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Created April 6, 2021 18:53
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Binary heap implementation in Swift
import Swift
public struct BinaryHeap<Element> {
public typealias Index = Int
var storage: [Element]
let comparator: (Element, Element) -> Bool
public var count: Int {
public init(comparator: @escaping (Element, Element) -> Bool) { = []
self.comparator = comparator
/// Inserts the given element into the `BinaryHeap`.
/// - Complexity: O(log n)
public mutating func insert(_ element: Element) {
siftUp(startingAt: lastStorageIndex)
/// Returns the first element in the `BinaryHeap`.
/// - Complexity: O(1)
public func peek() -> Element? {
/// Removes and returns the first element from the `BinaryHeap`.
/// - Complexity: O(log n)
public mutating func pop() -> Element? {
delete(at: 0)
// MARK: - Internals
/// Remove the item at the given index
/// - Complexity: O(log n)
private mutating func delete(at index: Index) -> Element? {
guard storage.count > index else {
return nil
guard storage.count > 1 else {
// The element to remove is the only one we have
return storage.removeLast()
storage.swapAt(index, lastStorageIndex)
let removed = storage.removeLast()
siftDown(startingAt: index)
return removed
private mutating func siftUp(startingAt startIndex: Index) {
var idx = startIndex
// 1. Compare the element at idx to its parent.
// 2. If they are not in the correct order:
// * Swap them
// * Go back to 1
while idx > 0 && comparator(storage[idx], storage[parentIndex(of: idx)]) {
let parentIdx = parentIndex(of: idx)
storage.swapAt(idx, parentIdx)
idx = parentIdx
private mutating func siftDown(startingAt startIndex: Index) {
var idx = startIndex
// 1. Compare the element at idx with its children.
// 2. If they are not in the correct order:
// * Swap the parent with its children based on the comparator
// * Go back to 1
while idx < lastStorageIndex {
let leftIdx = leftChildIndex(of: idx)
let rightIdx = rightChildIndex(of: idx)
guard leftIdx < storage.count, rightIdx < storage.count else {
let leftChild = storage[leftIdx]
let rightChild = storage[rightIdx]
guard comparator(leftChild, storage[idx]) || comparator(rightChild, storage[idx]) else {
// The heap is already in the correct order
if comparator(leftChild, rightChild) {
storage.swapAt(idx, leftIdx)
idx = leftIdx
} else {
storage.swapAt(idx, rightIdx)
idx = rightIdx
// MARK: Index Helpers
private var lastStorageIndex: Index {
storage.endIndex - 1
private func parentIndex(of index: Index) -> Index {
(index - 1) / 2
private func leftChildIndex(of index: Index) -> Index {
index * 2 + 1
private func rightChildIndex(of index: Index) -> Index {
index * 2 + 2
// MARK: -
extension BinaryHeap {
public init<Value>(keyPath: KeyPath<Element, Value>, comparator: @escaping (Value, Value) -> Bool) {
self.init { lhs, rhs in
comparator(lhs[keyPath: keyPath], rhs[keyPath: keyPath])
extension BinaryHeap where Element: Comparable {
public static func minHeap() -> Self {
self.init(comparator: <)
public static func maxHeap() -> Self {
self.init(comparator: >)
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