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Last active April 20, 2022 16:24
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  • Save Araxeus/c1aa9591282ffa8960e8ef0bfd96f365 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Araxeus/c1aa9591282ffa8960e8ef0bfd96f365 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Search reddit comments in thread
javascript: (() => {window.reddit_comment_search??={loadingIcon:'<svg xmlns="" style="margin:auto" width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" display="block"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="32" stroke-width="8" stroke="#ff4500" stroke-dasharray="50.265 50.265" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round"><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1.5s" keyTimes="0;1" values="0 50 50;360 50 50"/></circle></svg>',ogIconHtml:document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML,regex:regex=/\d more repl(?:y|ies)/,search:[],currentIndex:0,afterExpand(){const e=document.querySelector("input#header-search-bar")?.value;e?this.searchFor(e):this.searchForLinks(),console.log(`Done searching (${} results found)`),window.reddit_comment_search.rcsLoaded||(document.addEventListener("keydown",(({code:e})=>{"Period"===e&&,"Comma"===e&&this.previous()}),{passive:!0}),this.rcsLoaded=!0),document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML=this.ogIconHtml},beforeExpand(){document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML=this.loadingIcon,this.totalExpanded=0,this.expandAll()},expandAll(){let e=0,t=!1;[...document.querySelectorAll("p")].forEach((o=>{window.reddit_comment_search.regex.test(o.innerText)&&(,e++,t=!0)})),window.reddit_comment_search.totalExpanded+=e,[...document.querySelectorAll(".Comment>button")].forEach((e=>{"1"===window.getComputedStyle(e).opacity&&})),t?(console.log(`expanded ${e} times, going for another pass`),setTimeout(window.reddit_comment_search.expandAll,3500)):(console.log(`Done expanding comments (${window.reddit_comment_search.totalExpanded} times)`),window.reddit_comment_search.afterExpand())},searchForLinks(){[...document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="comment"]')].filter((e=>e.querySelector("a"))),this.currentIndex=0,},searchFor(e=""){[...document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="comment"]')].filter((t=>t.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(e.toLowerCase()))),this.currentIndex=0,},next(){this.currentIndex<>=0?(console.log(`(${this.currentIndex+1}/${})`),this.scrollToNode([this.currentIndex]),this.currentIndex++):console.log("No more results")},previous(){this.currentIndex=Math.max(0,this.currentIndex-2),},scrollToNode(e){e&&window.scrollTo({top:e.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset-88,behavior:"smooth"})}},window.reddit_comment_search.beforeExpand();})();
* easiest way to use this is add the file above as a bookmarklet, then go to a reddit thread, input something in the search bar and launch the bookmarklet
* Navigate search results by pressing `.`(Period/Dot) for next or `,`(Comma) for previous. (sorry, arrow keys refuse to work with smooth scroll)
* modify afterExpand() to search for your query (comment/delete searchForLinks(), uncomment searchFor and replace 'reddit' with your query)
* Paste the contents of this file into devtools (by default it expand all comments and then search for links)
* Call next() / previous() to navigate search results
* Call searchFor("TERM") to search for TERM
* Call searchForLinks() to search for all links
// is called after expandAll(), put whatever you want to find here
function afterExpand() {
const searchTerm = document.querySelector('input#header-search-bar')?.value;
searchTerm ? searchFor(searchTerm) : searchForLinks();
console.log(`Done searching (${search.length} results found)`);
if (!document.rcsLoaded) {
document.addEventListener('keydown', ({ code }) => {
if (code === 'Period') next();
if (code === 'Comma') previous();
}, { passive: true });
document.rcsLoaded = true;
document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML = ogIconHtml;
function beforeExpand() {
document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML = loadingIcon;
const loadingIcon = '<svg xmlns="" style="margin:auto" width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" display="block"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="32" stroke-width="8" stroke="#ff4500" stroke-dasharray="50.265 50.265" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round"><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1.5s" keyTimes="0;1" values="0 50 50;360 50 50"/></circle></svg>';
const ogIconHtml = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML;
// Utility to scroll to a node
function scrollToNode(node) {
if (!node) return;
top: node.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - 88,
behavior: 'smooth'
// ********** Expand All Comments **********
const regex = /\d more repl(?:y|ies)/;
let totalExpanded = 0;
function expandAll() {
let expanded = 0;
let hadUnexpended = false;
[...document.querySelectorAll('p')].forEach(p => {
if (regex.test(p.innerText)) {;
hadUnexpended = true;
totalExpanded += expanded;
[...document.querySelectorAll('.Comment>button')].forEach(b => {
if (window.getComputedStyle(b).opacity === '1') {;
if (hadUnexpended) {
console.log(`expanded ${expanded} times, going for another pass`);
setTimeout(expandAll, 3500);
} else {
console.log(`Done expanding comments (${totalExpanded} times)`);
// ********** Search **********
let search = [];
let currentIndex = 0;
// Find all comments that contains a link
const searchForLinks = () => {
search = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="comment"]')].filter(
c => c.querySelector('a')
currentIndex = 0;
// Find all comments that contains "term" (ignore case)
const searchFor = (term = '') => {
search = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="comment"]')].filter(
c => c.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase())
currentIndex = 0;
// scroll into next result
const next = () => {
if (currentIndex < search.length && currentIndex >= 0) {
console.log(`(${currentIndex + 1}/${search.length})`);
} else {
console.log('No more results');
// scroll into last result
const previous = () => {
currentIndex = Math.max(0, currentIndex - 2);
* easiest way to use this is add the file above as a bookmarklet, then go to a reddit thread, input something in the search bar and launch the bookmarklet
* Navigate search results by pressing `.`(Period/Dot) for next or `,`(Comma) for previous. (sorry, arrow keys refuse to work with smooth scroll)
* modify afterExpand() to search for your query (comment/delete searchForLinks(), uncomment searchFor and replace 'reddit' with your query)
* Paste the contents of this file into devtools (by default it expand all comments and then search for links)
* Call next() / previous() to navigate search results
* Call searchFor("TERM") to search for TERM
* Call searchForLinks() to search for all links
// Bookmarklet is javascript: (() => {MINIFIED})() where minified is from
window.reddit_comment_search ??= {
loadingIcon: '<svg xmlns="" style="margin:auto" width="35" height="35" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" display="block"><circle cx="50" cy="50" r="32" stroke-width="8" stroke="#ff4500" stroke-dasharray="50.265 50.265" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round"><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1.5s" keyTimes="0;1" values="0 50 50;360 50 50"/></circle></svg>',
ogIconHtml: document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML,
regex: regex = /\d more repl(?:y|ies)/,
search: [],
currentIndex: 0,
// is called after expandAll(), put whatever you want to find here
afterExpand() {
const searchTerm = document.querySelector('input#header-search-bar')?.value;
searchTerm ? this.searchFor(searchTerm) : this.searchForLinks();
console.log(`Done searching (${} results found)`);
if (!window.reddit_comment_search.rcsLoaded) {
document.addEventListener('keydown', ({ code }) => {
if (code === 'Period');
if (code === 'Comma') this.previous();
}, { passive: true });
this.rcsLoaded = true;
document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML = this.ogIconHtml;
beforeExpand() {
document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home"] svg').outerHTML = this.loadingIcon;
this.totalExpanded = 0;
// ********** Expand All Comments **********
expandAll() {
let expanded = 0;
let hadUnexpended = false;
[...document.querySelectorAll('p')].forEach(p => {
if (window.reddit_comment_search.regex.test(p.innerText)) {;
hadUnexpended = true;
window.reddit_comment_search.totalExpanded += expanded;
[...document.querySelectorAll('.Comment>button')].forEach(b => {
if (window.getComputedStyle(b).opacity === '1') {;
if (hadUnexpended) {
console.log(`expanded ${expanded} times, going for another pass`);
setTimeout(window.reddit_comment_search.expandAll, 3500);
} else {
console.log(`Done expanding comments (${window.reddit_comment_search.totalExpanded} times)`);
// ********** Search **********
// Find all comments that contains a link
searchForLinks() { = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="comment"]')].filter(
c => c.querySelector('a')
this.currentIndex = 0;;
// Find all comments that contains "term" (ignore case)
searchFor(term = '') { = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="comment"]')].filter(
c => c.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase())
this.currentIndex = 0;;
// scroll into next result
next() {
if (this.currentIndex < && this.currentIndex >= 0) {
console.log(`(${this.currentIndex + 1}/${})`);
} else {
console.log('No more results');
// scroll into last result
previous() {
this.currentIndex = Math.max(0, this.currentIndex - 2);;
// Utility to scroll to a node
scrollToNode(node) {
if (!node) return;
top: node.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - 88,
behavior: 'smooth'
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