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Created February 25, 2016 13:34
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#define PI 2*acos(0.0)
#define SIZE 1000000
#define endl '\n'
int caseno=1;
#define CP() printf("Case %d: ",caseno++)
#define R() freopen("in.txt","r",stdin)
#define W() freopen("out.txt","w",stdout)
#define sfi(_i) scanf("%d",&_i)
#define sfc(_c) scanf("%c",&_c)
#define pf1(_i) cout<<_i
#define pfl() cout<<endl
#define pfs() printf(" ")
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(i=(a);i<(b);i++)
#define REV(i,a,b) for(i=(a);i>=(b);i--)
using namespace std;
class T {
template<class X> static inline X Sq(X a) {return a*a;}
template<class X>static inline X Abs(X a) {return a>0 ? a : a*(-1);}
template<class X>static inline X Max(X a, X b) {return a>b? a:b;}
template<class X>static inline X Min(X a, X b) {return (a<b)? a:b;}
template<class X>static inline X Swap(X &a,X &b) {X c=a; a=b; b=c;}
static inline bool isNum(char c) {return (c>=48 && c<=57);}
static inline bool isAlpha(char c) {return ((c>=97 && c<=122)||(c>=65 && c<=90));}
static inline bool isUpper(char c) {return (c>=65 && c<=90);}
static inline bool isLower(char c) {return (c>=90 && c<=122);}
static inline int Gcd(int a, int b) {return (b==0)?a:Gcd(b,a%b);}
static inline long long int Fact(int x) {return (x==1)?x:(x*Fact(x-1));}
static inline long long int Atoi(char *s);
static inline char toLower(char c) {return isUpper(c)?c+=32:c;}
static inline char toUpper(char c) {return isLower(c)?c-=32:c;}
/*bool P[SIZE];
void primeSieve() {
for(int i=0;i<=SIZE;i++) P[i]=1;
for(int i=2;i<=SIZE;i++ ) {
if(P[i]==1) {
for(int j=2*i;j<=SIZE;j+=i) P[j]=0;
inline long long int T::Atoi(char *s) {
long long int n=0;
for(int i=0;s[i]!='\0';i++) {
if(T::isNum(s[i])) {
return n;
int MCM(int d[], int i, int j);
int M[10][10], S[10][10];
int main() {
int i,j,n=5;
int d[11]={15,10,25,20,5,15};
printf("Input Matrix Numbers: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
scanf("%d", &d[i]);
FOR(i,1,n+1) {
FOR(j,1,n+1) {
printf("%5d ",M[i][j]);
pfl(); pfl();
pfl(); pfl();
FOR(i,1,n+1) {
FOR(j,1,n+1) {
printf("%2d ",S[i][j]);
pfl(); pfl(); pf1("\t");
return 0;
int x=1;
int MCM(int d[], int i, int j){
int k, temp;
if(i==j) return 0;
for(k=i;k<=j-1;k++) {
temp=MCM(d,i,k)+ MCM(d,k+1,j) +d[i-1]*d[k]*d[j];
if(temp<M[i][j]) {
return M[i][j];
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