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Last active January 7, 2023 02:55
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Getting to Successful Bulk Upload

Review Existing Documentation

Five Steps for Migration (Actually 8)

  1. Review your data
  2. Learn how to import tool works in your new system
  • Everaction's import tool is called Bulk Upload
    • indicate how each column in the spreadsheet should be loaded into the database
    • Review a summary of the data before final approval.
  1. Format your file(s)
  • De-duplicate before adding data
  • Can only upload 50 columns
    • Pair ID
    • How do we pair ministers with organizations (fucking PairID)
  1. Do a test upload
  2. Load your data
  3. Review the error report


  • It should be a plain text (.csv or .txt file) or an Excel file (.xls or .xlsx), or a Google Sheet

  • If it's a google sheet or excel file, only the first worksheet will be imported.

  • The file can be compressed in a .tar, .gz, .zip, or .rar format as long as it meets the following conditions:

    1. The source file contained insidee is a plain text or an Excel file.
    2. Compressed file name is EXACTLY the same as the source file name, except for the extension. (Example: would contain a file called ActivistCodes.txt)
  • The size of the upload file canno exceed 20 MB (how do I measure this?!)

  • The column header information must all be unique

  • If your file contains mailing addresses for your records, turn on the Advanced Error Handling and Reporting

    1. This will only work if you have mailing addresses for all the records in your file. Additionally, if this feature is on and an address in the file is incomplete, it will not uploaded.
    2. The feature will allow uploading even if some rows cannot be uploaded so that you can move forward with the good rows
    3. The problematic rows will be sperated into an Issues file, which can be accessed on the Administer Bulk Upload page nso that you can reformat as needed.


  • Tags have to be created prior to the upload. How, no clue!
  • A valid workaround is to upload the tags one issue at a time (this is so fucking bogus!)
  • It doesn't acknowledge my PairId column, but I am seeing that pressing edit for each colum, turns the columns from blue to green. Right now, PairId is white, which means the database doesn't understand how to manage that. Going to change that to Household and see if the database understands that concept. Going to start the upload over after making that change on the .csv


  • changed TAGS to TAG
  • changed Alubs to Albus
  • changed Dumbldoor's address to match Hogwarts


  • I uncheck the Enable Advanced Error Handling and Reporting
  • At the top, it says that some columns that are mapped have no values...that's normal.
  • What isn't normal is that the previews show all blue, we need to change those to green.


  • Select Apply Tag and click Choose Column from Data File and select tag then press next
  • It asks me to Load As Tag, but the drop downs are empty. I think that's because we currently don't have any tags.
    • This would also be useful if there was a different tag that needed to be unified under a different tag.

Contact Type

  • Press edit under contact type
  • In File Matching enabled household
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