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Forked from lizTheDeveloper/how-to-start-a-project
Created November 16, 2015 19:19
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Rules of Engagement to start Project 1
## To start a project:
Navigate to a desired directory and make a new directory for your project:
cd ~/<your-projects-directory>
mkdir <first-project-name>
Change into your new directory and create a Git repository with a `.gitignore` file:
cd <first-project-name>
echo ".DS_Store" > .gitignore
git init
The `.gitignore` configures Git to ignore certain files.
Add and commit your `.gitignore` file:
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Initial commit with .gitignore"
Now create a new repository on Github and use this repository's SSH URL to add a remote to Git:
git remote add github<your-github-username>/<your-project-ssh-link>.git
Create a ``:
git add
git commit -m "Add"
Next, create your folder structure:
├── css
├── img
└── js
3 directories, 1 file
Create an `index.html` file. Add any frameworks you want to include into your `css` or `js` folders.
#### Remember these resources exist:
[Getting Started with Bootstrap](
[Meet the Ipsums](
The Commandments:
1. Thou Shalt Commit Frequently And Write Meaningful Commit Messages
2. Thou Shalt Push Frequently
3. Thou Shalt Make A Branch For Each Story
4. Thou Shalt Only Work On A Single Story At A Time
5. Thou Shalt Merge Branches Only After A Review
6. Thou Shalt Only Do Work In A Feature Branch
7. Thou Shalt Only Do Work In A Feature Branch That Is Related To The Feature
8. Thou Shalt Not Use Or Other Prewritten Code Instead Of Creating Your Own
9. Thou Shalt Push Thyself, But Not Beat Thyself Up
10. Thou Shalt Keep Thine Up To Date
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