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Last active May 11, 2020 15:53
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  • Save AraHaan/983bec158a9fc9597717e29b11908462 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AraHaan/983bec158a9fc9597717e29b11908462 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Broken drawing of the caption buttons (minimize, maximize, close & help buttons). On Forms larger than 300 width it seems the buttons would before get drawn in the wrong spot aka before where they should get drawn to. This happens on netcoreapp3.1.
// Copyright (c) 2014-2020, Els_kom org.
// All rights reserved.
// license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
namespace Els_kom.Controls
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Els_kom.Enums;
// using NativeInterface;
internal class ThemedForm : /*Custom*/Form
[SuppressMessage("IDisposableAnalyzers.Correctness", "IDISP008:Don't assign member with injected and created disposables.", Justification = "Needed to dispose of components automatically.")]
internal IContainer components = null;
private bool minimizeHover = false;
private bool maximizeHover = false;
private bool closeHover = false;
private bool helpHover = false;
private bool minimizeClicked = false;
private bool maximizeClicked = false;
private bool closeClicked = false;
private bool helpClicked = false;
private bool active = false;
private bool mouseDown = false;
[SuppressMessage("Usage", "CA2213:Disposable fields should be disposed", Justification = "Gets disposed of automatically.")]
private ContextMenuStrip systemMenuStrip = null;
private Point lastLocation;
private bool menuShown = false;
// state bitmaps.
private Bitmap minimizeBitmap = null;
private Bitmap minimizeHoverBitmap = null;
private Bitmap minimizeDisabledBitmap = null;
private Bitmap maximizeBitmap = null;
private Bitmap maximizeHoverBitmap = null;
private Bitmap maximizeDisabledBitmap = null;
private Bitmap closeBitmap = null;
private Bitmap closeHoverBitmap = null;
private Bitmap closeClickedBitmap = null;
private Bitmap helpBitmap = null;
private Bitmap helpHoverBitmap = null;
private Bitmap iconBitmap = null;
private Icon lastIcon = null;
internal ThemedForm()
this.components = new Container();
// These seems to be the correct locations for the caption buttons in Windows 10.
this.MinimizeHitbox = new Rectangle(this.Size.Width - 136, 1, 45, 29);
this.MaximizeHitbox = new Rectangle(this.Size.Width - 90, 1, 45, 29);
this.CloseHitbox = new Rectangle(this.Size.Width - 44, 1, 45, 29);
this.HelpHitbox = new Rectangle(this.Size.Width - 90, 1, 45, 29);
// these are fixed points never changeing.
this.IconHitbox = new Rectangle(9, 7, 16, 16);
// the caption in the title bar. We need this to set the bit to make form moveable again.
this.CaptionHitbox = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Size.Width, 31);
this.Paint += this.ThemedForm_Paint;
this.Load += this.ThemedForm_Load;
this.MouseUp += this.ThemedForm_MouseUp;
this.MouseDown += this.ThemedForm_MouseDown;
this.MouseMove += this.ThemedForm_MouseMove;
this.MouseLeave += this.ThemedForm_MouseLeave;
this.Activated += this.ThemedForm_Activated;
this.Deactivate += this.ThemedForm_Deactivate;
if (ShareXResources.Theme != ShareXTheme.GetPresets()[0])
ShareXResources.Theme = ShareXTheme.GetPresets()[0];
// create state bitmaps.
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.minimizeBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox, true, false);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.minimizeHoverBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox, true, true);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.minimizeDisabledBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox, false, false);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.maximizeBitmap, this.MaximizeHitbox, true, false);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.maximizeHoverBitmap, this.MaximizeHitbox, true, true);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.maximizeDisabledBitmap, this.MaximizeHitbox, false, false);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.closeBitmap, this.CloseHitbox, true, false);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.closeHoverBitmap, this.CloseHitbox, true, true);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.closeClickedBitmap, this.CloseHitbox, true, false, false, true);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.helpBitmap, this.HelpHitbox, true, false, false);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.helpHoverBitmap, this.HelpHitbox, true, true, false);
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.iconBitmap, this.IconHitbox, true, false);
public new Size Size
get => base.Size;
// this._size = value;
// the size of the Windows 10 Window frame.
Size tmp = default;
tmp.Width += value.Width + 2;
tmp.Height += value.Height + 32;
var numchanged = value.Width - this.DefaultSize.Width;
var captionrect = this.CaptionHitbox;
var minrect = this.MinimizeHitbox;
var maxrect = this.MaximizeHitbox;
var closerect = this.CloseHitbox;
var helprect = this.HelpHitbox;
captionrect.Width = tmp.Width;
this.CaptionHitbox = captionrect;
minrect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 136;
this.MinimizeHitbox = minrect;
maxrect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 90;
this.MaximizeHitbox = maxrect;
closerect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 44;
this.CloseHitbox = closerect;
helprect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 90;
this.HelpHitbox = helprect;
base.Size = tmp;
public new Size ClientSize
get => base.ClientSize;
// this._size = value;
// the size of the Windows 10 Window frame.
Size tmp = default;
tmp.Width += value.Width + 2;
tmp.Height += value.Height + 32;
var numchanged = value.Width - this.DefaultSize.Width;
var captionrect = this.CaptionHitbox;
var minrect = this.MinimizeHitbox;
var maxrect = this.MaximizeHitbox;
var closerect = this.CloseHitbox;
var helprect = this.HelpHitbox;
captionrect.Width = tmp.Width;
this.CaptionHitbox = captionrect;
minrect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 136;
this.MinimizeHitbox = minrect;
maxrect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 90;
this.MaximizeHitbox = maxrect;
closerect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 44;
this.CloseHitbox = closerect;
helprect.X = this.DefaultSize.Width + numchanged - 90;
this.HelpHitbox = helprect;
base.ClientSize = tmp;
protected override Size DefaultSize => new Size(300, 300);
private Rectangle MinimizeHitbox { get; set; }
private Rectangle MaximizeHitbox { get; set; }
private Rectangle CloseHitbox { get; set; }
private Rectangle HelpHitbox { get; set; }
private Rectangle CaptionHitbox { get; set; }
private Rectangle IconHitbox { get; set; }
[SuppressMessage("IDisposableAnalyzers.Correctness", "IDISP002:Dispose member.", Justification = "Automatically disposed when components are disposed in a loop.")]
private ContextMenuStrip SystemMenuStrip
// prevent returning a new instance every time.
if (this.systemMenuStrip != null)
return this.systemMenuStrip;
// is null so we need to create one.
// get the system's menu and copy the data to a ContextMenuStrip.
var hmenu = NativeMethods.GetSystemMenu(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), bRevert: false);
var mENUITEMINFOs = NativeMethods.GetMenuInfo(new HandleRef(this, hmenu));
this.systemMenuStrip = NativeMethods.GetContextMenu(mENUITEMINFOs, this.components, this);
this.systemMenuStrip.Opened += this.SystemMenuStrip_Opened;
this.systemMenuStrip.Closed += this.SystemMenuStrip_Closed;
// theme this dark or whatever colors the theme is.
return this.systemMenuStrip;
protected override void OnNonClientPaint(Graphics g, Size paintArea)
base.OnNonClientPaint(g, paintArea);
// points to be used in linear gradient brush
var p1 = new Point(0, 0);
var p2 = new Point(paintArea.Width, 0);
// var c1 = this.IsWindowActive ? Color.Blue : Color.SkyBlue;
// var c2 = this.IsWindowActive ? Color.LightBlue : Color.LightSkyBlue;
using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(p1, p2, ShareXResources.Theme.BackgroundColor, ShareXResources.Theme.BackgroundColor))
g.FillRectangle(brush, 0, 0, paintArea.Width, paintArea.Height);
TextRenderer.DrawText(g, this.Text, SystemFonts.CaptionFont, new Rectangle(10, 0, 256, 40),
Color.White, TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
=> base.OnPaint(e);
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
=> base.OnLoad(e);
private static void CheckBitmapIfNull(ref Bitmap bitmap, string message)
if (bitmap == null)
MessageBox.Show(message, "Info!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
[SuppressMessage("IDisposableAnalyzers.Correctness", "IDISP003:Dispose previous before re-assigning.", Justification = "Does not need to be disposed of first.")]
private void ThemedForm_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
var fillRect = new Rectangle(1, 1, this.Size.Width - 2, 30);
using (var pen = new Pen(ShareXResources.Theme.BorderColor))
using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(fillRect, ShareXResources.Theme.LightBackgroundColor, ShareXResources.Theme.LightBackgroundColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
using (var brush2 = new LinearGradientBrush(fillRect, ShareXResources.Theme.DarkBackgroundColor, ShareXResources.Theme.DarkBackgroundColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, 0, 0, this.Size.Width - 1, this.Size.Height - 1);
if (/*Equals(ActiveForm, this) && */
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush2, fillRect);
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, fillRect);
if (this.ControlBox)
// draw the art work for the minimize, maximize, close, and help buttons.
if (this.MaximizeBox)
if (this.MinimizeBox)
if (this.minimizeHover)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.minimizeHoverBitmap, "Minimize Hover Bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.minimizeHoverBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.minimizeDisabledBitmap, "Minimize Bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.minimizeBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.minimizeDisabledBitmap, "Minimize Disabled Bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.minimizeDisabledBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox);
if (this.maximizeHover)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.maximizeHoverBitmap, "Maximize Hover bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.maximizeHoverBitmap, this.MaximizeHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.maximizeBitmap, "Maximize bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.maximizeBitmap, this.MaximizeHitbox);
// close box is here. Sadly no check for this though.
if (this.closeHover)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.closeHoverBitmap, "Close Hover bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.closeHoverBitmap, this.CloseHitbox);
else if (this.closeClicked)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.closeClickedBitmap, "Close Clicked bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.closeClickedBitmap, this.CloseHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.closeBitmap, "Close bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.closeBitmap, this.CloseHitbox);
if (this.MinimizeBox)
if (this.minimizeHover)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.minimizeHoverBitmap, "Minimize Hover bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.minimizeHoverBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.minimizeBitmap, "Minimize bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.minimizeBitmap, this.MinimizeHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.maximizeDisabledBitmap, "Maximize Disabled bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.maximizeDisabledBitmap, this.MaximizeHitbox);
else if (this.HelpButton)
if (this.helpHover)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.helpHoverBitmap, "Help Hover bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.helpHoverBitmap, this.HelpHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.helpBitmap, "Help bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.helpBitmap, this.HelpHitbox);
// close box is here. Sadly no check for this though.
if (this.closeHover)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.closeHoverBitmap, "Close Hover bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.closeHoverBitmap, this.CloseHitbox);
else if (this.closeClicked)
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.closeClickedBitmap, "Close Clicked bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.closeClickedBitmap, this.CloseHitbox);
CheckBitmapIfNull(ref this.closeBitmap, "Close bitmap is null.");
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.closeBitmap, this.CloseHitbox);
if (this.ControlBox)
// updates iconBitmap if it changed, otherwise resets it back to the old one anyway.
this.CreateBitmap(ref this.iconBitmap, this.IconHitbox, true, false);
// icons on Windows 10 seems to always be drawn at the Location(9 (x), 7 (y))
// and is always 16x16 in pixels at least on FixedSingle frames.
e.Graphics.DrawImage(this.iconBitmap, this.IconHitbox);
// window text seems to always be at Location(30 (x), 17, (y))
// at least on FixedSingle frames.
new Point(30, 17),
TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis);
// TODO: get where the text is located at when ControlBox is disabled.
private void ThemedForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
foreach (Control control in this.Controls)
var tmp = new Point(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y);
tmp.X += 1;
tmp.Y += 31;
control.Location = tmp;
if (!this.DesignMode)
private void ThemedForm_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
this.mouseDown = false;
this.minimizeHover = false;
this.maximizeHover = false;
this.closeHover = false;
this.helpHover = false;
if (this.CaptionHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
if (this.ControlBox)
if (this.MinimizeHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.MinimizeBox && this.minimizeClicked)
this.Capture = false;
var result = NativeMethods.SendMessageW(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), WindowsMessages.SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)(int)SYSCOMMANDS.SC_MINIMIZE, IntPtr.Zero);
Debug.WriteLineIf(result != IntPtr.Zero, $"NativeMethods.SendMessageW() failed with error code {result.ToInt32()}");
this.Capture = true;
else if (this.MaximizeHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.MaximizeBox && this.maximizeClicked)
// maximize disabled state is handled by the helphitbox one to avoid breaking the helpbox when it is enabled.
this.Capture = false;
var result = NativeMethods.SendMessageW(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), WindowsMessages.SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)(int)SYSCOMMANDS.SC_MAXIMIZE, IntPtr.Zero);
Debug.WriteLineIf(result != IntPtr.Zero, $"NativeMethods.SendMessageW() failed with error code {result.ToInt32()}");
this.Capture = true;
else if (this.HelpHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.HelpButton && this.helpClicked)
this.Capture = false;
var result = NativeMethods.SendMessageW(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), WindowsMessages.SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)(int)SYSCOMMANDS.SC_CONTEXTHELP, IntPtr.Zero);
Debug.WriteLineIf(result != IntPtr.Zero, $"NativeMethods.SendMessageW() failed with error code {result.ToInt32()}");
this.Capture = true;
else if (this.CloseHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.closeClicked)
this.Capture = false;
var result = NativeMethods.SendMessageW(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), WindowsMessages.SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)(int)SYSCOMMANDS.SC_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero);
Debug.WriteLineIf(result != IntPtr.Zero, $"NativeMethods.SendMessageW() failed with error code {result.ToInt32()}");
if (!this.IsDisposed)
this.Capture = true;
this.minimizeClicked = false;
this.maximizeClicked = false;
this.closeClicked = false;
this.helpClicked = false;
this.minimizeClicked = false;
this.maximizeClicked = false;
this.closeClicked = false;
this.helpClicked = false;
private void ThemedForm_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (this.CaptionHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
if (this.ControlBox)
if (this.MinimizeHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.MinimizeBox)
this.minimizeClicked = true;
else if (this.MinimizeHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
// must handle this disabled state to avoid bugs.
else if (this.MaximizeHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.MaximizeBox)
// maximize disabled state is handled by the helphitbox one to avoid breaking the helpbox when it is enabled.
this.maximizeClicked = true;
else if (this.HelpHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.HelpButton)
this.helpClicked = true;
else if (this.HelpHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
// must handle this disabled state to avoid bugs.
else if (this.CloseHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
this.closeClicked = true;
else if (this.IconHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
// todo: pop up the system menu like before.
if (this.IsHandleCreated && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
if (!this.menuShown)
this.SystemMenuStrip.Show(this, e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
this.Capture = false;
var result = NativeMethods.SendMessageW(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), WindowsMessages.SYSCOMMAND, (IntPtr)(int)SYSCOMMANDS.SC_CLOSE, IntPtr.Zero);
Debug.WriteLineIf(result != IntPtr.Zero, $"NativeMethods.SendMessageW() failed with error code {result.ToInt32()}");
if (!this.IsDisposed)
this.Capture = true;
// now we make the form move now that we verified that none of the standard buttons was clicked on.
this.mouseDown = true;
this.lastLocation = e.Location;
// now we make the form move now that we verified that none of the standard buttons was clicked on.
this.mouseDown = true;
this.lastLocation = e.Location;
private void ThemedForm_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (this.CaptionHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
if (this.ControlBox)
if (this.MinimizeHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.MinimizeBox)
if (this.minimizeHover != true)
this.minimizeHover = true;
if (this.minimizeHover == true)
this.minimizeHover = false;
if (this.MaximizeHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.MaximizeBox)
if (this.maximizeHover != true)
this.maximizeHover = true;
if (this.maximizeHover == true)
this.maximizeHover = false;
if (this.HelpHitbox.Contains(e.Location) && this.HelpButton)
if (this.helpHover != true)
this.helpHover = true;
if (this.helpHover == true)
this.helpHover = false;
if (this.CloseHitbox.Contains(e.Location))
if (this.closeHover != true)
this.closeHover = true;
if (this.closeHover == true)
this.closeHover = false;
if (this.mouseDown)
this.Location = new Point(
(this.Location.X - this.lastLocation.X) + e.X, (this.Location.Y - this.lastLocation.Y) + e.Y);
private void ThemedForm_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.mouseDown)
this.mouseDown = false;
if (this.minimizeHover)
this.minimizeHover = false;
if (this.maximizeHover)
this.maximizeHover = false;
if (this.closeHover)
this.closeHover = false;
if (this.helpHover)
this.helpHover = false;
private void ThemedForm_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Activated"); = true;
private void ThemedForm_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Deactivated"); = false;
private void SystemMenuStrip_Opened(object sender, EventArgs e)
=> this.menuShown = true;
private void SystemMenuStrip_Closed(object sender, ToolStripDropDownClosedEventArgs e)
=> this.menuShown = false;
private void AdjustSystemMenu(IntPtr hmenu)
// UpdateWindowState();
var winState = this.WindowState;
var borderStyle = this.FormBorderStyle;
var sizableBorder = borderStyle == FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow
|| borderStyle == FormBorderStyle.Sizable;
var showMin = this.MinimizeBox && winState != FormWindowState.Minimized;
var showMax = this.MaximizeBox && winState != FormWindowState.Maximized;
var showClose = this.ControlBox;
var showRestore = winState != FormWindowState.Normal;
var showSize = sizableBorder && winState != FormWindowState.Minimized
&& winState != FormWindowState.Maximized;
if (!showMin)
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_MINIMIZE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.GRAYED);
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_MINIMIZE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.ENABLED);
if (!showMax)
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_MAXIMIZE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.GRAYED);
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_MAXIMIZE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.ENABLED);
if (!showClose)
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_CLOSE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.GRAYED);
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_CLOSE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.ENABLED);
if (!showRestore)
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_RESTORE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.GRAYED);
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_RESTORE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.ENABLED);
if (!showSize)
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_SIZE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.GRAYED);
NativeMethods.EnableMenuItem(new HandleRef(this, hmenu), SYSCOMMANDS.SC_SIZE, NativeMethods.MF.BYCOMMAND | NativeMethods.MF.ENABLED);
// lazily create the bitmap.
[SuppressMessage("IDisposableAnalyzers.Correctness", "IDISP007:Don't dispose injected.", Justification = "Needed to cleanup old bitmap.")]
private void CreateBitmap(ref Bitmap bitmap, Rectangle bounds, bool enabled, bool hovered, bool isMaximize = true, bool isClicked = false)
if (bitmap == this.iconBitmap)
if (Icons.IconEquals(this.lastIcon, this.Icon))
bitmap = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
var bmpRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);
// in case we got to draw the buttons to the bitmap!!!
// the 2 colors for the close button was taken from the default windows 10 theme file.
using (var pen = new Pen(ShareXResources.Theme.TextColor))
using (var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(bmpRect, ShareXResources.Theme.MenuHighlightColor, ShareXResources.Theme.MenuHighlightColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
using (var closeHoverBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(bmpRect, Color.FromArgb(255, 232, 17, 35), Color.FromArgb(255, 232, 17, 35), LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
using (var closeClickedBrush = new LinearGradientBrush(bmpRect, Color.FromArgb(153, 231, 16, 34), Color.FromArgb(153, 231, 16, 34), LinearGradientMode.Vertical))
using (var gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
if (bounds == this.IconHitbox)
this.lastIcon = this.Icon;
using (var iconbmp = this.Icon.ToBitmap())
using (var bmp = new Bitmap(iconbmp, 16, 16))
gr.DrawImage(bmp, new Point(0, 0));
else if (bounds == this.MinimizeHitbox)
if (enabled)
if (hovered)
gr.FillRectangle(brush, bmpRect);
gr.DrawLine(pen, new Point(18, 15), new Point(28, 15));
gr.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, new Point(18, 15), new Point(28, 15));
else if ((bounds == this.MaximizeHitbox) && isMaximize)
if (enabled)
if (hovered)
gr.FillRectangle(brush, bmpRect);
gr.DrawRectangle(pen, 18, 10, 10, 10);
// color it with Pens.LightGray.
gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.DarkGray, 18, 10, 10, 10);
else if (bounds == this.CloseHitbox)
if (hovered)
gr.FillRectangle(closeHoverBrush, bmpRect);
else if (isClicked)
gr.FillRectangle(closeClickedBrush, bmpRect);
// TODO: Draw icon image of the button itself like windows does.
gr.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.closeglyph, new Point(18, 10));
else if (bounds == this.HelpHitbox)
if (hovered)
gr.FillRectangle(brush, bmpRect);
// TODO: Draw icon image of the button itself like windows does.
gr.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.helpglyph, new Point(18, 10));
private void InitializeComponent()
// ThemedForm
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(300, 300);
this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
this.Name = "ThemedForm";
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && (this.components != null))
if (disposing)
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