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Last active June 5, 2017 21:20
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  • Save Arachnid/86f4d183c36f5b05e55b771034dffe1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Arachnid/86f4d183c36f5b05e55b771034dffe1b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Author: Nick Johnson <arachnid at>
* WARNING: This contract is new and thus-far only lightly tested. I'm fairly
* confident it operates as described, but you may want to assure yourself of
* its correctness - or wait for others to do so for you - before you trust your
* ether to it. No guarantees, express or implied, are provided - use at your
* own risk.
* @dev Ether vault contract. Stores ether with a 'time lock' on withdrawals,
* giving a user the chance to reclaim funds if an account is compromised.
* A recovery address has the ability to immediately destroy the wallet and
* send its funds to a new contract (such as a new vault, if the wallet)
* associated with this one is compromised or lost). A cold wallet or
* secure brain wallet should typically be used for this purpose.
* Setup:
* To set up a vault, first create a cold wallet or secure brain wallet to use
* as a recovery key, and get its address. Then, deploy this vault contract
* with the address of the recovery key, and a time delay (in seconds) to
* impose on withdrawals.
* Deposits:
* Simply deposit funds into this contract by sending them to them. This
* contract only uses the minimum gas stipend, so it's safe to use with
* sites that "don't support smart contracts".
* Withdrawals:
* Call unvault() with the amount you wish to withdraw (in wei - one ether is
* 1e18 wei). After the time delay you specified when you created the wallet,
* you can call withdraw() to receive the funds.
* Vacations:
* If you anticipate not having access to the recovery key for some period,
* you can call `lock()` with a period (in seconds) that the funds should be
* unavailable for; this will prohibit any withdrawals completing during that
* period. If a withdrawal is outstanding, it will be postponed until the
* end of this period, too.
* Recovery:
* If your hotwallet is every compromised, or you detect an unauthorized
* `Unvault()` event, use your recovery key to call the `recover()` function
* with the address you want funds sent to. The funds will be immediately
* sent to this address (with no delay) and the contract will self destruct.
* For safety, you may wish to prepare a new vault (with a new recovery key)
* and send your funds directly to that.
contract Vault {
* @dev Owner of the vault.
address public owner;
* @dev Recovery address for this vault.
address public recovery;
* @dev Minimum interval between making an unvault call and allowing a
* withdrawal.
uint public withdrawDelay;
* @dev Earliest time at which a withdrawal can be made.
* Valid iff withdrawAmount > 0.
uint public withdrawTime;
* @dev Amount requested to be withdrawn.
uint public withdrawAmount;
modifier only_owner() {
if(msg.sender != owner) throw;
modifier only_recovery() {
if(msg.sender != recovery) throw;
* @dev Withdrawal request made
event Unvault(uint amount, uint when);
* @dev Recovery key used to send all funds to `address`.
event Recover(address target, uint value);
* @dev Funds deposited.
event Deposit(address from, uint value);
* @dev Funds withdrawn.
event Withdraw(address to, uint value);
* @dev Constructor.
* @param _recovery The address of the recovery account.
* @param _withdrawDelay The time (in seconds) between an unvault request
* and the earliest time a withdrawal can be made.
function Vault(address _recovery, uint _withdrawDelay) {
owner = msg.sender;
recovery = _recovery;
withdrawDelay = _withdrawDelay;
function max(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
if(a > b)
return a;
return b;
* @dev Request withdrawal of funds from the vault. Starts a timer for when
* funds can be withdrawn. Increases to the amount will reset the
* timer, but decreases can be made without changing it.
* @param amount The amount requested for withdrawal.
function unvault(uint amount) only_owner {
if(amount > this.balance)
// Update the withdraw time if we're withdrawing more than previously.
if(amount > withdrawAmount)
withdrawTime = max(withdrawTime, block.timestamp + withdrawDelay);
withdrawAmount = amount;
Unvault(amount, withdrawTime);
* @dev Withdraw funds. Valid only after `unvault` has been called and the
* required interval has elapsed.
function withdraw() only_owner {
if(block.timestamp < withdrawTime || withdrawAmount == 0)
uint amount = withdrawAmount;
withdrawAmount = 0;
Withdraw(owner, amount);
* @dev Use the recovery address to send all funds to the nominated address
* and self-destruct this vault.
* @param target The target address to send funds to.
function recover(address target) only_recovery {
Recover(target, this.balance);
* @dev Permits locking funds for longer than the default duration; useful
* if you will not have access to your recovery key for a while.
function lock(uint duration) only_owner {
withdrawTime = max(withdrawTime, block.timestamp + duration);
function() {
if(msg.value > 0)
Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
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veox commented Aug 12, 2016

I'd like to note there's another implementation by Dennis Peterson that does things slightly differently.

  • This version makes msg.sender the owner. DP designates another account as hotwallet (that could match the initial sender if desired). This provides additional flexibiltity for deploying the dapp, which may be useful for third-party vault providers, or deploying the dapp from a different device than the hotwallet is on.
  • DP's version doesn't have an equivalent of lock() for extending the lock time. The default lock time is also hard-coded (can't be specified during vault creation).
  • The approach to recovery is very different. This dapp sends funds to the owner. DP's variant changes the hotwallet account (and vaults anything that might be unvaulted).
  • It also uses .call() instead of .send() to send the funds, allowing the hotwallet to be something weird.
  • It has a way to permanently seal the vault, preventing anyone from withdrawing.

I think both have pros and cons, and that it's useful to link here.

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