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Created January 28, 2012 22:46
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Save Araq/1696059 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
yet another showstopper (part 2)
discard """
disabled: false
import math, algorithm
proc sorted[T](a: openArray[T], order: TSortOrder): bool =
result = true
for i in 0 .. < a.high:
if cmp(a[i], a[i+1]) * order > 0:
echo "Out of order: ", a[i], " ", a[i+1]
result = false
proc bubbleSort[T](a: var openArray[T],
cmp: proc (x, y: T): int,
order = TSortOrder.Ascending) =
while true:
var sorted = true
for i in 0 .. a.len-2:
if cmp(a[i], a[i+1]) * order > 0:
swap(a[i], a[i+1])
sorted = false
if sorted: break
when isMainModule:
proc main() =
const order = Ascending
var data: seq[string] = @[]
var L = random(59)
for i in 0..10_000:
echo "loop: ", i
#newSeq(data, L)
setLen(data, L)
for j in 0 .. L-1:
data[j] = $(math.random(90) - 10)
assert getRefcount(data[j]) == 1
{.watchpoint: data.}
var copy = data
for j in 0 .. L-1:
assert getRefcount(copy[j]) == 1
assert(cast[pointer](copy[j]) != cast[pointer](data[i]))
bubblesort(data, system.cmp, order)
if not sorted(data, order):
quit "bubblesort failed"
#sort(copy, cmp, order)
for j in 0 .. L-1:
let rc = getRefcount(data[j])
if rc != 1:
echo "RC IST ", rc, " j: ", j
assert getRefcount(data[j]) == 1
when false:
if copy.len != data.len:
quit "lengths differ!"
for i in 0 .. copy.high:
if copy[i] != data[i]:
quit "algorithms differ!"
when false:
for i in 0..10_000:
var data: seq[int]
var L = random(59)
newSeq(data, L)
for j in 0 .. L-1:
data[j] = (math.random(90) - 10)
var copy = data
sort(data, cmp[int], order)
if not sorted(data, order):
quit "sort for seq[int] failed"
bubblesort(copy, system.cmp[int], order)
if copy.len != data.len:
quit "lengths differ!"
for i in 0 .. copy.high:
if copy[i] != data[i]:
quit "algorithms differ!"
echo "done"
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