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Last active December 4, 2024 14:35
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Showing how to use the sprintf function in an Arduino sketch
* Project: sprintf functionality
* Author: Scott C
* Date created: 06 May 2019
* Arduino IDE version: 1.8.5
* Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
* Tutorial Link:
* Acknowledgements:
* The following resource was a key element of this tutorial:
* Another useful resource can be found here:
* Code Explanation
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Begin serial communication at a baud rate of 9600
* Wait until Serial communication has established before continuing
* The sprintf function will write the formatting string and the variables into the "data" character array.
* You provide a formatting string template, that contains placeholders for variables that you plan to insert.
* These placeholders have a percentage sign (%) prefix. Eg. %s, %d, %f etc.
* The number of placeholders must match the number of variables.
* The variables are inserted at the placeholder position, and formatted based on the type of placeholder used.
* %d = signed integer %f = floating point number
* %s = string %.1f = float to 1 decimal place
* %c = character %.3f = float to 3 decimal places
* %e = scientific notation %g = shortest representation of %e or %f
* %u = unsigned integer %o = unsigned octal
* %x = unsigned hex (lowercase) %X = unsigned hex (uppercase)
* %hd = short int %ld = long int
* %lld = long long int
* ============================================================================= */
char data[100];
char* myName = "ArduinoBasics";
char* myBlog = "";
int year = 2019;
int num = 49;
char myChar = 'a';
float myFloat = 99.9911;
long long int vLong = 1234567890123456789LL;
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {
sprintf(data, "Tutorial by: %s", myName);
sprintf(data, "Year: %u, Blog Link: %s",year,myBlog);
sprintf(data, "Character: %c , %c", num, myChar);
sprintf(data, "Integer (d): %d , Width(8d): %8d , Zero Prefix Width(07d): %07d", num, num, num);
sprintf(data, "Floats f: %f , .1f: %.1f , .3f: %.3f", myFloat, myFloat, myFloat);
sprintf(data, "Scientific e: %e , g: %g", myFloat , myFloat);
sprintf(data, "Radices u: %u , #o: %#o , x: %x , #x: %#x ", num, num, num, num);
sprintf(data, "Big Number lld: [%lld + 1 = %lld]", vLong, vLong+1);
void loop() {
//do nothing
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