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Last active July 23, 2022 06:15
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Ubunut(Linux) user commands

Caution / Note / Disclaimer:

The below table contains commands which i learn from many linux related sources i follow, Use it at your own risk

description syntaxt / sample command output
add any terminal command output in a temporary web page/note (like paste bin) as a shareable web page link Name date \| curl --data-binary @-
e4defrag - online defragmenter for ext4 filesystem
sudo e4defrag #location# Deframent the given location
sudo e4defrag Deframent the given device
sudo -v e4defrag / To defragment your entire system
file - determine file type $ file [option] [filename]
          $ file -b
          $ file -b file.img
          $ file -b file.txt
          $ file -b file.pdf 
Deframent the given location
sudo e4defrag Deframent the given device
sudo -v e4defrag / To defragment your entire system
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