my .gitignore added text:
## Eclipse developers preferences over different operational systems
## and personalized configurations.
# link to some user folder at /.devsPrefs
# direct links to preferences at /.devsPrefs/Current
# Git ignore files are special. They are relative to their current path!
# If the one at '/.devsPrefs/SomeUserName/.gitignore' remains named like that,
# git will recognize and ignore files as that sub folder is a root folder!
# Therefore ONLY that file must be named like: '/.devsPrefs/SomeUserName/.gitignore.SomeUserName'
# And after creating the link to it, the link itself must be renamed to '.gitignore' to be again recognized by git.
Here are the symlinks each user can easily create thru drag-n-drop like in Nautilus (on linux):
.cproject -> .devsPrefs/Current/.cproject
.gitignore -> .devsPrefs/Current/.gitignore.SomeUserName1
.project -> .devsPrefs/Current/.project
.devsPrefs/Current -> SomeUserName1 # this link is to the current user selected preferences folder
real directories with custom preferences, ex.: