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Created February 27, 2021 11:44
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#'@title Twitter matrix of friend connection
#'Code modded from boB Rudis' 21 Recipes for Mining Twitter with Rtweet
#'@description This function creates a matrix of friends of a list of twitter users,
#' sums the number of common friends, and then ranks them in descending order.
#'@param user_list A list of user_names
#'@param friend_depth The number of most recent friends to include. Defaults to 200
#'@param token A twitter oauth token. Default is NULL and will use token in Environment
#'@keywords twitter, rtweet, visualization, friend analysis
#'users <- c("POTUS", "jack", "elonmusk")
#'common_friend_matrix(user_list = users, friend_depth = 300, token = NULL)
common_friend_matrix <-
function (user_list,
friend_depth = 200,
token = NULL) {
require(rtweet, quietly = TRUE)
require(tidyverse, quietly = TRUE)
# scrape the user_id of all friends for each handle in the list and bind into 1 dataframe
friends <- user_list %>%
~ get_friends(
n = friend_depth,
retryonratelimit = TRUE,
token = token
) %>%
mutate(account = .x)
# get a de-duplicated list of all friends
aRdent_friends <- unique(friends$user_id)
# for each friend, get a binary indicator of whether they follow each tweeter or not and bind to one dataframe
binaries <- user_list %>%
map_dfc( ~ ifelse(
aRdent_friends %in% filter(friends, account == .x)$user_id,
) %>% # UpSetR doesn't like tibbles
# set column names
names(binaries) <- user_list
#add screen_names as rows
binaries$user_id <- aRdent_friends #add column of user_id
binaries2 <-
lookup_users(binaries$user_id, token = token) # get user details
binaries <-
full_join(binaries2[, c("screen_name", "user_id")], binaries, by = "user_id") #join matrix to user detail
#rank by common friends - descending.
binaries2 <- binaries %>%
mutate(sum_intersections = rowSums(binaries[, c(3:ncol(binaries))])) %>%
mutate(ranking = (dense_rank(desc(
)))) %>%
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