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Last active May 19, 2019 08:55
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Save ArduinoBasics/177abbea13e9c53abfe81286506396a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a button on a Ubidots dashboard and interface with an ESP8266 based module (Maker Display 2) via MQTT subscription.
* Project: Ubidots button
* Author: Scott C
* Date created: 06 May 2019
* Arduino IDE version: 1.8.5
* Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
* Tutorial Link:
* Description:
* Create a button on a Ubidots dashboard and interface with an ESP8266 based module (Maker Display 2) via MQTT subscription.
* Acknowledgements:
* A number of different tutorials on the internet contributed the knowledge-base required to build this project.
============================================================================ */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Libraries
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ESP8266WiFi.h : and and
* PubSubClient.h :
* ESP8266WiFi.h : This library is required for the WiFi connection to the internet.
* PubSubClient.h : Is used to create an MQTT Client to handle the communication between the Ubidots MQTT broker and the Maker Display (ESP8266).
============================================================================ */
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
* Global Variables
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SSID_NAME : The SSID of your WiFi Router
* SSID_PASS : The PASSWORD of your WiFI Router
* TOKEN : Your specific Ubidots TOKEN
* MQTT_CLIENT_NAME : Unique MQTT Client Name - the name can be anything, but must be unique.
* DEVICE_LABEL : The "Device API Label" = maker-display
* VARIABLE_LABEL1 : The "Button1 API Label" for the button = button1
* mqttBroker : The link to the Ubidots MQTT broker
* buttonTopic : This char array will hold the path to the button on the Ubidots dashboard. Eg: /v1.6/devices/maker-display/button1/lv
* makerDisplay : create a WiFiClient
* client : create a PubSubClient from the WiFi Client - for MQTT communication.
============================================================================ */
const char* SSID_NAME = "WiFi_Name";
const char* SSID_PASS = "WiFi_password";
const char* TOKEN = "xxxxxxx-Ubidots_Token-xxxxxxxx";
const char* MQTT_CLIENT_NAME = "makerDisplayWhite";
const char* DEVICE_LABEL = "maker-display";
const char* VARIABLE_LABEL1 = "button1";
char mqttBroker[] = "";
char buttonTopic[100];
WiFiClient makerDisplay;
PubSubClient client(makerDisplay);
* setup()
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Begin Serial communication at a Baud Rate of 9600
* - Wait for the COM port to start Serial communication. Show the progress with a "."
* Establish a WiFi connection to the router using your SSID NAME and PASSWORD.
* - Give it time to connect. Once the WiFi.status() changes to WL_CONNECTED. Then continue...
* Set the module to reconnect to an access point in case it is disconnects.
* Configure the MQTT client to connect to the Ubidots mqttBroker ("") on port 1883 upon request.
* If the broker sends information back to WiFi module, automatically call the "callback()" function.
============================================================================ */
void setup(){
while (!Serial) {
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println(F("WiFi connected"));
client.setServer(mqttBroker, 1883);
* loop()
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* If the MQTT client is NOT connected, then call the MQTTconnect function to establish the connection.
* The client.loop() function allows the program to monitor the communication link with the MQTT broker.
============================================================================ */
void loop(){
if (!client.connected()) {
* callback()
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The function first ensures that the topic received from the MQTT broker is the correct one for the Button.
* The strcmp function returns a zero (0) if "topic" and "buttonTopic" variables are equal i.e. /v1.6/devices/maker-display/button1/lv
* The value of the button (0 or 1) will be captured by the payload variable.
* If payload[0]='1' then the button is ON. If zero '0', then it is OFF.
* Print the state of the button to the Serial monitor.
============================================================================ */
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
Serial.println("BUTTON ON");
} else {
Serial.println("BUTTON OFF");
* MQTTconnect()
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* While the MQTT client is NOT connected,
* - try to connect to the MQTT broker, using the unique MQTT_CLIENT_NAME, and TOKEN.
* - remember that the MQTT broker was configured in setup: "" on port 1883
* Display a message upon successful connection.
* Using the sprintf() function, buttonTopic will equal: /v1.6/devices/maker-display/button1/lv
* Subscribe to receive messages related to the button on the Ubidots dashboard (defined by buttonTopic).
* If the connection FAILS - print a "Failed connection" message.
* Then wait 2 seconds before trying again.
============================================================================ */
void MQTTconnect() {
while (!client.connected()) {
Serial.println("Attempting MQTT connection...");
if (client.connect(MQTT_CLIENT_NAME, TOKEN, "")) {
Serial.print("Successful Connection to ");
Serial.println(" on port 1883");
sprintf(buttonTopic, "/v1.6/devices/%s/%s/lv", DEVICE_LABEL, VARIABLE_LABEL1);
} else {
Serial.print("Failed connection, rc=");
Serial.println(" try again in 2 seconds");
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