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Created October 22, 2023 17:05
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Arathi Hardware Description Language
grammar AHdl;
// 语法
module: inputs outputs parts wires EOF;
inputs: INPUTS input (CM input)* CM ES;
outputs: OUTPUTS output (CM output)* CM ES;
parts: PARTS part (CM part)* CM ES;
wires: WIRES wire (CM wire)* CM ES;
: inputPinId
| inputBusId BL busSize BR
: outputPinId
| outputBusId BL busSize BR
: partType partId+
: wireStart TO wireTarget
: pinValue
| inputPin
| inputBus
| partId DT outputPin
| partId DT outputBus
: outputPin
| outputBus
| partId DT inputPin
| partId DT outputPin
: inputPinId
| inputBusId BL pinIndex BR
: inputBusId
| inputBusId BL pinRangeStart RG pinRangeEnd BR
: outputPinId
| outputBusId BL pinIndex BR
: outputBusId
| outputBusId BL pinRangeStart RG pinRangeEnd BR
inputPinId: id;
inputBusId: id;
outputPinId: id;
outputBusId: id;
partId: id;
busSize: number;
pinValue: number;
pinIndex: number;
pinRangeStart: number;
pinRangeEnd: number;
id: ID;
partType: PART_TYPE;
number: NUMBER;
// 词法
INPUTS: 'Inputs:';
OUTPUTS: 'Outputs:';
PARTS: 'Parts:';
WIRES: 'Wires:';
CM: ','; // comma
ES: ';'; // end of segment
BL: '['; // bucket left
BR: ']'; // bucket right
TO: '->'; // link to
DT: '.'; // dot
RG: ':'; // range
ID: [a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*;
PART_TYPE: [A-Z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*;
NUMBER: [0=9]+;
WS: [ \t] -> skip;
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