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Last active June 5, 2024 14:17
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  • Save Archisman-Mridha/a8be668b7d118e1254ccddcba2b4bfab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Demonstrating how to provision a self managed Kubernetes cluster in AWS using Cluster API Operator
# Creating a temporary (local K3s) management cluster.
k3d cluster create bootstrapper --servers 1 --agents 2
# Cluster API Operator uses Kubernetes Secrets to store credentials for cloud providers.
# Lets create a Kubernetes Secret storing our AWS cloud credentials.
# Install clusterawsadm
brew install clusterawsadm
clusterawsadm version
export AWS_REGION=us-east-2
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=RNkIilBq6aPWzOBOhhubR7qs+yDQxIsavLTcqoov
# The clusterawsadm utility takes the credentials that you set as environment variables and uses
# them to create a CloudFormation stack in your AWS account with the correct IAM resources.
clusterawsadm bootstrap iam create-cloudformation-stack
# Create the base64 encoded credentials using clusterawsadm.
# This command uses your environment variables and encodes them in a value to be stored in a
# Kubernetes Secret.
export AWS_B64ENCODED_CREDENTIALS=$(clusterawsadm bootstrap credentials encode-as-profile)
export CREDENTIALS_SECRET_NAME="aws-credentials-secret"
# Install CertManager.
kubectl apply -f
# Installing the Cluster API operator.
helm repo add capi-operator
helm repo update
helm install capi-operator capi-operator/cluster-api-operator \
--create-namespace -n capi-operator-system \
--set infrastructure=aws \
--wait --timeout 90s
# Install Core provider - which is responsible for managing the Cluster API CRDs and the Cluster
# API controller.
kubectl apply -f ./code/bootstrapper/core.provider.yaml
# Install AWS infrastructure provider.
kubectl apply -f ./code/bootstrapper/aws.infrastructure-provider.yaml
# Create an AWS SSH keypair.
# Install and configure AWS cli.
brew install awscli
aws configure
aws ec2 create-key-pair \
--key-name bootstrapper \
--key-type rsa \
--key-format pem \
--query "KeyMaterial" \
--output text >./code/bootstrapper/bootstrapper.pem
# CAPA (Cluster API AWS) requires a machine image containing pre-installed, matching versions of
# kubeadm and kubelet.
# The machine image to be used, is either auto-resolved by ClusterAPI-AWS to a public AMI that
# matches the Kubernetes version in KubeadmControlPlane or MachineDeployment spec, or an
# appropriate custom image ID for the Kubernetes version can be set in AWSMachineTemplate spec.
# Find a machine image for the Kubernetes version, region and OS combination we want to use.
clusterawsadm ami list --kubernetes-version v1.28.0 --region us-east-2 --os amazon-2
# AMI name : capa-ami-amazon-2-v1.28.0-1694352996
# AMI ID : ami-0b633dfdc16bd31ce
# We'll put that AMI ID in the AWSMachineTemplates, at path
# Generate YAML manifests describing the main cluster, using clusterctl.
# Install clusterctl.
brew install clusterctl
# Set aws infrastructure-provider specific environment variables.
export AWS_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE=t4g.medium
export AWS_SSH_KEY_NAME=bootstrapper
clusterctl generate cluster kubeaid-demo \
--infrastructure aws:v2.1.4 \
--target-namespace kubeaid-demo-cluster \
--kubernetes-version 1.28.0 \
--control-plane-machine-count 1 --worker-machine-count 1 \
--write-to ./code/bootstrapper/kubeaid-demo.cluster.yaml
# Create the main cluster
kubectl create namespace kubeaid-demo-cluster
kubectl apply -f ./code/bootstrapper/kubeaid-demo.cluster.yaml
# Wait until the main cluster gets provisioned.
kubectl get clusters -n kubeaid-demo-cluster --watch
# After the main cluster is provisioned, we need to get it's kubeconfig.
clusterctl -n kubeaid-demo-cluster get kubeconfig kubeaid-demo | tee ./code/main/kubeconfig.yaml
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