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Created November 6, 2016 15:11
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A demonstration of how to configure and extract data from the HMC5883L sensor on the GY-80 module (Arduino Code)
// Title: GY-80 3-axis Magnetometer (HMC5883L)
// Author: ScottC,
// Version: 1.0
// Date: 24th Oct 2016
// Arduino IDE: 1.6.9
// Attribution: Inspired by Sparkfun Quickstart guide :
// Datasheet:
// or
// Description: This is a simple sketch which aims to quickly get you up and running with the GY-80 Magnetometer sensor.
// It does not go into too much detail, however, this sketch can be modified easily to
// accomodate changes in
// a) Output Rate (Hz)
// b) Number of samples per measurement output
// c) Amount of Gain
// This sketch uses Single measurement mode rather than continuous measurement mode.
// Single measurement mode data output can be quicker than continuous measurement mode.
// See datasheet for continuous measurement mode.
#include <Wire.h> //I2C Arduino Library - inbuilt into Arduino IDE (no library download required)
#define address 0x1E //I2C address of the Magnetometer
//Global variables
int x,y,z; //Variables used to hold the triple axis data
int xCal=0, yCal=0, zCal=0; //Variables used to calibrate the triple axis data.
int calValue = 1000; //On startup, all axis variables will equal this number.
// setup():
// This runs once only.
// Setup Serial and I2C communication.
// Configure the Magnetometer to use 8 samples (averaged) per measurement output. (Register A)
// Change the output rate of Magnetometer to 3Hz : This is only useful in continuous-measurement mode. (Register A)
// Set the gain to +/- 2.5 Ga, which changes the digital resolution to 1.52 (Register B)
// Calibrate all axis values to 1000. Which means that all axis variables will equal 1000 on startup, no matter what position the sensor is in.
void setup(){
//Initialize Serial and I2C communications
//Setup the magnetometer
magSetting(0x00, B01101000); // Magnetometer settings associated with Register A. See datasheet for acceptable values.
magSetting(0x01, B01100000); // Magnetometer settings associated with Register B. See datasheet for acceptable values.
calibrateMag(); // Set or calibrate all axis variables to the calValue.
// loop():
// This code runs in an endless loop
// getReadings(): is used to read the data for each axis and assign these values to variables x,y and z.
// printReadings(): is used to display these values in the Serial Monitor window.
void loop(){
// magSetting(regLoc, setting):
// regLoc: is the register address location that we want to interact with (RegA = 0x00, RegB = 0x01, Mode = 0x02)
// setting: is the 8bit code used to configure the magnetometer (see datasheet)
// This function allows you to configure the magnetometer to suit your specific application
// A delay of 10 is used, but anything above 7 is recommended.
void magSetting(byte regLoc, byte setting){
// getReadings():
// It is necessary to send the bytes (0x02 and 0x01) to instruct the magnetometer to prepare for single measurement mode
// Request 6 bytes from the magnetometer and then read 2 bytes per axis (assigned to variables x, y and z).
// The xCal, yCal, and zCal variables adjust the magnetometer's readings relative to it's initial state.
// Set the global "calValue" variable to 0 if you don't want to "calibrate" the magnetometer on startup.
// The magnetometer should send back 6 bytes of positional data, if not, an Error message will be printed to the serial monitor
void getReadings(){
magSetting(0x02, 0x01); //prepare to take reading (Single measurement mode) - this populates the registers with data
Wire.requestFrom(address, 6); //Request 6 bytes. Each axis uses 2 bytes.
if (Wire.available()>5){
x = readValue()- xCal;
z = readValue()- zCal;
y = readValue()- yCal;
} else {
Serial.println("****Error: Less than 6 bytes available for reading*****");
// readValue():
// This reads the magnetometer's data registers - 2 bytes at a time.
// All 6 data registers must be read properly before new data can be placed into any of these data registers
// This function reads two bytes (8bit + 8bit) and joins them together to make a 16bit integer value.
// This value is returned and assigned to one of the axis variables x, y and/or z.
// With every read() called, the data register pointer is incremented.
// When magSetting(0x02, 0x01) is called in the getReadings() function, the pointer is reset to the first data register (03).
int readValue(){
int val =<<8;
val |=;
return val;
// printReadings():
// This funtion is used to print the 3 axis values (x, y and z) to the Serial monitor window.
void printReadings(){
Serial.print("x: ");
Serial.print(" y: ");
Serial.print(" z: ");
// calibrateMag():
// This function is used to calibrate or set each axis value to calValue.
// calValue is defined in the global variables section (=1000)
// After calibration, each axis variable (x, y and z) will equal the calValue, no matter what position the magnetometer is in.
void calibrateMag(){
xCal = x-calValue;
yCal = y-calValue;
zCal = z-calValue;
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