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Intermission Prework for Mod 3

Module 3: Intermission Work



  • You must complete and submit all of these assignments.
  • It is due the Saturday before the start of the inning at 5pm [ ] Submit your work here: Survey Link


  • Complete the Prepping for Mod 3
    1. Workshop

Professional Development

  • Update your journal
    1. Do this

Ruby and Rails Versions

  • Confirm or Update your Ruby/Rails versions
    1. Follow this guide to make sure your versions are correct.

Intro to APIs

  • Everything we build in Mod 3 will focus on building and consuming APIs.
    1. Work through this tutorial to get a brief intro to APIs.

Deeply Nested Collections

  • When consuming APIs, the data is often returned in deeply nested collections, so you will need to tap into your Mod 1 skills to practice digging through them to retrieve the data you need.

    1. Fork and clone Here Be Dragons. Get the tests to pass.
  • Repo-link for my Here Be Dragons

Refactoring Workshop

  • In Mod 3, we will focus not only on getting code to work but also writing high quality code. This will involve topics covered in mod 1 such as creating classes and methods, adhering to SRP, and general refactoring principles.
    1. Review these topics by forking and cloning the refactoring workshop.
      1. Work through the activity in the README.
      2. This was designed as a partnered activity. You may choose to pair with a classmate or work solo.
      3. If working alone, write answers to the questions in your notebook instead of discussing.
  • Repo-link for my NEO Refactor

HTTP Request/Response

  1. On one piece of paper, write out all of the parts of an example HTTP GET request
    1. (Diagram the DNS look-up as well as how a Rails Application would handle the request via MVC)
  2. On a separate piece of paper, write out an example 200 response to that request with all of the parts
  3. Bonus write your explanation as a metaphor
  4. Bring this to class day 1.

Rails Routing

NOTE: This is not because one way is better, but it’s extremely important to understand what every line of your routes file is doing. Rails Engine demands a solid understanding of Rails routing.



  • We will discuss the following on the first day of the inning:

    1. Thinking Fast and Slow
    • This article is reminding me that there are a lot of good habits that I have as it pertains to studying. I allow myself to struggle. I allow myself to learn, and to not stay in unproductive struggle. But do I have a good head for that? Or am I an over-sharer? That was one of the feedback that I got from my peer Angela. She didn't say it so crudely...she was actually very polite and I had invited that kind of feedback from her. Basically, I asked very specifically what I could improve upon. She admired my vulnerability, and she said that it helped her open up also. What she also warned me about was what if the next space I end up working with doesn't accept that kind of public vulnerability? The truth is, that is an awesome question! How do I improve my professionalism and still be true to myself and what I'm going through?
  • I guess that's part of the problem, I'm always going through something hard. Things can't just be easy and easy going. How do I enter and start things on easy mode? What do I have to organize within myself, my daily rituals, my social circles, my therapist to really open up and prepare for myself to have an easy couple of years. I want it to be fun. I want to keep my curiosity. I want to not be down all the time, slugging through and barely making it. I want to thrive! Struggle and succeed and let the success linger. And what I'm learning is that I might be getting feedback on what I need to improve upon, but outside of good communication, my presence can be light as it is heavy. And I can develop habits so that I leave my issues at the door and present my best self in spaces where I don't want to be thinking about what is hard in my life.

  • The truth is, I need some slack. I am too ambitious and too much of a perfectionist to ever get anything right the first time. People have shared with me, aim low and out perform! And that to me has always felt like lying. I'm an ideas person! I want to share my amazing ideas! I want to try it out and if it works! Great! If it doesn't work! Dope! Let's keep it moving! I want to share my idea and have a team who's job is to make it reality! But I want them to understand why, how, I want them to really consent to the expirement and their adjusted workload. I want them to really push through their imagination about what is possible. I want them to consider their own due diligence. But ultimately, I want to be leading and inspiring them.

For further exploration

-If you have time, here are some activities that will be valuable not only in Mod 3, but in Mod 4 and the job hunt as well._

Data Structures And Algorithms

1. [ ] We are going to be covering various data structures to prepare you for the job hunt and technical interviews. Complete this former M1 project, [Jungle Beats](

JavaScript/JQuery (What’s this JavaScript I keep hearing about?)

  • JavaScript is the scripting language of web browsers.

  • During Module 3 we’ll start getting our first introductions to JS and we’d like you to work through some basic materials as a preparation.

    1. Eloquent JavaScript
      1. You are to complete Chapters 1-5 of Eloquent Javascript.
  • We are mainly looking for you to get experience with the syntax, and at a minimumum you should understand the JS Data Types, Conditionals, and Looping.

  • JQuery is a popular javascript library for manipulating the content of web pages. Dip your toes in with this introductory Jquery class.

    1. The old link wanted my credit card info, so I found my own: jQuery

Extra Work

  1. Redo the ActiveRecord Obstacle Course
  2. Pick 1 BE Mod 1 Project - Other Projects to complete
  3. Pick 2 BE Mod 1 Project - EXTENSION Projects to complete
  4. Pick 1 BE Mod 2 Archived Projects to complete
  5. Work through Week 1 of Front End Mod 1 (as best you can)
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