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Created July 7, 2021 16:52
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Xaeros Minimap 中文
"gui.xaero_confirm" : "确认",
"gui.xaero_cancel" : "取消",
"gui.xaero_back" : "返回",
"gui.xaero_delete" : "删除",
"gui.xaero_OK" : "确定",
"gui.xaero_add_edit" : "添加/编辑",
"gui.xaero_new_waypoint" : "新建导航点",
"gui.xaero_initial" : "初始化",
"gui.xaero_edit_waypoint" : "编辑导航点",
"gui.xaero_armour_status_settings" : "Armor Status Settings",
"gui.xaero_choose_a_preset" : "选择预设方案",
"gui.xaero_choose_an_interface" : "Choose an Interface",
"gui.xaero_armour_status" : "Armor Status",
"gui.xaero_notifications" : "Notifications",
"gui.xaero_minimap" : "小地图",
"gui.xaero_miscellaneous" : "Miscellaneous",
"gui.xaero_edit_mode" : "编辑模式",
"gui.xaero_instructions" : "Instructions/Help",
"gui.xaero_not_ingame" : "You have to be in game to be able to use the edit mode!",
"gui.xaero_welcome_edit_mode" : "Welcome to the edit mode!",
"gui.xaero_howto_select" : "Left-click an interface to select it.",
"gui.xaero_howto_drag" : "左键点击并拖动到想要的位置。",
"gui.xaero_howto_deselect" : "Right-click to deselect an interface.",
"gui.xaero_howto_center" : "Press \"C\" to center or uncenter the selected interface.",
"gui.xaero_different_centered" : "Some interfaces have a different centered look.",
"gui.xaero_howto_flip" : "Press \"F\" to flip or unflip the selected interface.",
"gui.xaero_howto_settings" : "Press \"S\" to quickly access settings of the selected interface.",
"gui.xaero_howto_preset" : "Select a preset by clicking the \"Choose a Preset\" button.",
"gui.xaero_howto_save" : "Save your changes by clicking the \"Confirm\" button.",
"gui.xaero_howto_cancel" : "Discard your changes by clicking the \"Cancel\" button.",
"gui.xaero_minimap_settings" : "小地图设置",
"gui.xaero_miscellaneous_settings" : "Miscellaneous Settings",
"gui.xaero_notification_settings" : "Notification Settings",
"gui.xaero_better_pvp_settings" : "Better PvP Settings",
"gui.xaero_server_disabled" : "The server might have disabled some of the mod features.",
"gui.xaero_waypoints" : "导航点",
"gui.xaero_box_potion_effects" : "An interface displaying currently active potion effects.",
"gui.xaero_box_armour_status" : "An interface displaying info about your currently worn armor and item held at the time.",
"gui.xaero_box_sprint" : "Sprint by holding one single (configurable) key binding.",
"gui.xaero_box_sneak" : "Allows you to toggle your sneak ON/OFF and stay sneaking without having to hold anything.",
"gui.xaero_box_notifications" : "On-screen notifications for various things, such as low health value, low hunger value, low oxygen value, danger of explosion, and being shot by (an) arrow(s).",
"gui.xaero_box_xp" : "Gained or lost experience indicator flying across your screen.",
"gui.xaero_box_quick_use" : "Action-bar-like system of key bindings that lets you automatically use a specified item from your hotbar without having to switch away from your currently held item. Holding the key binding lets you keep using the item like if you were holding the right mouse button. For example: placing torches, TNT, throwing potions, eating food, drinking.",
"gui.xaero_box_minimap" : "A minimap displaying your nearest surroundings and entities.",
"gui.xaero_centered" : "居中:",
"gui.xaero_press_c" : "(按下C键)",
"gui.xaero_flipped" : "翻转:",
"gui.xaero_press_f" : "(按下F键)",
"gui.xaero_preset_fancy" : "Fancy",
"gui.xaero_preset_classic" : "经典",
"gui.xaero_preset_social" : "Social",
"gui.xaero_potion_status" : "Potion Status",
"gui.xaero_archery_status" : "Display Left Arrows",
"gui.xaero_sprint" : "Better Sprint",
"gui.xaero_sneak" : "Toggle Sneak",
"gui.xaero_enchants_color" : "Enchant Color",
"gui.xaero_durability" : "Durability In",
"gui.xaero_hunger_setting" : "Hunger Notifications",
"gui.xaero_hp_setting" : "Health Notifications",
"gui.xaero_explosion_setting" : "Explosion Notifications",
"gui.xaero_being_shot_setting" : "\"Being Shot\" Notifications",
"gui.xaero_xp_setting" : "XP Drops",
"gui.xaero_custom_settings" : "Custom Settings",
"gui.xaero_reset_defaults" : "Restore Default Settings",
"gui.xaero_quick_use" : "Quick Item Use",
"gui.xaero_show_enchants" : "Display Enchants",
"gui.xaero_cave_maps" : "洞穴模式",
"gui.xaero_display_teams" : "显示其他团队",
"gui.xaero_display_waypoints" : "地图路径点",
"gui.xaero_display_players" : "显示玩家",
"gui.xaero_display_mobs" : "显示怪物",
"gui.xaero_display_items" : "显示物品",
"gui.xaero_display_other" : "显示其他",
"gui.xaero_zoom" : "缩放",
"gui.xaero_minimap_size" : "尺寸",
"gui.xaero_entity_amount" : "实体数量",
"gui.xaero_black" : "黑色",
"gui.xaero_dark_blue" : "深蓝色",
"gui.xaero_dark_green" : "深绿色",
"gui.xaero_dark_aqua" : "深青色",
"gui.xaero_dark_red" : "深红色",
"gui.xaero_dark_purple" : "深紫色",
"gui.xaero_gold" : "金色",
"gui.xaero_gray" : "灰色",
"gui.xaero_dark_gray" : "深灰色",
"gui.xaero_blue" : "蓝色",
"gui.xaero_green" : "绿色",
"gui.xaero_aqua" : "青色",
"gui.xaero_red" : "红色",
"gui.xaero_purple" : "紫色",
"gui.xaero_yellow" : "黄色",
"gui.xaero_white" : "白色",
"gui.xaero_percent" : "百分比",
"gui.xaero_numeral" : "数值",
"gui.xaero_both" : "全部",
"gui.xaero_tiny" : "微型",
"gui.xaero_small" : "小型",
"gui.xaero_medium" : "中型",
"gui.xaero_large" : "大型",
"gui.xaero_pvp_sprint" : "PvP Sprint",
"gui.xaero_quick_eat" : "Quick Eat",
"gui.xaero_toggle_sneak" : "Toggle Sneak",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_1" : "Quick Use 1",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_2" : "Quick Use 2",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_3" : "Quick Use 3",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_4" : "Quick Use 4",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_5" : "Quick Use 5",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_6" : "Quick Use 6",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_7" : "Quick Use 7",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_8" : "Quick Use 8",
"gui.xaero_quick_use_9" : "Quick Use 9",
"gui.xaero_zoom_in" : "缩小小地图",
"gui.xaero_zoom_out" : "放大小地图",
"gui.xaero_on" : "开启",
"gui.xaero_off" : "关闭",
"gui.xaero_restores" : "恢复",
"gui.xaero_preset_topleft" : "左上角",
"gui.xaero_preset_topright" : "右上角",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_teleport" : "传送",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_key" : "打开路径点",
"gui.xaero_display_coords" : "显示坐标",
"gui.xaero_disable_enable" : "禁用/启用",
"gui.xaero_disabled" : "已禁用",
"gui.xaero_minimap_guide" : "Left-click and drag to move the minimap around.",
"gui.xaero_change_position" : "改变位置",
"gui.xaero_preset_bottom_left" : "左下角",
"gui.xaero_preset_bottom_right" : "右下角",
"gui.xaero_ingame_waypoints" : "游戏中显示导航点",
"gui.xaero_next" : "下一页 >>",
"gui.xaero_previous" : "<< 上一页",
"gui.xaero_lock_north" : "禁止旋转",
"gui.xaero_deathpoint" : "最后死亡地点",
"gui.xaero_deathpoint_old" : "先前死亡地点",
"gui.xaero_deathpoints" : "死亡地点",
"gui.xaero_chunkgrid" : "区块网格",
"gui.xaero_entity_colours" : "实体颜色",
"gui.xaero_players" : "玩家",
"gui.xaero_mobs" : "友好生物",
"gui.xaero_hostile" : "敌对生物",
"gui.xaero_items" : "物品",
"gui.xaero_other" : "其他实体",
"gui.xaero_hunger_low" : "Low Hunger Value",
"gui.xaero_hp_low" : "Low Health Value",
"gui.xaero_enlarge_map" : "扩大小地图",
"gui.xaero_fbo" : "Beta",
"gui.xaero_potion_status_settings" : "Potion Status Settings",
"gui.xaero_potion_names" : "Potion Effect Names",
"gui.xaero_opacity" : "不透明度",
"gui.xaero_slime_chunks" : "史莱姆区块",
"gui.xaero_unlimited" : "无限",
"gui.xaero_old_deathpoints" : "保持先前死亡地点",
"gui.xaero_toggle_map" : "开关小地图",
"gui.xaero_antialiasing" : "抗锯齿",
"gui.xaero_safe_mode" : "安全模式",
"gui.xaero_transfer" : "移动",
"gui.xaero_transfer_all" : "移动所有导航点",
"gui.xaero_clear" : "清空集合",
"gui.xaero_from" : "从",
"gui.xaero_to" : "到",
"gui.xaero_used_seed" : "地图种子:",
"gui.xaero_show_distance" : "距离导航点",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_scale" : "游戏中导航点大小",
"gui.xaero_block_colours" : "方块颜色模式",
"gui.xaero_accurate" : "准确",
"gui.xaero_vanilla" : "原版",
"gui.xaero_lighting" : "照明",
"gui.xaero_air_setting" : "Oxygen Notifications",
"gui.xaero_air_low" : "Low Oxygen Value",
"gui.xaero_looking_at" : "视角指向时",
"gui.xaero_all" : "全部",
"gui.xaero_display_redstone" : "显示红石",
"gui.xaero_clear_set_message" : "你确定要清空当前集合吗",
"gui.xaero_clear_set_message2" : "该集合中的所有导航点都将被删除!",
"gui.xaero_default" : "默认",
"gui.xaero_create_set" : "新建导航点集合",
"gui.xaero_world" : "世界",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_set" : "集合",
"gui.xaero_delete_set" : "删除集合",
"gui.xaero_delete_set_message" : "你确定要删除中当前集合吗",
"gui.xaero_delete_set_message2" : "该集合将会从当前世界中删除。",
"gui.xaero_toggle_waypoints" : "切换游戏中导航点显示",
"gui.xaero_dots_size" : "实体点大小",
"gui.xaero_entity_info" : "实体信息",
"gui.xaero_toggle_slime" : "切换史莱姆区块",
"gui.xaero_toggle_grid" : "切换区块网格",
"gui.xaero_compass_over_wp" : "Compass Over Waypoints",
"gui.xaero_display_hostile" : "显示敌对生物",
"gui.xaero_box_entity_info" : "An interface displaying information about the living entity that you are pointing at, including players.",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_settings" : "实体信息设置",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_stay" : "Continue Displaying For",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_distance" : "Reach Distance",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_max_hearts" : "Max Heart Number",
"gui.xaero_current_biome" : "显示当前生物群系",
"gui.xaero_auto_map_size" : "自动",
"gui.xaero_reset_message" : "你确定要恢复到默认设置?",
"gui.xaero_reset_message2" : "这个操作无法撤销!",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_numbers" : "Health in Numbers",
"gui.xaero_yaw" : "方向",
"gui.xaero_true" : "是",
"gui.xaero_false" : "否",
"gui.xaero_team_colours" : "Team Colors",
"gui.xaero_instant_waypoint" : "快速导航点",
"gui.xaero_entity_depth" : "显示实体深度",
"gui.xaero_show_full_amount" : "Full Held Item Quantity",
"gui.xaero_show_flowers" : "显示花",
"gui.xaero_show_entity_model" : "显示实体模型",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_names" : "在距离之上显示导航点名称",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_distance" : "导航点渲染最大距离",
"gui.xaero_teleport_default_command" : "默认传送命令",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_distance_min" : "导航点渲染最小距离",
"gui.xaero_other_teams" : "其他团队",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_armour_numbers" : "Armor in Numbers",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_armour" : "Display Armor Info",
"gui.xaero_arrow_scale" : "箭头大小",
"gui.xaero_arrow_colour" : "箭头颜色",
"gui.xaero_smooth_dots" : "实体点光滑化",
"gui.xaero_cave_zoom" : "洞穴模式放大",
"gui.xaero_safe_mode_box" : "Use Java-based (CPU) equivalent of this mod instead of the default, OpenGL-based (GPU) one. Safe mode is a plan B in case the mod does not function correctly. Not all features work in the safe mode. Do not use unless you have to.",
"gui.xaero_height_limit" : "实体高度限制",
"gui.xaero_world_map" : "世界地图",
"gui.xaero_use_world_map" : "使用世界地图MOD的区块设置",
"gui.xaero_patron_capes" : "Patreon Capes",
"gui.xaero_entity_radar" : "实体雷达",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_potion_effects" : "Potion Effects (SP Only)",
"gui.xaero_entity_info_potion_effects_scale" : "Potion Effect Scale",
"gui.xaero_terrain_depth" : "Terrain Depth",
"gui.xaero_terrain_slopes" : "Terrain Slopes",
"gui.xaero_block_transparency" : "方块透明性",
"gui.xaero_team" : "Team",
"gui.xaero_world_server" : "世界/服务器",
"gui.xaero_subworld_dimension" : "子世界/维度",
"gui.xaero_switch_waypoint_set" : "切换导航点集合",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_opacity_ingame" : "游戏中导航点不透明度",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_opacity_map" : "地图导航点",
"gui.xaero_hide_world_names" : "隐藏IP/世界名称",
"gui.xaero_open_slime" : "Open on Key Press",
"gui.xaero_options" : "选项",
"gui.xaero_make_automatic" : "Make World/Server Auto",
"gui.xaero_make_automatic_msg1" : "你确定?",
"gui.xaero_make_automatic_msg2" : "This will swap all waypoint data between the selected world/server and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected world/server automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing.",
"gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic" : "Make Sub-World Auto",
"gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic_msg1" : "你确定?",
"gui.xaero_make_multi_automatic_msg2" : "This will swap all waypoint data between the selected sub-world and the auto one, thus simulate making the selected sub-world automatic. Make sure you know what you are doing.",
"gui.xaero_delete_world" : "删除世界/服务器",
"gui.xaero_delete_world_msg1" : "你确定要删除选中的世界/服务器中的所有导航点数据?",
"gui.xaero_delete_world_msg2" : "该操作无法撤销!请确定你知道自己在干什么。",
"gui.xaero_delete_multi_world" : "Delete Sub-World",
"gui.xaero_delete_multi_world_msg1" : "你确定要删除选中的子世界中的所有导航点数据?",
"gui.xaero_delete_multi_world_msg2" : "该操作无法撤销!请确定你知道自己在干什么。",
"gui.xaero_always_show_distance" : "总是显示导航点距离",
"gui.xaero_item_tooltip" : "Item Tooltip",
"gui.xaero_entity_tooltip_settings" : "Item Tooltip Settings",
"gui.xaero_item_tooltip_min_lines" : "Minimum Lines",
"gui.xaero_item_tooltip_time" : "Display For",
"gui.xaero_multiply_all_by_8" : "子世界坐标 * 8",
"gui.xaero_divide_all_by_8" : "子世界坐标 / 8",
"gui.xaero_multiply_msg1" : "This option should be used only to fix incorrect waypoint coordinates.",
"gui.xaero_multiply_msg2" : "Are you sure you would like to MULTIPLY all sub-world coordinates by 8?",
"gui.xaero_divide_msg2" : "Are you sure you would like to DIVIDE all sub-world coordinates by 8?",
"gui.xaero_share" : "共享",
"gui.xaero_share_msg1" : "Are you sure you would like to share this waypoint with §cEVERYONE§f in the chat?",
"gui.xaero_share_msg2" : "Make sure you do not expose a secret location!",
"gui.xaero_roof" : "天花板",
"gui.xaero_partial" : "部分",
"gui.xaero_full" : "完整",
"gui.xaero_show_light_level" : "显示亮度级别",
"gui.xaero_up" : "[向上]",
"gui.xaero_down" : "[向下]",
"gui.xaero_display_all_sets" : "切换渲染所有导航点集合",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_name" : "导航点名称",
"gui.xaero_set_name" : "集合名称",
"gui.xaero_render_layer" : "Overlay Render Layer",
"gui.xaero_visit_needed" : "§eYou need to visit this dimension first to convert it to the new format!",
"gui.xaero_mp_cross_tp" : "MP Cross-Dimensional TP",
"gui.xaero_cross_tp" : "跨维度TP",
"gui.xaero_unreachable_dimension" : "Unreachable destination dimension.",
"gui.xaero_show_time" : "显示游戏时间",
"gui.xaero_24h" : "24小时制",
"gui.xaero_12h" : "12小时制",
"gui.xaero_temporary" : "临时",
"gui.xaero_restore" : "恢复",
"gui.xaero_biomes_vanilla" : "原版生物群系颜色模式",
"gui.xaero_potion_effects_blink" : "Blink When Runs Out",
"gui.xaero_use_multiworld" : "Multiworld Detection",
"gui.xaero_close" : "关闭",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_distance_visibility_angle" : "导航点距离水平角度",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_distance_vertical_visibility_angle" : "导航点距离垂直角度",
"gui.xaero_teleportation" : "传送",
"gui.xaero_teleportation_tooltip" : "一旦禁用,只能通过修改配置文件重新启用!",
"gui.xaero_use_multiworld_tooltip" : "Disable if this is a simple server with a single world (no separate lobby, game mode, or minigame worlds). Multiworld detection will cause only issues on such servers. However, installing this mod on the server side should prevent these issues.",
"gui.xaero_world_teleport_command" : "传送命令",
"gui.xaero_use_default" : "Use Default",
"gui.xaero_centered_enlarged" : "扩大时居中",
"gui.xaero_zoomed_out_enlarged" : "扩大时缩小",
"gui.xaero_sort" : "排序规则",
"gui.xaero_sort_reversed" : "反向排序",
"gui.xaero_sort_unsorted" : "不排序",
"gui.xaero_sort_name" : "名称",
"gui.xaero_sort_symbol" : "符号",
"gui.xaero_sort_distance" : "距离",
"gui.xaero_box_cave_maps" : "Mapping mode that can go deeper than the surface blocks, mainly to display underground caves and interiors of buildings. The ceiling size refers to the size of a horizontal \"square\" of solid blocks that has to be detected above you to activate the cave mode.",
"gui.xaero_box_entity_amount" : "The limit per each entity category.",
"gui.xaero_box_distance" : "Specifies, for which in-game waypoints to show the distance to.",
"gui.xaero_box_always_distance" : "Display distance even when the waypoint is very close. This setting does not override the \"Distance to WP\" option.",
"gui.xaero_box_arrow_scale" : "Scale of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases.",
"gui.xaero_box_arrow_color" : "Color of the arrow used in the non-rotating variant of the minimap and several other cases.",
"gui.xaero_box_cave_zoom" : "Specifies, how much to zoom the minimap further in when the cave mode is active.",
"gui.xaero_box_entity_depth" : "Display entities darker on the minimap depending on their Y level relative to you.",
"gui.xaero_box_height_limit" : "Maximum Y-level distance for entities until they are no longer displayed on the minimap.",
"gui.xaero_toggle_map_waypoints" : "Toggle On-Map Waypoints",
"gui.xaero_always_entity_nametags" : "Always Render Entity Name Tags",
"gui.xaero_minimap_text_align" : "信息文字对齐方向",
"gui.xaero_center" : "居中",
"gui.xaero_left" : "居左",
"gui.xaero_right" : "居右",
"gui.xaero_show_angles" : "显示朝向角度",
"gui.xaero_box_always_entity_nametags" : "Always render names for entities with name tags regardless of what the name setting is set to in the \"Entity Radar\" screen.",
"gui.xaero_box_teleport_default_command" : "The command used for waypoint teleportation if a world-specific or a server-specific command is not set in the Options menu in the waypoint screen.",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_mode_individually" : "One by One",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_mode_all" : "All at Once",
"gui.xaero_compass" : "方向标识",
"gui.xaero_cave_maps_depth" : "洞穴模式深度",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_reset" : "重置",
"gui.xaero_main_entity_as" : "主实体样式",
"gui.xaero_arrow" : "箭头",
"gui.xaero_dot" : "点",
"gui.xaero_crosshair" : "十字线条",
"gui.xaero_teleport_coordinates_hidden" : "Unable to teleport, because it would expose the waypoint coordinates. Disable the \"Hide Waypoint Coordinates\" option to be able to freely teleport again.",
"gui.xaero_hide_wp_coords" : "Hide Waypoint Coordinates",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_show" : "显示",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_edit_hide" : "隐藏",
"gui.xaero_teleport_anyway" : "Teleport Anyway",
"gui.xaero_teleport_shows_coordinates" : "It will expose the coordinates!",
"gui.xaero_render_all_wp_sets" : "渲染所有导航点集合",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_global" : "全局",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_local" : "本地",
"gui.xaero_player_arrow_opacity" : "箭头不透明度",
"gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance" : "Maximum render distance for local waypoints. Global waypoints are not affected.",
"gui.xaero_connect_with_auto" : "添加子世界连接",
"gui.xaero_disconnect_from_auto" : "删除子世界连接",
"gui.xaero_world_connection_tooltip" : "Connect/disconnect selected sub-world to/from the current auto one. Connect only sub-worlds that are from the same sub-server/world save. For example, if a vanilla Nether portal takes you from sub-world A to sub-world B, then you can safely connect them. Other sub-worlds connected to the current one are always at the top of the list and are marked by an asterisk (symbol: *).",
"gui.xaero_connect_with_auto_msg" : "Would you like to create the following connection between sub-worlds?",
"gui.xaero_disconnect_from_auto_msg" : "Would you like to delete the following connection between sub-worlds?",
"gui.xaero_teleport_not_connected" : "You are trying to teleport to a sub-world that is not connected to the current auto one. If you are sure that this sub-world is from the same sub-server/world save as the auto one, then you can enable teleportation by adding a connection in the waypoint screen -> Options -> Add Sub-World Connection. But beware, if you connect unrelated sub-worlds and teleport, then there is a good chance you will suffocate in a block or die from fall damage, so be careful and connect only the right ones.",
"gui.xaero_ignore_heightmaps" : "Ignore Server Heightmaps",
"gui.xaero_box_ignore_heightmaps" : "Some servers put custom values in the world heightmaps, which may result in incorrectly rendered maps. Sometimes it may even happen in heavily modded singleplayer worlds. This option should fix such issues at the expense of a bit of performance. Do not use unless you have to. Reenter the world after toggling this option!",
"gui.xaero_error_loading_properties" : "Error loading server minimap properties. Please retry.",
"gui.xaero_light_block" : "方块",
"gui.xaero_light_sky" : "天空",
"gui.xaero_light_both" : "所有",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_bottom" : "在底部添加新导航点",
"gui.xaero_box_waypoints_bottom" : "Put newly created waypoints at the bottom of the waypoint list instead of the default top.",
"gui.xaero_armour_main_hand" : "主手物品",
"gui.xaero_armour_off_hand" : "副手物品",
"gui.xaero_minimap_shape" : "形状",
"gui.xaero_minimap_shape_square" : "方形",
"gui.xaero_minimap_shape_circle" : "圆形",
"gui.xaero_slopes_legacy" : "经典",
"gui.xaero_slopes_default" : "默认",
"gui.xaero_names_list" : "按下玩家列表键时",
"gui.xaero_names_always" : "总是显示",
"gui.xaero_names_off" : "不显示名称",
"gui.xaero_entity_radar_type" : "类型:",
"gui.xaero_entity_radar_color" : "颜色:",
"gui.xaero_entity_radar_visiblity" : "可见:",
"gui.xaero_entity_radar_names" : "名称:",
"gui.xaero_entity_radar_icons" : "图标/头像:",
"gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_names" : "Render entity names under the dots or icons/heads. \n \n Option \"Player List\" - render only when the \"List Players\" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed.",
"gui.xaero_light_overlay_status" : "Using Light Overlay",
"gui.xaero_light_overlay" : "Light Overlay",
"gui.xaero_light_overlay_type" : "Light Overlay",
"gui.xaero_light_overlay_color" : "颜色",
"gui.xaero_light_overlay_max_light" : "最大亮度",
"gui.xaero_light_overlay_min_light" : "最小亮度",
"gui.xaero_toggle_light_overlay" : "Toggle Light Overlay",
"gui.xaero_box_light_overlay_type" : "Using this overlay can negatively affect the game performance because it currently does not use the World Map mod chunks and increases the minimap updating frequency. Do not keep it active all the time.",
"gui.xaero_day" : "天数",
"gui.xaero_tamed" : "已驯服生物",
"gui.xaero_untamed_color" : "未驯服颜色",
"gui.xaero_icons_list" : "按下玩家列表键时",
"gui.xaero_icons_always" : "总是显示",
"gui.xaero_icons_off" : "不显示图标",
"gui.xaero_box_entity_radar_icons" : "Render entity icons instead of colored dots. \n \n Option \"Player List\" - render only when the \"List Players\" key binding (TAB by default) is pressed.",
"gui.xaero_dot_name_scale" : "实体名大小",
"gui.xaero_entity_heads_scale" : "实体图标大小",
"gui.xaero_box_minimap_size" : "Size of the minimap frame that affects how much is visible. Square-shaped minimap is forced into the non-rotating mode (option \"Lock Minimap North\") when the size is greater than 180. \n \n For the \"Auto\" option, go all the way to the left. \n \n Size values in older mod versions: \n Tiny - 57 \n Small - 85 \n Medium - 113 \n Large - 169",
"gui.xaero_auto_clamp_depth" : "自动",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_clamp_depth" : "Clamp Depth",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_distance_scale" : "导航点距离文字大小",
"gui.xaero_waypoints_name_scale" : "导航点名称文字大小",
"gui.xaero_box_waypoints_clamp_depth" : "The screen depth at which in-game waypoints stop getting smaller when you go further away from them. \n Use this if you want to make waypoints that are far away bigger/smaller on the screen. Use the \"Waypoint In-Game Scale\" setting to also affect the size of waypoints when you are close to them. \n \n For the \"Auto\" option, go all the way to the left. \n The automatic option attempts to give you the best value for the default values of scale types, taking your FOV and screen height into account. \n \n Default values in older mod versions: \n Clamp Depth: 12 \n In-Game Scale: 2.5 \n Name Text Scale: 0.5 \n Distance Text Scale: 0.8",
"gui.xaero_box_waypoints_distance_scale" : "Scale of the text displaying the distance to an in-game waypoint. \n \n Default values in older mod versions: \n Clamp Depth: 12 \n In-Game Scale: 2.5 \n Name Text Scale: 0.5 \n Distance Text Scale: 0.8",
"gui.xaero_box_waypoints_name_scale" : "Scale of the text displaying the name of an in-game waypoint. \n \n Default values in older mod versions: \n Clamp Depth: 12 \n In-Game Scale: 2.5 \n Name Text Scale: 0.5 \n Distance Text Scale: 0.8",
"gui.xaero_box_waypoints_scale" : "Scale of in-game waypoints. Use this to change the scale of all in-game waypoints, including those that are near you. Use the \"Clamp Depth\" setting to specifically affect the size of waypoints that are far away. \n \n Default values in older mod versions: \n Clamp Depth: 12 \n In-Game Scale: 2.5 \n Name Text Scale: 0.5 \n Distance Text Scale: 0.8",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_shared" : "%1$s shared a waypoint called \"%2$s\"! §2§n[Add]",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_shared_dimension" : "%1$s shared a waypoint called \"%2$s\" from %3$s! §2§n[Add]",
"gui.xaero_waypoint_unknown_dimension" : "an unknown dimension",
"gui.xaero_uses_worldmap_value" : "该选项值取决于世界地图的设置!",
"gui.xaero_dots_style" : "实体点样式",
"gui.xaero_dots_style_default" : "默认",
"gui.xaero_dots_style_legacy" : "经典",
"gui.xaero_slopes_default_3d" : "默认3D",
"gui.xaero_slopes_default_2d" : "默认2D",
"gui.xaero_ui_scale" : "UI大小",
"gui.xaero_ui_scale_auto" : "自动",
"gui.xaero_ui_scale_mc" : "Minecraft",
"gui.xaero_box_ui_scale" : "Scale of text and other minimap UI elements. Not made for zooming in or resizing. There are separate options for that.",
"gui.xaero_no_durability" : "None",
"gui.xaero_pushbox_normal" : "Normal",
"gui.xaero_pushbox_screen_height" : "Screen Height",
"gui.xaero_pushbox_boss_health" : "Boss Health Push Box",
"gui.xaero_pushbox_potion_effects" : "Potion Effects Push Box",
"gui.xaero_box_pushbox_boss_health" : "An invisible box around the vanilla boss health display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way. \n \n Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance. \n \n Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed.",
"gui.xaero_box_pushbox_potion_effects" : "An invisible box around the vanilla potion effects display that pushes the mod's interfaces out of the way. \n \n Normal type's collision box is equal to its size and only pushes interfaces by the necessary distance. \n \n Screen Height type's collision box is stretched across the whole screen height and always shifts colliding interfaces vertically by the Normal type's height. This can be very useful when you have multiple interfaces in a column and want all of them to be pushed.",
"gui.xaero_held_centered_position" : "Held Items When Centered",
"gui.xaero_held_centered_position_screen_edges" : "Edges",
"gui.xaero_held_centered_position_hotbar" : "Hotbar",
"gui.xaero_minimap_frame" : "边框样式",
"gui.xaero_minimap_frame_color" : "边框颜色",
"gui.xaero_box_minimap_frame_color" : "The color of the minimap frame for the non-default colored frame styles.",
"gui.xaero_minimap_frame_default" : "默认",
"gui.xaero_minimap_frame_colored_thick" : "粗着色边框",
"gui.xaero_minimap_frame_colored_thin" : "细着色边框",
"gui.xaero_compass_north" : "N",
"gui.xaero_compass_east" : "E",
"gui.xaero_compass_south" : "S",
"gui.xaero_compass_west" : "W",
"gui.xaero_compass_scale" : "方向标识大小",
"gui.xaero_box_compass_scale" : "The scale of the compass letters NESW when using the on-map compass location.",
"gui.xaero_minimap_compass_inside_frame" : "在地图内",
"gui.xaero_minimap_compass_on_frame" : "在边框上",
"gui.xaero_compass_color" : "方向阴影颜色",
"gui.xaero_box_compass_over_wp2" : "Render compass letters (N, E, S, W) over the on-map waypoints. This only works for the on-frame compass location.",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap" : "无小地图",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar" : "无实体雷达",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints" : "无导航点",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps" : "无洞穴地图",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap_harmful" : "无小地图",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar_harmful" : "无实体雷达",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints_harmful" : "无导航点",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps_harmful" : "无洞穴地图",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_minimap_beneficial" : "无小地图",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_entity_radar_beneficial" : "无实体雷达",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_waypoints_beneficial" : "无导航点",
"effect.xaerominimap.no_cave_maps_beneficial" : "无洞穴地图",
"gui.xaero_radar_item_frames" : "Display Item Frame Dots",
"gui.xaero_show_dimension_name" : "显示当前维度名称",
"gui.xaero_unknown_biome" : "未知生物群系",
"gui.xaero_light_value" : "亮度: %d"
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