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Last active May 3, 2017 20:48
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Radical Pastor
[00:17:52] <Arcanox|movie> eh?
[00:20:21] *** Arcanox|movie is now known as ArcanOff
[00:22:39] *** ArcanOff is now known as Arcanox
[00:32:51] *** Joins: radicalpastor (webchat@
[00:36:19] <radicalpastor> i have an idea for reactorcraft
[00:40:37] <Kolatra> ?
[00:41:07] <radicalpastor> you know radiation, right?
[00:41:08] <Slikrick> ?
[00:41:14] <Arcanox> what's radiation?
[00:42:14] <radicalpastor> it would be cool if you made it give you superpowers
[00:42:15] <radicalpastor> like xray vision
[00:42:35] <Arcanox> ...but radiation is toxic
[00:42:39] <Arcanox> why would it give you superpowers
[00:42:40] <Kolatra> It's meant to kill you.
[00:42:44] <Slikrick> We'll put that in the suggestion box
[00:43:08] <Arcanox> Slikrick: wait....we don't have a suggestion b---oh.
[00:43:12] <Arcanox> oh, go on
[00:43:28] <Kolatra> It'll be on Reika's todo list. ;)
[00:43:36] <Slikrick> To-think about list
[00:43:37] <Arcanox> he has a todo list?
[00:43:40] <Arcanox> er, oh
[00:43:45] <Arcanox> oh yeah. i did it again.
[00:43:48] <Kolatra> He does.
[00:43:52] <Slikrick> He does though
[00:45:49] <radicalpastor> thank you for putting it in
[00:46:19] <radicalpastor> its both cool and more realistic
[00:46:35] <Arcanox> i hope you're joking about the realism part
[00:46:45] <Kolatra> It's... Not more realistic.
[00:47:22] <Reika> It is more realistic if by super powers you mean "Cancer Man"
[00:47:27] <Reika> No, this is not happening
[00:47:39] <Arcanox> x3
[00:48:09] <radicalpastor> Only bad radiation gives you cancer
[00:48:09] <radicalpastor> like from microwaves
[00:48:15] <Arcanox> wtf
[00:48:20] <Arcanox> there's no such thing as good radiat
[00:48:23] <Arcanox> radiation*
[00:48:28] <Arcanox> *aaaallllll* radiation is bad
[00:48:30] * Reika plants face on keyboard
[00:48:39] <Arcanox> microwaves are not significant radiation
[00:48:41] <Reika> one, microwaves, unless at high power
[00:48:43] <Reika> are harmless
[00:48:47] <Reika> two, 
[00:48:53] <Reika> radiation, in the sense ReC uses it
[00:49:00] <Reika> ie /ionizing/ radiation
[00:49:04] *** Joins: Slikrick|Mobile (~Slikrick9@
[00:49:10] <Reika> is very very rarely useful
[00:49:11] <Slikrick|Mobile> Well, my wifi cut out.
[00:49:21] <Reika> and similarly rarely beneficial to your health
[00:49:28] <Reika> and even in those specific cases
[00:49:35] <Reika> it is usually because it is so good at killing
[00:49:41] <Reika> not because it has some magic regenerative power
[00:50:11] <radicalpastor> no, they'res good radiation
[00:50:18] <Reika> Name one kind
[00:50:25] *** Quits: Slikrick (~Slikrick9@2601:19c:4201:c40f:ace2:1196:c38e:acc8) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
[00:50:25] <radicalpastor> Auras
[00:50:39] <Reika> We have a....*long*...discussion ahead of us...
[00:50:41] <Arcanox> what the fried potatoes is an aura
[00:50:50] <Reika> Crystal healing, energy foci, all that garbage
[00:51:07] *** Joins: Slikrick (~Slikrick9@2601:19c:4201:c40f:ace2:1196:c38e:acc8)
[00:51:07] *** Borg sets mode: +v Slikrick
[00:51:07] <radicalpastor> it's not garbage
[00:51:12] <Arcanox> lol
[00:51:13] <Slikrick> \o/
[00:52:11] <Reika> radicalpastor: Can you prove it?
[00:52:41] <radicalpastor> Yes
[00:52:41] <radicalpastor> Here, I'll show you
[00:52:48] <Reika> Do not bother with me
[00:52:58] <Reika> Someone named James Randi has $1M for you if you can prove it
[00:53:02] <Reika> If you do not
[00:53:05] <Reika> well...
[00:53:17] <Reika> enjoy your name being synonymous with either fraud or fool
[00:53:31] <Arcanox> lol
[00:53:48] <Reika> eg Uri Geller or Peter Popoff
[00:55:11] <radicalpastor> You have a lot to learn
[00:55:17] * Slikrick whistles to a tune
[00:55:17] <radicalpastor> when you open your mind to higher planes
[00:55:45] * Arcanox explodes with laughter
[00:55:45] <radicalpastor> This one becomes a mere shadow
[00:55:47] <Kolatra> Planes are cool. They get me places faster.
[00:55:52] <Reika> See, there is a point at which your mind is so open your brain falls out
[00:55:54] * Arcanox accidentally combusts
[00:55:55] <Reika> You crossed that line
[00:56:28] <Slikrick|Mobile> Two of me! :D
[00:56:32] <Kolatra> There are no lines on the emotional plane Reika.
[00:56:33] <Slikrick> Hi me!
[00:56:41] <Slikrick|Mobile> Hi other me!
[00:56:51] * Arcanox thinks Slikrick needs a bouncer x3
[00:56:59] <Slikrick> Pfffft, nahhh
[00:56:59] <Kolatra> I've linked him on.
[00:56:59] <radicalpastor> The brain is only one layer
[00:57:01] <Kolatra> one*
[00:57:13] <Arcanox> radicalpastor: yours is less
[00:57:14] <Reika> One layer of what
[00:57:19] <Reika> And what are the other layers?
[00:57:48] <Slikrick> These are all going in my suggestion box :)
[00:57:48] <radicalpastor> Energy balance, meditative spirituality
[00:57:55] <Kolatra> RF energy?
[00:57:55] <radicalpastor> Cosmic one-ness
[00:58:04] <Arcanox> this is hilarious
[00:58:11] <Slikrick> Minecraft Joules
[00:58:12] <Kolatra> Or is it MJ? 
[00:58:22] <Reika> Here is something to try, radicalpastor
[00:58:28] <Slikrick> Juggling!
[00:58:37] <Reika> Try even saying one sentence about this
[00:58:54] <Reika> while 1) using no buzzwords and 2) actually making sense
[00:58:55] <Reika> as a bonsu
[00:58:57] <Reika> >>bonus
[00:59:06] <Reika> 3) using facts rather than fantasy as a basis
[00:59:45] <radicalpastor> your perceptions are really distorted
[00:59:54] <Arcanox> stop talking to a mirror, silly
[00:59:55] <radicalpastor> has someone in the know upset you?
[00:59:55] <Slikrick> Dont make fun of my bad eyesight!
[01:00:02] <Reika> .....
[01:00:21] * Kolatra is having many snickers bars right now.
[01:00:51] <radicalpastor> don't eat snickers
[01:00:51] <radicalpastor> it has fluoride in it
[01:01:03] <Kolatra> Like ReactorCraft stuff?
[01:01:34] <Reika> radicalpastor: Exactly how high (or more accurately, *low* ) is your threshold for believing something?
[01:01:48] <Kolatra> I can think of something else that may be "high" right now.
[01:01:49] <Slikrick> How low, can you go? *sings*
[01:02:04] <Arcanox> Kolatra: i was thinking the same
[01:02:04] <radicalpastor> high on life :)
[01:02:12] <Arcanox> is that what the kids are calling it now
[01:02:16] <Kolatra> Is life the nickname for that dope ass weed?
[01:02:18] <Slikrick> In this moment, are you euphoric?
[01:02:45] <Kolatra> radicalpastor, I have the perfect place for you.
[01:02:45] <radicalpastor> i reached nirvana years ago
[01:02:45] <radicalpastor> my centers are balanced, of course i am
[01:02:51] <Kolatra> Nirvana is a cool band.
[01:02:52] <Arcanox> radicalpastor: do you *enjoy* trolling? or does it feel necessary in order to live a full life?
[01:02:54] <Kolatra> I like their stuff.
[01:02:56] <Arcanox> we have help for people like you
[01:03:10] <Reika> That "Help" would be a six-year remedial science and logic course
[01:04:22] <Arcanox> radicalpastor: just FYI, you've passed the point where you almost seemed like an innocently misinformed individual
[01:04:22] <radicalpastor> science is only the tip
[01:04:22] <radicalpastor> it goes so much deeper
[01:04:28] <Slikrick> Just the tip?
[01:04:33] <Arcanox> you also passed the point where you seemed like a helpless troll
[01:04:40] <Reika> Arcanox: He could very well be real
[01:04:45] <Reika> I have met people like this
[01:04:48] <Arcanox> now it's obvious you're just pulling stuff out your stinkhole to intentionally look like an idiot
[01:04:48] <Kolatra> I know something else that goes deep, and I'm not allowed to discuss it.
[01:04:52] <Reika> ...usually from the west coast, for some reason
[01:04:56] <Slikrick> i think we all know we can go deeper than the tip ;)
[01:05:18] <Arcanox> LA, California...
[01:05:22] <Arcanox> what was that about West Coast? x3
[01:05:27] <Kolatra> Wherever weed is legal.
[01:05:34] <Arcanox> California explains *everything*
[01:05:39] <Reika> It has a disproportionate number of crystal healing energy balance types
[01:05:48] <Reika> The kind of people who put a quartz crystal on their forehead
[01:05:53] <Reika> and claim it cured their tumors
[01:05:58] <Reika> ....And then die a week later
[01:06:02] <Kolatra> And hum while sitting indian style.
[01:06:06] <Arcanox> it makes me legitimately depressed to know that people *actually* believe that
[01:06:20] <Slikrick> this guy walked into one too many chromaticraft pylons ;)
[01:06:50] <radicalpastor> It has been scientifically proven that the crystal structure of quartz can focus positive thoughts
[01:07:04] <Kolatra> It has been scientifically proven that no
[01:07:09] <Reika> Scientifically? Show me
[01:07:27] <Kolatra> inb4 The Onion article.
[01:07:32] <Arcanox> Kolatra: LOL
[01:07:42] <Slikrick> Onions? im allergic!
[01:07:50] <Arcanox>
[01:08:29] <Kolatra> Arcanox, LOL
[01:09:47] *** Joins: radicalpastor_ (webchat@
[01:10:18] <radicalpastor_>
[01:10:31] *** Quits: radicalpastor (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
[01:10:34] <Reika> "Crystal Wellbeing" is not a scientific source
[01:10:40] <Arcanox> omfg
[01:10:44] <Kolatra> But science isn't real.
[01:10:46] <Kolatra> Don't you know that?
[01:10:52] * Arcanox can't decide if he wants to read that or not
[01:10:59] <Reika> Do you want to lose braincells?
[01:11:04] <Arcanox> hey guys, remember when this was about ReactorCraft
[01:11:13] <Arcanox> and how he wanted radiation to give you superpowers like the movies
[01:11:14] <Slikrick> That only happens if i get some vaccines though reika
[01:11:19] <Arcanox> good times, good times..
[01:11:26] <Kolatra> This was about adding superpowers to Reactorcraft because it's more realistic to the "educated"
[01:11:33] <Slikrick> SUGGESTION BOX
[01:11:40] <Arcanox> crystals...frequ....ughhhhhh
[01:12:04] <Arcanox> crystals don't resonate at a consistent frequency unless they are given an electric charge >..<
[01:12:04] <radicalpastor_> string theory proves it
[01:12:06] <Arcanox> like quartz
[01:12:11] <Kolatra> Crystal frequency? I haven't looked at the ChromatiCraft code lately to answer that.
[01:12:11] <radicalpastor_> everything is vibrations
[01:12:13] <Slikrick> OH MY GOD
[01:12:23] <radicalpastor_> aligning them fixes most ailments
[01:12:29] <Arcanox> radicalpastor_: your words are LITERALLY covered in feces
[01:12:32] <Slikrick> WHY DO I HAVE CAPS LOCK ON
[01:12:40] <Arcanox> you LITERALLY just wiped crap all over your keyboard to push those keys
[01:13:00] <Kolatra> Vibrations? My phone does that sometimes.
[01:13:00] <Arcanox> you should be proud of one thing:
[01:13:04] <radicalpastor_> laugh if you must
[01:13:08] <Slikrick> Can confirm, i tried it and it pulled the same sentence
[01:13:12] <Arcanox> you're the first human being to successfully transmit smell over the internet
[01:13:23] <Kolatra> I thought Pokefenn was the first?
[01:13:23] <radicalpastor_> but some people actually want enlightenment
[01:13:33] <Slikrick> Like, a lightbulb?
[01:13:35] <Arcanox> i will be enlightened when you leave the channel
[01:13:48] <Arcanox> actually, no, i'll do it now
[01:13:48] <radicalpastor_> and i can vouch for my amethyst weave
[01:13:49] * Arcanox glows
[01:13:55] <Arcanox> your...your what?
[01:13:56] <Kolatra> I would like some enlightenment in my room, it's a little dark in here right now.
[01:14:00] <Kolatra> HOLD MY WEAVE IM GOING IN
[01:14:01] <Slikrick> The fuck is an amethyst weave
[01:14:03] <Reika> ....How does one weave /rock/ ?
[01:14:33] * Arcanox walks into Kolatra's room and lights up brighter, fur glistening at 4000K
[01:15:04] <radicalpastor_> Ever since i got it, my mood has been elevated
[01:15:04] <radicalpastor_> best $2400 I ever spent
[01:15:17] <Reika> You spent $2400 on a rock
[01:15:21] <Reika> a pretty rock, to be fair
[01:15:23] <Reika> but a rock
[01:15:24] <Arcanox> can i have your wallet please
[01:15:33] <Slikrick> well, if you spend $2400 and arent in a better mood then i would be surprised.
[01:15:33] <Arcanox> i need to pay off college tuition
[01:15:38] <Slikrick> I would buy a car, but stil
[01:15:46] <Slikrick> That would elevate my mood a lot more
[01:15:57] <Arcanox> you obviously have a lot of money you aren't using for an education
[01:16:04] <Arcanox> so might as well give it to somebody else instead
[01:16:12] <Reika> ^ +1
[01:16:15] <Kolatra> BUT MUH ROCK
[01:16:17] <Slikrick> RIPPED IT
[01:16:19] <Kolatra> MUH EDUCASHUN
[01:16:23] <Slikrick> MUH ROCKS
[01:17:09] <Slikrick> MUH STRING THEORY
[01:17:18] <Kolatra> MUH WEED
[01:17:26] <Slikrick> MUH LSD
[01:17:30] *** Joins: Ariaxis (Ariaxis@
[01:17:30] *** Borg sets mode: +o Ariaxis
[01:18:01] <radicalpastor_> lsd was a cia project
[01:18:01] <radicalpastor_> mind control
[01:18:01] <radicalpastor_> mkultra
[01:18:20] <Kolatra> Are you on any right now perhaps?
[01:18:23] <Slikrick> ^
[01:18:24] <Reika> MKUltra was an abysmal failure
[01:18:43] <Slikrick> Kind of like you
[01:19:44] <radicalpastor_>
[01:19:44] <radicalpastor_> it's real
[01:20:19] <Slikrick>  is an American conspiracy theorist - yea no
[01:20:27] <Kolatra> It's about as real as your education.
[01:20:30] <Slikrick> So, ill take a rain check on that video
[01:21:06] <Reika> Alex Jones is a moron
[01:21:08] <Kolatra> You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies? Silly.
[01:21:13] <Reika> best known for his chimpanzee impressions
[01:21:23] <Kolatra> "impressions"
[01:21:41] <Slikrick> me right now:
[01:21:43] <Reika> And his belief that mind-controlled CPS children put fluoride made by Enron in his food
[01:22:43] <radicalpastor_> i suppose some people like wool over their eyes
[01:22:55] <Reika> as opposed to fecal matter in our braincases?
[01:22:56] <Kolatra> ufokinwot
[01:22:57] <Reika> Yes
[01:23:10] <Slikrick> radicalpastor_ in a nutshell:
[01:24:57] <radicalpastor_> next you'll be telling me wer'e alone in the universe
[01:25:13] <Kolatra> me
[01:25:17] <Reika> Given the numbers, unlikely. But if you are going to go on about
[01:25:28] <Slikrick> I agree with Kolatra wholeheartedly
[01:25:30] <Arcanox>
[01:25:42] <Reika> how aliens have been abducting cows, spying on random people, and doing this that remain illegal in some states including Alabama
[01:26:04] <Reika> >>doing things
[01:26:13] <Arcanox>
[01:26:44] <radicalpastor_>
[01:26:54] <Reika> "UFO Evidence"
[01:27:00] <Kolatra> radicalpastor_,
[01:27:05] <Reika> Too much history channel, I assume?
[01:27:46] <Kolatra>
[01:28:13] <Reika> People have been linking XKCDs
[01:28:18] <Slikrick> ME
[01:28:20] <Slikrick> TOTALLY ME
[01:28:23] <Reika> where is the one about pages with source code all in caps?
[01:29:03] <Arcanox>
[01:29:57] <Kolatra> I may not be "enlightened" but:
[01:30:24] <Arcanox>
[01:30:24] <radicalpastor_> don't you want to protect yourself?
[01:30:27] <Arcanox>
[01:30:33] <Reika> If aliens came here with hostile intent
[01:30:43] <Reika> no amount of protection you could muster would help
[01:30:44] <Arcanox> i *am* trying to protect myself
[01:30:45] <Arcanox> from you
[01:30:48] <Arcanox> :>
[01:30:55] <Reika> would be like a nematode growing thicker skin to protect against nuclear blasts
[01:31:06] <Kolatra>
[01:33:57] <radicalpastor_> well
[01:33:57] <radicalpastor_> i guess it doesn't really matter  to me
[01:34:03] <asie> Kolatra: the railcraft dev channel is paid access
[01:34:11] <asie> you either contribute to RC heavily or pay 10 bucks
[01:34:20] <Kolatra> asie, the way they BAN people who join by hostname is just bad though. 
[01:34:25] <asie> Kolatra: it's automated
[01:34:29] <asie> by ChanServ, in fact
[01:34:35] <asie> they can't really do it any other way beyond ~50 people
[01:34:35] <radicalpastor_> asie, you believe me, right?
[01:34:37] <asie> due to IRC limitations
[01:34:56] <Reika> Considering asie is not an idiot, unlikely
[01:34:57] <Kolatra> Ah okay, because everyone on my bouncer is banned now apparently. :P
[01:35:06] <Slikrick> "love me?"
[01:35:14] <asie> radicalpastor_: some conspiracy theories might make sense, however you're just a troll
[01:35:17] <asie> Kolatra: yeah
[01:35:47] <radicalpastor_> that upsets me
[01:35:47] <radicalpastor_> im trying to help
[01:35:53] <Kolatra> radicalpastor_,
[01:36:07] <asie> radicalpastor_: do you know that you are being watched and monitored?
[01:36:14] <asie> IRC is unencrypted, you might want to switch to some kind of proxy
[01:36:38] <asie> :)
[01:36:38] <radicalpastor_> its why its so slow
[01:36:39] <radicalpastor_> im on like 12 proxies
[01:36:47] <asie> radicalpastor_: no, no you aren't
[01:36:54] <Slikrick> We all just collectively laughed at once :D
[01:36:55] <asie> if you were on 12 proxies you most likely would have a ping too high to connect
[01:37:06] <Reika> Is this the part where he claims to be a  US military vet who could crush you with his hands?
[01:37:09] <Kolatra> radicalpastor_,
[01:37:11] <Reika> I have seen that one before
[01:37:13] <asie> Reika: close
[01:37:29] <Kolatra> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch? 
[01:37:56] *** Borg sets mode: +v asie
[01:38:02] <asie> me? voice?
[01:38:08] <Reika> :P
[01:38:10] <Slikrick> Join the club! :D
[01:38:13] <asie> drama causers should not have voice! D:
[01:38:18] <Slikrick> Until i take you out >.>
[01:38:39] *** Borg sets mode: +v Arcanox
[01:38:44] <Arcanox> your proxy is hosted in a neighborhood?
[01:38:56] <asie> his proxy is at
[01:38:57] <radicalpastor_> hmm?

Then I post the silver bullet: [01:38:57] <Arcanox> <his apparent street address here>

[01:39:02] <asie> then he connects to the second proxy at
[01:39:08] <asie> :-)
[01:39:08] *** Quits: radicalpastor_ (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
[01:39:08] <Slikrick> 42 wallaby way sydney?
[01:39:12] <asie> LOL
[01:39:13] <Kolatra> LMFAO
[01:39:14] <Kolatra> ;ALSKWDJHF
[01:39:15] <Slikrick> LOL
[01:39:15] <Kolatra> ;LKSDFHJG
[01:39:16] <Kolatra> HOLY SHIT
[01:39:22] <Reika> XD
[01:39:27] <Kolatra> HOLY
[01:39:28] <Kolatra> SHIT
[01:39:30] <Arcanox> OMFG
[01:39:32] <asie> Arcanox: I warned him
[01:39:32] <Kolatra> WE WON
[01:39:38] <Slikrick> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the 
[01:39:39] <Slikrick> likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead
[01:39:39] <Slikrick> , kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your littl
[01:39:44] <Slikrick> e “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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