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Created December 26, 2008 18:15
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import math
def between(a, b, c):
return a <= b and b <= c
class Region(object):
def intersects(self, other):
raise NotImplemented(
"%s does not know how to check for intersection with %s"
% (self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
def getCovering(self):
"""Returns the minimum range that covers this region."""
raise NotImplemented()
class BoundingBox(Region):
def __init__(self, ul, br):
self.ul = ul = br
def __str__(self):
return '(%f, %f) - (%f, %f)' % (self.ul +
def intersects(self, other):
if isinstance(other, BoundingBox):
return ((between(self.ul[0], other.ul[0],[0]) or
between(other.ul[0], self.ul[0],[0])) and
(between(self.ul[1], other.ul[1],[1]) or
between(other.ul[1], self.ul[1],[1])))
super(BoundingBox, self).insertsects(other)
def covers(self, other):
return (self.ul[0] <= other.ul[0] and
self.ul[1] <= other.ul[1] and[0] >=[0] and[1] >=[1])
def getCovering(self):
"""Returns the smallest box that covers this bounding box.
This is achieved by starting with an arbitrary point and repeatedly getting
a prefix that covers the prefix-so-far and the next point.
points = [self.ul,, (self.ul[0],[1]),
([0], self.ul[1])]
covering = GeoCell.fromLatLon(*points[0])
for point in points[1:]:
covering = covering.getCoveringRange(GeoCell.fromLatLon(*point))
return covering
def getCenter(self):
return ((self.ul[0] +[0]) / 2, (self.ul[1] +[1]) / 2)
class GeoCell(long):
"""Represents points and regions on a 2D surface in a query-friendly manner.
A geocell is a 63-bit bit string, consisting of consecutive pairs of bits.
Each pair indicates which quarter of the region currently being considered the
final region or point lies in. For example, a geocell starting with the bit
pattern 01 11 indicates that the region being described lies in the upper left
quarter of the original range, and in the upper right quarter of that. In
lat/long terms, this would be the region (-90, 90) - (0, 45). This recursive
subdivision approach is similar to that used in a quadtree. With a little more
work this would form a space-filling curve, but currently the ordering of
child cells is not specified in such a way as to achieve this.
The 'level' of a geocell is the number of bit-pairs _not_ specified by the
cell. This is indicated by terminating the sequence of bit pairs with a single
1 bit, followed by 0 bits. Thus, a 'leaf' cell (a cell at the highest possible
level of detail) will always end with a 1, a level 1 cell will end with 100,
a level 2 cell with 10000, and so forth.
Querying is accomplished by finding a set of cells that covers the requested
region and as little extra as possible, without using more than the requested
number of cells. These cells are then translated into integer ranges that can
be used in a query.
def fromLatLon(lat, lon):
node = 0L
lonrange = (-180.0, 180.0)
latrange = (-90.0, 90.0)
for i in range(31):
node <<= 2
midlon = (lonrange[0] + lonrange[1]) / 2
if lon >= midlon:
node |= 2
lonrange = (midlon, lonrange[1])
lonrange = (lonrange[0], midlon)
midlat = (latrange[0] + latrange[1]) / 2
if lat >= midlat:
node |= 1
latrange = (midlat, latrange[1])
latrange = (latrange[0], midlat)
node = (node << 1) | 1
return GeoCell(node)
def getRanges(cells):
"""Utility function to return an iterator of ranges from a cell iterator.
This function automatically coalesces consecutive ranges.
if len(cells) == 0:
cells = sorted(cells)
current = cells[0].getRange()
for cell in cells[1:]:
range = cell.getRange()
if range[0] == current[1] + 1:
current = (current[0], range[1])
yield current
current = range
yield current
def __repr__(self):
return '0x%X' % self
def getLevel(self):
"""Returns the level of this GeoCell, where 0 is a 'leaf' cell."""
# The level is determined by the number of trailing 0 bits.
# If we and the number with its negation, the only bit left is the last one.
x = self & -self
return int(math.log(x, 2)) / 2
def toBoundingBox(self):
lonrange = (-180.0, 180.0)
latrange = (-90.0, 90.0)
for i in range(61, self.getLevel() * 2, -2):
midlon = (lonrange[0] + lonrange[1]) / 2
if self & (2 << i):
lonrange = (midlon, lonrange[1])
lonrange = (lonrange[0], midlon)
midlat = (latrange[0] + latrange[1]) / 2
if self & (1 << i):
latrange = (midlat, latrange[1])
latrange = (latrange[0], midlat)
return BoundingBox((latrange[0], lonrange[0]), (latrange[1], lonrange[1]))
def toLatLon(self):
return self.toBoundingBox().getCenter()
def getCoveringRange(self, other):
"""Returns the smallest range that encloses both points.
This is represented as the longest common prefix of the two (binary) numbers
followed by a 1 bit.
# Finds the least significant set bit and constructs a mask covering it
# and everything after it
mask_self = ((self & -self) << 1) - 1
mask_other = ((other & -other) << 1) - 1
# The first set bit in mask is the first differing bit, or the first
# trailing 1, whichever comes first
mask = (self ^ other) | (self & -self) | (other & -other)
# Set the first bit of every pair to 1 if the pair differs
mask = (mask | (mask << 1)) & 0x5555555555555555
# Expand the mask to cover all bits after the first set bit
mask |= mask >> 1
mask |= mask >> 2
mask |= mask >> 4
mask |= mask >> 8
mask |= mask >> 16
mask |= mask >> 32
return GeoCell((self & ~mask) | ((mask + 1) >> 1))
def isLeaf(self):
return bool(self&1)
def getChildren(self):
if self.isLeaf():
return []
shift = self.getLevel() * 2 - 2
return [GeoCell(self ^ (x<<shift)) for x in range(1, 8, 2)]
def getRange(self):
"""Returns a (start, end) tuple indicating the range this GeoCell covers"""
level = self.getLevel()
mask = (1 << 2*level+1) - 1
start = self & ~mask
end = start + mask
return (start, end)
def generateRegionCovering(region, max_cells=8):
# Partially covered cells
q = [region.getCovering()]
# Entirely covered cells
ret = []
while len(q) + len(ret) < max_cells:
cell = q.pop(0)
if cell.isLeaf():
for child in cell.getChildren():
bb = child.toBoundingBox()
if region.covers(bb):
elif region.intersects(bb):
return ret
import geocell
import unittest
class GeoCellTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testGeoCell(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(0, 0), 0x6000000000000001)
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(-90, -180), 0x1)
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(90, 180), 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(0, 180), 0x7555555555555555)
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(90, 0), 0x6AAAAAAAAAAAAAAB)
for x in range(-180, 181, 2):
for y in range(-90, 91, 2):
lat, lon = geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(y, x).toLatLon()
self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(lat, y, 6)
self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(lon, x, 6)
def testBoundingBox(self):
bb = geocell.BoundingBox((5, 5), (10, 10))
self.failUnless(bb.intersects(geocell.BoundingBox((0, 0), (6, 6))))
self.failUnless(bb.intersects(geocell.BoundingBox((6, 6), (9, 9))))
self.failUnless(bb.intersects(geocell.BoundingBox((0, 0), (15, 15))))
self.failIf(bb.intersects(geocell.BoundingBox((0, 0), (6, 4))))
self.failUnless(bb.covers(geocell.BoundingBox((6, 7), (8, 9))))
self.failIf(bb.covers(geocell.BoundingBox((0, 0), (6, 6))))
def testCoveringRange(self):
# The min covering range of a cell on itself is the original cell.
geocell.GeoCell(0x12345)), 0x12345)
# If only the second bit in a pair differs, both should be masked out
# 1F = 0 00 11 11 1, 1D = 0 00 11 10 1, 1C = 0 00 11 1 00
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x1F).getCoveringRange(0x1D), 0x1C)
# Covering of multiple sets should be the largest of the individual
# coverings
c1 = geocell.GeoCell(0x603F03F03F03F03F) # 60 = 0 11 00 00 0
c2 = geocell.GeoCell(0x6FC0FC0FC0FC0FC1) # 6F = 0 11 01 11 1
c3 = geocell.GeoCell(0x6A95A95A95A95A95)
self.failUnlessEqual(c1.getCoveringRange(c2), 0x7000000000000000)
cell = geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(90, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(cell.getCoveringRange(cell), cell)
self.failUnlessEqual(cell.getCoveringRange(0x1), 0x4000000000000000)
self.failUnlessEqual(cell.getCoveringRange(geocell.GeoCell.fromLatLon(90, 180)),
def testMinCovering(self):
bb = geocell.BoundingBox((10, 10), (80, 80))
self.failUnlessEqual(bb.getCovering(), 0x7000000000000000)
bb2 = geocell.BoundingBox((10, 10), (20, 80))
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.BoundingBox((-43.53273, 172.6321429),
(-43.52912, 172.6408769)).getCovering(),
def testGetLevel(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x1).getLevel(), 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x4).getLevel(), 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0xF0).getLevel(), 2)
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x8000000000000000).getLevel(), 31)
def testIsLeaf(self):
def testGetChildren(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x1).getChildren(), [])
[0x240, 0x2C0, 0x340, 0x3C0])
[0x9, 0xB, 0xD, 0xF])
def testRange(self):
# Leaf node
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x1).getRange(), (0x0, 0x1))
# Level 1
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0xC).getRange(), (0x8, 0xF))
# Level 2
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x30).getRange(), (0x20, 0x3F))
self.failUnlessEqual(geocell.GeoCell(0x1230).getRange(), (0x1220, 0x123F))
def testRanges(self):
# Single range
[(0x0, 0x1)])
[(0x20, 0x3F)])
# All 4 children
cell = geocell.GeoCell(0x1230)
range = cell.getRange()
children = cell.getChildren()
self.failUnlessEqual(list(geocell.GeoCell.getRanges(children)), [range])
# Multiple levels
ranges = children[:3] + [geocell.GeoCell(0xC), geocell.GeoCell(0x1229)]
[(0x8, 0xF), (0x1220, 0x1229), (0x1230, 0x123F)])
def testRegionCovering(self):
covering = geocell.generateRegionCovering(geocell.BoundingBox((10, 10), (80, 80)))
ranges = list(geocell.GeoCell.getRanges(covering))
self.failUnlessEqual(ranges, [(0x6000000000000000, 0x6FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)])
covering = geocell.generateRegionCovering(geocell.BoundingBox((10, 10), (20, 80)))
ranges = list(geocell.GeoCell.getRanges(covering))
self.failUnlessEqual(ranges, [(0x6000000000000000, 0x61FFFFFFFFFFFFFF),
(0x6400000000000000, 0x65FFFFFFFFFFFFFF)])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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