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Created September 3, 2021 12:04
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#### work
import typing as t
import asyncio
RateResult = t.Callable[..., t.Coroutine[t.Any, t.Any, None]]
def rate_limit_builder(count_limit: int, time_period: int) -> RateResult:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
counter = {"count": 0, "fut": loop.create_future()}
async def clean_rate_limit() -> None:
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(time_period)
if not counter['fut'].done():
counter["fut"] = loop.create_future()
async def inner_call() -> None:
counter["count"] += 1
if counter["count"] == count_limit:
await counter["fut"]
counter["count"] = 0
return inner_call
async def test():
limit = rate_limit_builder(10, 1)
for i in range(410):
await limit()
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
### not work
import asyncio
def rate_limit_builder(max_count: int, time: int):
lock = asyncio.Lock()
counter = {"count": max_count}
async def clean_rate_limit(inner_lock):
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(time)
if inner_lock.locked():
await inner_lock.release()
async def inner_call(inner_lock):
counter["count"] -= 1
if counter["count"] == 0:
await inner_lock.acquire()
counter["count"] = max_count
return lambda: inner_call(lock)
async def test():
limit = rate_limit_builder(10, 1)
for i in range(40):
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
await limit()
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