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Created May 20, 2011 03:56
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PHP Process Pool With Executor
//Found on
//Modified by
//Modified: add executor
class Thread {
var $pref ; // process reference
var $pipes; // stdio
var $buffer; // output buffer
var $output;
var $error;
var $timeout;
var $start_time;
function Thread($timeout) {
$this->pref = 0;
$this->buffer = "";
$this->pipes = (array)NULL;
$this->output = "";
$this->start_time = time();
$this->timeout = $timeout;
static function Create ($command, $timeout) {
$t = new Thread($timeout);
$descriptor = array (0 => array ("pipe", "r"), 1 => array ("pipe", "w"), 2 => array ("pipe", "w"));
//Open the resource to execute $command
$t->pref = proc_open($command,$descriptor,$t->pipes);
//Set STDOUT and STDERR to non-blocking
stream_set_blocking ($t->pipes[1], 0);
stream_set_blocking ($t->pipes[2], 0);
return $t;
//See if the command is still active
function isActive () {
$this->buffer .= $this->listen();
$f = stream_get_meta_data ($this->pipes[1]);
return !$f["eof"];
//Close the process
function close () {
$r = proc_close ($this->pref);
$this->pref = NULL;
return $r;
//Send a message to the command running
function tell ($thought) {
fwrite ($this->pipes[0], $thought);
//Get the command output produced so far
function listen () {
$buffer = $this->buffer;
$this->buffer = "";
while ($r = stream_get_contents ($this->pipes[1])) {
$buffer .= $r;
return $buffer;
//Get the status of the current runing process
function getStatus(){
return proc_get_status($this->pref);
//See if the command is taking too long to run (more than $this->timeout seconds)
function isBusy(){
return ($this->start_time>0) && ($this->start_time+$this->timeout<time());
//What command wrote to STDERR
function getError () {
$buffer = "";
while ($r = fgets ($this->pipes[2], 1024)) {
$buffer .= $r;
return $buffer;
function getDurationSeconds() {
return time() - $this->start_time;
class Future {
var $taskId;
var $command;
var $result;
var $error;
var $finished = false;
var $started = false;
var $thread;
var $callback;
var $executor;
function Future($taskId, $command, $callback, $executor) {
$this->taskId = $taskId;
$this->command = $command;
$this->callback = $callback;
$this->executor = $executor;
function startup($timeout) {
$this->started = true;
$this->thread = Thread::create($this->command, $timeout);
function end($result, $error) {
$this->result = $result;
$this->error = $error;
$this->finished = true;
call_user_func($this->callback, $this->result, $this->error);
//Wrapper for Thread class
class ThreadPool{
var $poolSize;
var $defaultTimeout;
var $futures = array();
var $pipes = array();
var $queue = array();
var $output;
var $error;
var $index = 0;
function ThreadPool($size, $timeout) {
$this->poolSize = $size;
$this->defaultTimeout = $timeout;
function scheduleCommand($executor, $command, $callback) {
$future = new Future(""+$this->index++, $command, $callback, $executor);
$this->futures[$future->taskId] = $future;
$this->output[$future->taskId] = "";
$this->error[$future->taskId] = "";
if (count($this->pipes) >= $this->poolSize)
array_push($this->queue, $future);
return $future;
function scheduleNow($future) {
$this->pipes[$future->taskId] = $future->thread->pipes[1];
echo 'thread '.$future->taskId." started, command:".$future->command."\n";
function loop(){
while (count($this->pipes)>0){
while(count($this->pipes)<$this->poolSize && count($this->queue)>0) {
$future = array_shift($this->queue);
function runOnce() {
$streams = $this->pipes;
if (count($streams)>0){
$read = $streams;
$write = null;
$except = null;
stream_select($read, $write, $except, 1);
foreach ($read as $r) {
$id = array_search($r, $streams);
$thread = $this->futures[$id]->thread;
if ($thread->isActive()) {
$this->output[$id] .= $thread->listen();
if ($thread->isBusy()) {
$this->futures[$id]->end($this->output[$id], "");
echo "thread $id timeout, duration ".$this->futures[$id]->thread->getDurationSeconds()."s, command:".$this->futures[$id]->command."\n";
} else {
$this->output[$id] .= $thread->listen();
$this->error[$id] .= $thread->getError();
$this->futures[$id]->end($this->output[$id], $this->error[$id]);
echo "thread $id completed, duration ".$this->futures[$id]->thread->getDurationSeconds()."s, command:".$this->futures[$id]->command."\n";
class TaskExecutor {
var $threadPool;
var $callback;
function __construct($callbackFunc, $maxThreads=1, $taskTimeout=120) {
if ($taskTimeout <= 0)
$taskTimeout = 2147483647; //~never timeout
if ($maxThreads <= 0)
$maxThreads = 1;
if ($maxThreads >= 250)
$maxThreads = 250;
$this->threadPool = new ThreadPool($maxThreads, $taskTimeout);
$this->callback = $callbackFunc;
public function executeAsync($task) {
$this->threadPool->scheduleCommand($this, $task, $this->callback);
public function executeWaitTerminal($task) {
if (count($this->threadPool->pipes) > 0)
$this->waitForAllTerminal(); //execute after current tasks end
$future = $this->threadPool->scheduleCommand($this, $task, $this->callback);
while (!$future->finished) {
public function waitForAllTerminal() {
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