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Last active October 19, 2018 19:02
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* @dev OpcodeChecker processes contract code to generate a bitmap of used opcodes.
* DO NOT USE: See the vulnerability identified by Recmo below. A patch will be provided soon.
* The generated bitmap can be used to enforce whitelisting and blacklisting on contract code.
* Bit n of the bitmap is set iff opcode n is used. For instance, the presence of the STOP opcode
* will result in bit 0 of the bitmap being set.
* A best-effort attempt is made to skip over unreachable data, but there may be false positives.
* To the extent the checker is written correctly, there are no false negatives.
* To check a contract against a blacklist, construct a mask by ORing the values of the opcodes you
* want to prohibit - for instance, if you want to prohibit SELFDESTRUCT (0xFF) CALLCODE (0xF2) and
* DELEGATECALL (0xF4), your mask should be
contract OpcodeChecker {
uint8 constant OP_STOP = 0x00;
uint8 constant OP_PUSH1 = 0x60;
uint8 constant OP_PUSH32 = 0x7F;
uint8 constant OP_JUMP = 0x56;
uint8 constant OP_JUMPDEST = 0x5B;
uint8 constant OP_RETURN = 0xF3;
uint8 constant OP_SELFDESTRUCT = 0xFF;
bytes32 constant UNREACHABLE_MASK =
(bytes32(1) << OP_STOP) |
(bytes32(1) << OP_JUMP) |
(bytes32(1) << OP_RETURN) |
(bytes32(1) << OP_SELFDESTRUCT);
mapping(bytes32=>bytes32) public opcodesUsed;
mapping(address=>bytes32) public bytecodeHash;
function getCode(address target) internal view returns(bytes memory) {
uint codelen;
assembly { codelen := extcodesize(target) }
bytes memory ret = new bytes(codelen);
assembly {
extcodecopy(target, add(ret, 32), 0, codelen)
return ret;
function process(address target) public returns (bytes32 bitmap) {
if(bytecodeHash[target] != 0) return opcodesUsed[bytecodeHash[target]];
bytes memory code = getCode(target);
bytes32 codeHash = keccak256(code);
bytecodeHash[target] = codeHash;
bitmap = analyse(code);
opcodesUsed[codeHash] = bitmap;
function analyse(bytes code) internal pure returns (bytes32 bitmap) {
bool reachable = true;
for(uint pc = 0; pc < code.length; pc++) {
uint8 opcode = uint8(code[pc]);
if(reachable) {
bytes32 bit = bytes32(1) << opcode;
bitmap |= bit;
if(opcode >= 0x60 && opcode <= 0x7F) {
pc += opcode - 0x5F;
} else if(reachable && ((bit & UNREACHABLE_MASK) != 0)) {
reachable = false;
} else if(opcode == OP_JUMPDEST) {
reachable = true;
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androlo commented May 9, 2018

Gonna use a similar thing in a little project if that is ok. With attribution of course.

Btw - any reasons REVERT and INVALID is not in that unreachable mask, or you just didn't bother/forgot in a simple gist? Genuine question.

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recmo commented Jul 30, 2018

The following (untested) would execute a SELFDESTRUCT but would not have the corresponding bit set when analysed.

offset  byte  decoded        Geth            OpcodeChecker
00      60    push1          push1           push1
01      07    07             data (07)       data (07)           
02      57    jump           jump            jump
03      61    push2          push2           unreachable
04      5B    jumpdest       data            jumpdest
05      61    push2          data            push2
06      5B    jumpdest       jumpdest        data
07      FF    selfdestruct   selfdestruct    data

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