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Last active July 2, 2023 16:01
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  • Save Aries0d0f/dc700bcb1d96e30d56d24a88f819a78e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Auto download subscribed Timerborn mods from
# Used to simplify y/n prompts further in the script
function User-Confirm {
param ([string]$msg)
do {
$yn = Read-Host "$msg [y/n]";
if ($yn -eq 'n') {
return $false
elseif ($yn -ne 'y') {
Echo "Enter y fer yes or n for no"
while ($yn -ne "y")
return $true
if (Test-Path config.json) {
Echo "Reading settings from config.json."
$config = Get-Content config.json | ConvertFrom-Json
else {
$config = @{}
$pcvr = $false
Echo "No configuration file found. Let's set up a new one."
Echo "Are you running BONELAB on Windows / Steam / PCVR? Type 'y' for yes or 'n' for no."
if (User-Confirm "Download mods for Windows?") {
$platf = "windows"
$dest = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Timberborn\BepInEx\plugins"
$pcvr = $true
else {
Echo "Are you running BONELAB on Quest 2?"
if (User-Confirm "Download mods for android/quest?") {
$platf = "android"
$dest = (Get-Location).Path + "\mods"
if ($platf -eq $null) {
Echo "Sorry, there are no other supported platforms :("
$unpack = User-Confirm "Do you wish to automatically unpack or install downloaded/updated mods?"
if ($unpack) {
Echo "The default installation path is: $dest"
if ($pcvr) {
Echo "(this is the default location for your BONELAB mod folder)"
if (-not(User-Confirm "Install/unpack mods to that location?")) {
Echo "Enter the path to the desired location."
$dest = Read-Host "Desired location"
if (-not(Test-Path $dest)) {
Mkdir $dest
Echo "Enter an OAuth token with read access."
Echo "Check the readme if you don't know how to set this up".
do {
$tok = Read-Host "OAuth token"
if ($tok.length -lt 1000) {
Echo "This doesn't seem to be a valid OAuth token. Make sure to copy an OAuth token, NOT an API access key"
Echo "(a proper OAuth token should be much longer than the value you entered)"
while ($tok.length -lt 1000)
Echo "Thank you, that should be everything I need."
$config.token = $tok
$config.platform = $platf
$config.unpack = $unpack
$config.destination = $dest
# Write initial configuration to the config file
# (so that the user doesn't have to go trough the setup again if the script doesn't run completely)
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content config.json
Echo "I'll now start downloading all your subscribed mods."
Echo '' '' '' ''
$token = $config.token
$destination = $config.destination
$unpack = $config.unpack
if (-not(Test-Path zips)) {
Mkdir zips
Echo "Checking subscriptions..."
$sublist_json = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI -Method GET -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer ${token}"; "Accept" = "application/json" }
$sublist = ConvertFrom-Json $sublist_json.Content
$len = $
[string]$len_str = $len
Echo "Found $len_str subscription(s)."
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $len; $i++) {
$sub = $[$i]
$subname = $
Echo "Requesting info about subscription $subname..."
[string]$modid = $
$mod_json = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI${modid}/files -Method GET -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer ${token}"; "Accept" = "application/json" }
$mod = ConvertFrom-Json $mod_json.Content
$mod_meta_json = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -URI${modid} -Method GET -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer ${token}"; "Accept" = "application/json" }
$mod_meta = ConvertFrom-Json $mod_meta_json.Content
if ($ -contains 'Map') {
$metadata = @{
'AuthorName' = $mod_meta.submitted_by.name_id
'FileId' = $
'ModId' = $mod_meta.modfile.mod_id
'ModName' = $
'Summary' = $mod_meta.summary
'Version' = $mod_meta.modfile.version
'Changelogs' = $mod_meta.modfile.changelog
'Tags' = "New in-game content", "Mod"
# Filter mod files based on platform
$ = @($
# $$ | Where-Object { $_.platforms.Where({ $_.platform -eq "windows"}, 'First').Count -gt 0 }
# get latest version in remaining files and keep only files matching that version
$ = @($
$lastver = ($ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty version | Measure -Maximum).Maximum
$ = $ | Where-Object { $_.version -ge $lastver }
$ = @($
Echo "Latest version: $lastver"
# Write data about this sub to config
$name = $sub.name_id
$update = $true
if ($config.${name} -eq $null) {
$config | Add-Member -Name $name -Value @{} -MemberType NoteProperty
$config.${name}.date_updated = $sub.date_updated
elseif ($sub.date_updated -le $config.${name}.date_updated) {
$update = $false #already up to date
Echo "$subname seems to be up to date - checking for missing files..."
$datalen = $
[string]$datalen_str = $datalen
Echo "$subname contains $datalen_str file(s)."
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $datalen; $j++) {
$data = $[$j]
$file = $data.filename
$folder = "$($mod_meta.name_id)_$($metadata.ModId)_$($metadata.Version)"
if (-not(Test-Path $destination/$folder) -or $update) {
if (-not(Test-Path zips/$file) -or $update) {
Echo " Downloading $file..."
$webClient = New-Object net.webclient
$webClient.Downloadfile($, "$PSScriptRoot\zips\$file")
else {
Echo " Found existed $file"
if ($unpack) {
Echo " Unpacking $file..."
Expand-Archive zips/$file -DestinationPath $destination/$folder -Force
$metadata | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $destination/$folder/manifest.json -Encoding ascii
else {
Echo " Skipped $file (already exists and up to date)."
# Write updates to the config file
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content config.json
Echo '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
Echo "This seems to be everything :)"
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