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Created August 15, 2018 17:54
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open Js.String
module Ops = struct
type t =
| Delete of string * int
| Insert of string * string * int
| Replace of string * string * int
let run op = match op with
| Delete (str, i) ->
(slice ~from:0 ~to_:i str) ^ (sliceToEnd ~from:(i + 1) str)
| Insert (str, char, i) ->
(slice ~from:0 ~to_:i str) ^ char ^ (sliceToEnd ~from:i str)
| Replace (str, char, i) ->
(slice ~from:0 ~to_:i str) ^ char ^ (sliceToEnd ~from:(i + 1) str)
let min = Js.Math.min_int
let min3 a b c = min (min a b) c
let max_safe_int = [%raw "Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER"]
let memoize f =
let word = ref "" in
let dict = ref (Js.Dict.empty ()) in
let rec g w1 w2 p1 =
if !word <> w2 then (
dict := Js.Dict.empty ();
word := w2;
match Js.Dict.get !dict w1 with
| None ->
let result = f g w1 w2 p1 in
Js.Dict.set !dict w1 result;
| Some num -> num
in g
let edit_distance = memoize (fun edit_distance w1 w2 idx ->
if w1 = w2
then 0
let (c1, c2) = (get w1 idx, get w2 idx) in
if c1 = c2
then edit_distance w1 w2 (idx + 1)
let len1, len2 = length w1 - 1, length w2 - 1 in
let open Ops in
let delete = fun () -> 1 + edit_distance (run (Delete (w1, idx))) w2 idx in
let insert = fun () -> 1 + edit_distance (run (Insert (w1, c2, idx))) w2 (idx + 1) in
let replace = fun () -> 1 + edit_distance (run (Replace (w1, c2, idx))) w2 (idx + 1) in
if idx > len1 then insert ()
else if idx > len2 then delete ()
else min3 (insert ()) (replace ()) (delete ()))
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