOptimistic = 3 | |
Dim objBase As Object | |
Dim objCn As Object | |
Dim objRS As Object | |
Dim sFile As String | |
Dim sSheet As String | |
Dim str_File As String | |
Dim str_List() As String | |
Dim i As Long | |
Dim i_StCnt As Integer | |
i_StCnt = 0 | |
ReDim str_List(1000) | |
str_File = GetAnalyzePath(str_FilePath)(0) | |
'================================================================== | |
' ADO形式でシート内容取得 | |
'================================================================== | |
Set objCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") | |
Set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") | |
With objCn | |
.Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" | |
.Properties("Extended Properties") = "Excel 12.0" | |
.Open str_FilePath | |
End With | |
Set objRS = objCn.OpenSchema(20) | |
i = 1 | |
Do Until objRS.EOF | |
sSheet = objRS.Fields("TABLE_NAME").Value | |
If Right(sSheet, 1) = "$" Or Right(sSheet, 2) = "$'" Then | |
If Right(sSheet, 1) = "$" Then | |
sSheet = Left(sSheet, Len(sSheet) - 1) | |
End If | |
If Right(sSheet, 2) = "$'" Then | |
sSheet = Left(sSheet, Len(sSheet) - 2) | |
End If | |
If Left(sSheet, 1) = "'" Then | |
sSheet = Mid(sSheet, 2) | |
End If | |
sSheet = Replace(sSheet, "''", "'") | |
If sSheet <> DF_SheetName_Out Then | |
If sSheet <> DF_SheetName_Trg Then | |
str_List(i_StCnt) = str_File + DF_Bunkatu + sSheet | |
i_StCnt = i_StCnt + 1 | |
End If | |
End If | |
i = i + 1 | |
End If | |
objRS.MoveNext | |
Loop | |
objRS.Close | |
objCn.Close | |
Set objRS = Nothing | |
Set objCn = Nothing | |
ReDim Preserve str_List(i_StCnt - 1) | |
GetExcelFileSheetNames = str_List | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :GetNowTimeString | |
'概要 :現在時刻を文字列で取得 | |
'引数 :i_Mode As Integer 出力形式モード値(0:秒まで記入、1:日まで記入) | |
'戻り値 :As String 時刻文字列 | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Function GetNowTimeString(i_Mode As Integer) As String | |
'================================================================== | |
' データ定義 | |
'================================================================== | |
Dim dt_Time As Date | |
'================================================================== | |
' 日付を文字列に変換 | |
'================================================================== | |
If i_Mode = DEF_MD_SYOUSAI Then | |
GetNowTimeString = Format(Now, "mm月dd日hh時nn分ss秒") | |
Else | |
GetNowTimeString = Format(Now, "yyyymmdd") | |
End If | |
End Function | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
'モジュール名 :OutErrorMessage | |
'概要 :エラーメッセージ出力 ※処理を中断する | |
'引数 :ByVal i_error As Integer エラー番号 | |
' :st_addword As String 追加情報 | |
'戻り値 :なし | |
'************************************************************************************************** | |
Public Sub OutErrorMessage(ByVal i_error As Integer, st_addword As String) | |
'================================================================== | |
' 画面固定OFF | |
'================================================================== | |
Application.ScreenUpdating = True | |
'================================================================== | |
' エラーメッセージ出力 | |
'================================================================== | |
Select Case i_error | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 変更不可 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
MsgBox ("◆ 検索エラー" & vbCrLf & st_addword & vbCrLf & "指定の文字列がない") | |
MsgBox ("◆ 範囲検索エラー" & vbCrLf & st_addword & vbCrLf & "範囲検索モードが範囲外") | |
MsgBox ("◆ フォルダが存在しない" & vbCrLf & "検索しようとしているフォルダが存在しません" & vbCrLf & "検索フォルダ『 " & st_addword & " 』") | |
MsgBox ("◆ ファイルが存在しない" & vbCrLf & "読み込もうとしているファイルが存在しません" & vbCrLf & "読み込みパス『 " & st_addword & " 』") | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 変更可 | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
MsgBox ("◆ ここに機種固有のエラー内容を記入") | |
MsgBox ("◆ ここに機種固有のエラー内容を記入") | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
' 未定義番号のエラー | |
'------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Case Else | |
MsgBox ("謎のエラー" & vbCrLf & st_addword) | |
End Select | |
'================================================================== | |
' 処理中断 | |
'================================================================== | |
End | |
End Sub |
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