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Created December 23, 2018 22:23
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PtrTable = ptr object
counter, max: int
data: array[0xff_ffff, (pointer, pointer)]
template hashPtr(key: pointer): int = cast[int](key) shr 8
template allocPtrTable: untyped =
cast[PtrTable](alloc0(sizeof(int)*2 + sizeof(pointer)*2*cap))
proc rehash(t: PtrTable): PtrTable =
let cap = (t.max+1) * 2
result = allocPtrTable()
result.counter = t.counter
result.max = cap-1
for i in 0..t.max:
let k =[i][0]
if k != nil:
var h = hashPtr(k)
while[h and result.max][0] != nil: inc h[h and result.max] =[i]
dealloc t
proc initPtrTable(): PtrTable =
const cap = 32
result = allocPtrTable()
result.counter = 0
result.max = cap-1
template deinit(t: PtrTable) = dealloc(t)
proc get(t: PtrTable; key: pointer): pointer =
var h = hashPtr(key)
while true:
let k =[h and t.max][0]
if k == nil: break
if k == key:
return[h and t.max][1]
inc h
proc put(t: var PtrTable; key, val: pointer) =
if (t.max+1) * 2 < t.counter * 3: t = rehash(t)
var h = hashPtr(key)
while[h and t.max][0] != nil: inc h[h and t.max] = (key, val)
inc t.counter
GcCellIter = proc (self: ptr GcCell; prevOffset: int): int {.nimcall.}
GcCell {.inheritable.} = object
iter: GcCellIter
Node = object of GcCell
left, right: ptr Node
data: int
proc render(a: ptr Node) =
stdout.write "("
if a.left != nil: render(a.left)
if a.left == nil and a.right == nil:
if a.right != nil: render(a.right)
stdout.write ")"
HeapSize = 1024 * 1024
# But stuff can also be on the stack in arrays of tuples etc, so
# we push addresses of these stack slots to our shadow stack.
# Simpler code.
stackRoots: array[50_000, ptr ptr GcCell]
stackPtr: int
fromSpace = system.alloc(HeapSize)
toSpace = system.alloc(HeapSize)
fs, ts: int
template `+!`(x: typed; y: int): untyped = cast[typeof(x)](cast[int](x) +% y)
proc allocForwarding(x: ptr GcCell): ptr GcCell =
let size = x.iter(x, -1)
assert size == 40
assert ts + size < HeapSize
result = cast[ptr GcCell](toSpace +! ts)
inc ts, size
copyMem(result, x, size) # copy includes the object header
proc pushRoot(root: ptr ptr GcCell) =
stackRoots[stackPtr] = root
inc stackPtr
iterator children(x: ptr GcCell): ptr ptr GcCell =
var offset = 0
while true:
offset = x.iter(x, offset)
if offset < 0: break
yield cast[ptr ptr GcCell](cast[uint](x) + uint(offset))
var copyOps = 0
proc dcopy(tab: var PtrTable; x: ptr GcCell): ptr GcCell =
if x == nil: return nil
result = cast[ptr GcCell](tab.get(x))
if result == nil:
result = allocForwarding(x)
inc copyOps
tab.put(x, result)
for child in children(result):
# Note: this nil check cannot be moved into pushRoot!
if child[] != nil:
#child[] = dcopy(tab, child[])
proc collect() =
var tab = initPtrTable()
assert ts == 0
# first trace the roots, ensure these are not popped off the stack:
let rootsWatermark = stackPtr
for i in 0 ..< rootsWatermark:
let x = stackRoots[i]
x[] = dcopy(tab, x[])
while stackPtr > rootsWatermark:
let x = stackRoots[stackPtr-1]
dec stackPtr
x[] = dcopy(tab, x[])
swap(fromSpace, toSpace)
fs = ts
echo "FS is now ", fs
ts = 0
deinit tab
proc gcAlloc0(size: int; iter: GcCellIter): ptr GcCell =
#if fs + size >= HeapSize:
# collect()
assert fs + size < HeapSize
result = cast[ptr GcCell](fromSpace +! fs)
inc fs, size
zeroMem(result, size)
result.iter = iter
# --------------- user space ---------------------------------
proc describeNode(x: ptr GcCell; prevOffset: int): int =
let x = cast[ptr Node](x)
case prevOffset
of -1:
result = sizeof(Node)
of 0:
result = offsetof(x, left)
of offsetof(x, left):
result = offsetof(x, right)
result = -1 # signal we're at the end
proc newNode(data: int): ptr Node =
result = cast[ptr Node](gcAlloc0(sizeof(Node), describeNode)) = data
result.left = nil
result.right = nil
proc append(a, b: ptr Node; id: int): ptr Node =
result = newNode(id)
result.left = a
result.right = b
proc test =
var x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
var root: ptr Node
let oldStack = stackPtr
pushRoot(cast[ptr ptr GcCell](addr root))
for i in 0..5:
root = append(newNode(i), root, 100+i)
echo "phase 0"
echo "phase 1"
echo "phase 2"
var rootB: ptr Node
pushRoot(cast[ptr ptr GcCell](addr rootB))
for i in 0..100:
rootB = append(rootB, newNode(i), 100+i)
echo "phase 3"
echo "phase 4 "
stackPtr = oldStack
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