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Created May 8, 2023 06:12
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Binary trees benchmark
include prelude
Node {.acyclic.} = ref object
le, ri: owned Node
proc checkTree(n: Node): int =
if n.le == nil: 1
else: 1 + checkTree(n.le) + checkTree(n.ri)
proc makeTree(depth: int): owned Node =
if depth == 0: Node(le: nil, ri: nil)
else: Node(le: makeTree(depth-1), ri: makeTree(depth-1))
proc main =
let maxDepth = parseInt(paramStr(1))
const minDepth = 4
let stretchDepth = maxDepth + 1
let stree = makeTree(stretchDepth)
echo("stretch tree of depth ", stretchDepth, "\t check:",
checkTree stree)
let longLivedTree = makeTree(maxDepth)
var iterations = 1 shl maxDepth
for depth in countup(minDepth, maxDepth, 2):
var check = 0
for i in 1..iterations:
var tmp = makeTree(depth)
check += checkTree(tmp)
echo iterations, "\t trees of depth ", depth, "\t check:", check
iterations = iterations div 4
let t = epochTime()
echo "Completed in ", $(epochTime() - t), "s. Success!"
when declared(getMaxMem):
echo "Peak mem ", formatSize getMaxMem()
# use '21' as the command line argument
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