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Created May 27, 2019 10:08
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This involves Wmi and Classes although I am not entirely sure how to describe how it works or understand why I made it but I did...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CompInfo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var BIOSCollection = WmiSearcher.GetWmiObject("Win32_BIOS");
foreach(var BIOS in (ManagementObjectCollection)BIOSCollection) //Not the most optimal loop but it will do
WMI_Classes.Win32_BIOS BIOSInstance = new WMI_Classes.Win32_BIOS(BIOS);
Console.WriteLine(BIOSInstance.Name); //Show the newly set value (set with real magic!)
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Management;
namespace CompInfo.WMI_Classes
class Win32_BIOS
//I've simplified types to keep it easy to get the point across, in an ideal situation I'd make it convert to the rigth type.
//Aside from simplification these are all the properties found within Win32_BIOS (
public string BiosCharacteristics;
public string BIOSVersion;
public string BuildNumber;
public string Caption;
public string CodeSet;
public string CurrentLanguage;
public string Description;
public string EmbeddedControllerMajorVersion;
public string EmbeddedControllerMinorVersion;
public string IdentificationCode;
public string InstallableLanguages;
public string InstallDate;
public string LanguageEdition;
public string ListOfLanguages;
public string Manufacturer;
public string Name;
public string OtherTargetOS;
public string PrimaryBIOS;
public string ReleaseDate;
public string SerialNumber;
public string SMBIOSBIOSVersion;
public string SMBIOSMajorVersion;
public string SMBIOSMinorVersion;
public string SMBIOSPresent;
public string SoftwareElementID;
public string SoftwareElementState;
public string Status;
public string SystemBiosMajorVersion;
public string SystemBiosMinorVersion;
public string TargetOperatingSystem;
public string Version;
public Win32_BIOS(ManagementBaseObject Instance)
foreach(var WmiInstanceProperty in Instance.Properties)
foreach(var LocalProperty in this.GetType().GetFields())
if(LocalProperty.Name == WmiInstanceProperty.Name) //Match up what we have in this class, to is from Win32_BIOS
if (WmiInstanceProperty.Value != null)
LocalProperty.SetValue(this, WmiInstanceProperty.Value.ToString()); //Set it in this class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Management;
namespace CompInfo
public static class WmiSearcher
public static object GetWmiObject(string WmiClass)
return new ManagementObjectSearcher($"SELECT * FROM {WmiClass}").Get(); //YOLO Get it all
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Arefu commented May 27, 2019

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