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Last active August 13, 2021 06:03
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  • Save Aries0d0f/586da4c9d433fcb8cc1cfabccd0dd849 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Aries0d0f/586da4c9d433fcb8cc1cfabccd0dd849 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const version = 'v0.0.1-alpha'
const links = [ Set(Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.play-detail__title')).map(ele => ele.href))]
const maxOpenWindowsSameTime = 20
const totalRuntime = Math.ceil(links.length / maxOpenWindowsSameTime)
const offsetTime = 5000 // millionseconds
const oneRuntimeMaxTimeSpend = ((offsetTime * 2) * maxOpenWindowsSameTime) * 2 + offsetTime * 2
let holds = []
let ready = []
let relay = 0
const runtime = () => {
- ${links.length} beatsmaps found.
- ${totalRuntime} parts of download task.
- ${oneRuntimeMaxTimeSpend * totalRuntime / 1000} seconds taken (approximate).
OSU! Beatsmaps auto downloader by @Aries0d0f (
Script version ${version}
console.log(`Please keeps your browser window and console both open, and do not do any operation until all runtime finished.`)
Array(totalRuntime).fill(0).forEach((_, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Now task runing ${relay + 1}/${totalRuntime}...`)
openBeatsmaps(relay * maxOpenWindowsSameTime, (relay + 1) * maxOpenWindowsSameTime)
relay += 1
}, oneRuntimeMaxTimeSpend * index)
const openBeatsmaps = (start, end) => {
console.log(`[${relay + 1}/${totalRuntime}] Fetching...`)
.slice(start, end)
.forEach((url, index) => {
setTimeout(() => { holds.push( }, offsetTime * index + Math.random() * offsetTime)
setInterval(() => {
if (holds.length === maxOpenWindowsSameTime) {
}, offsetTime)
const preDownloadProcess = () => {
console.log(`[${relay + 1}/${totalRuntime}] Fetching down.`)
ready = [ Set( => `${_window.document.location.origin}${_window.document.location.pathname}`))]
if (maxOpenWindowsSameTime > ready.length) {
console.log(`[${relay + 1}/${totalRuntime}] Found ${maxOpenWindowsSameTime - ready.length} duplicate beatsmaps, shake it off.`)
console.log(`[${relay + 1}/${totalRuntime}] Clear workplace...`)
setTimeout(() => {
}, offsetTime * 2)
const closeHolding = () => {
holds.forEach(_window => _window.close())
holds = []
console.log(`[${relay + 1}/${totalRuntime}] Workplace cleared`)
const downloadBeatsmaps = () => {
console.log(`[${relay + 1}/${totalRuntime}] Downloading...`)
ready.forEach((url, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {`${url}/download`) }, offsetTime * index + Math.random() * offsetTime)
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